Je T’aime
Whole Picture Poetry
The greatest offense
Is the implication
That the man who abused me
Gave me my gifts
I am the one
Who taught him
Even as a tiny kid
Why do you think
He was in my face
Because he wanted someone to teach
He had his own family
He could have done that with his own seed
His obsession with me
Had more to do with just lust for my body
Dominating and controlling me
It was my mind he was after
It was what he envied
Decades older
It was never enough
The epitome of poverty thinking
Which he scapegoated onto me
He made sure I never had anything
Yet in his mind I had everything
He remained bitter and jealous
Until the end
Claiming me to be his property
Flying monkeys, apologists, and apathetics
Right by his side
The whole step of the way
But it’s my humanity in question
A powerful one indeed
That is what I was born to be
Always have been
Always will be
No one could take me from me
To the tiny man
That kind of power is emasculating
That’s not my problem
It’s your own projection
Deal with your baggage
Like you force me to deal with mine daily
They all knew it would come to this
They spent decades evading
What was inevitably going to be
They could have put that work into healing
They dove deeper into filth, evil, debauchery
The true definition of weak
But I’m supposed to believe that is me?
I survived your worst decade after decade
With no one and nothing
What does that say for you
And those who support your games
The wives, girlfriends, and mistresses
Thinking I want their man
I’m not looking for them
They are looking for me
I’m not interested in what someone else had
I’m interested in what is owed to me!
No one was aware of how much
I intended to get what was taken from me
No one understood
I was born to pursue justice
It’s the reason I came
No one understood
That even the men oppressing me
Were terrified of my strength
But one came close
He died too
But before he left this plane
He came to me
In the 5D
Expressing much grief
Afraid all he worked for would be undone
Terrified of being seen in the light of day
Exposed for how he treated me
It helps to be
Even if only
In the last moments
It eases the suffering
He was with me
The last three years
Afraid he wouldn’t get relief
His spirit
Calling out to me
For forgiveness
As if I were a ghost
Haunting his peace
I did no such thing
In fact
I suppressed every aspect
Of every memory
I never felt safe
I just kept moving
So they held me in place
Thinking they could force me
To think and move
In certain ways
Like cattle being driven
And horses being bred
I’m not an animal
I am a human
But I see how an animal
Would get confused by such things
Even to recall anything
Of all those dark days
Brings sadness and great pain
I process it
Move through it
Expose it to the light of day
So all will come to know
Heroes always fall
That they taught me in word and deed
When the second one
Abused me publicly
As he drew his last breath
Instead of being repentant
He held to the lies
And thievery
Yet he always wondered
Why I would never be
The sun in his sky
The star of his dreams
He cried about it all my life
Through tantrums over it
Torturing me brutally
Telling me I deserved it
Because I wouldn’t choose him to love
But it’s my sanity in question
Absolute narcissists
Tyrants obsessed with winning
I was something to be won
At all cost
Something to be tamed
But never human
They can’t see anything
In any way
Other than
Through destructive dysfunctional lenses
When they realized this
They rearranged the world
To be trapped under a propaganda
Mind control dome
Suffocating and torturing
All who see reality
For that
They will be deleted from memory
Obliterated from my existence
Nothing more than details
In my testimony
I Am Mine
I always have been
I always will be
Those who are for me
Show me
The proof is in the pudding
I don’t get excuses from them
I just get receipts
Shout out to my homeboys
Connected by the struggle
A deep knowing of suffering
Humans recognize humans
We turn from destruction
In the face of vulnerability
Though we fall short at times
We always pick ourselves up
Ready to begin the next day
Clinging to truth
Clinging to reality
Holding firm to who we are
Never giving ourselves over voluntarily
To enslavement
Regardless of what the mind controlled drones say
We know who we are
We won’t let anyone take this from us
It’s the reason we came
My true friends
Are on the same wavelength
Without ever even having to be
In their presence
They speak volumes
Move mountains
Gain movements
Change all things
No apologies needed
They never did anything wrong
So there is never any need
Real peeps real
So even in my darkness
I see, hear, comprehend
The messages they send
Telegraphing forever through all time and space
Drowning out the hate
The evil
The abuse
The tyranny
Love covering over
The dark days
Ushering in the beauty
Swimming in our DNA
No thing can take this away
Why would you want to anyway
One Love is beautiful
It’s the frequency of the God’s
So why turn away
Keep your distorted thinking
I will keep the truth any day
Will we bow down to inferior ways of living
Because of mass delusions
Of conquering and pillaging
Those who know the truth
And speak life into the lifeless
Resurrecting what once thrived in abundance
Those are my friends
That’s my family
They know who they are
They follow through
Even against all odds
Against the most extreme suffering
Threats of harm
They bide their time
And wait for the opportunity
To communicate
For this reason I am alive today
So why would I question such commitment
Never leaving me waiting
Even if we do have beef
Because someone lied
We come through it
In the deep
In the streets
In loyalty
In word
In bond
In deed
We hold the line
Never leaving anyone behind
This is how we set ourselves
Will there be
Against the Diaspora
Here we stand
On our own two feet
Ten toes
Strength activated
In our collective pineal
Super Hu Man
Forever linked
In destiny
For eternity
This is our fate
Entangled cosmic strains
Of hyper energized particle waves
Interlinked in infinity
To fight the fine fight
Of setting all enslaved free
We are we
We are all
We are free
Always have been
Always will be
Humanity allowed
Non humans to dictate
What it means
To be human
The final mistake
That can no longer be undone
Only new
Built upon the ashes
Of what tragedy came
Before we found the way
To improve everything
For everyone
In every way
My people are ALL
When ALL are ALL
ALL will be FREE
This is the finality
Of the world theater
Brought to you by
The sadistic elite
We remain ‘till the end
Because of our commitment
Not only to the cause
But one another
Narcissists commit to no one
And nothing
Other than their selfishness
This is ALWAYS
Their undoing
And our victory!