July 4, 2021

Danielle Diew
4 min readJul 4, 2021


Black Americans are an ethnic minority experiencing genocide in our homeland due to racial aggression. Our human rights continue to go ignored, even by President Joe Biden

Attempts within the Senate to secure the nation, bring aid and relief to people other than White America and their protected sub-groups, to deliver medical care and vaccinations equitably during the pandemic, to secure safety during times of unrest, to quash the rise of extremism and fascism, and efforts to SECURE THE HOMELAND continue to be blocked by the insurgency.

Through it all, Black America takes the brunt of all the force from the very well-crafted web of chaos decades in the making. When detailing our harsh conditions we are accused of being “the boy who cried wolf” when in reality the wolf are nazis in sheep clothing. Through it all we are expected to remain docile, if we buck the system then the system sets out to break us in some form or another. If we recognize this very obvious pattern in American society, we are called mentally ill and treated as such. The disabled are the most heavily targeted among us, as well as the gifted, the LGBTQ, and anyone who chooses not to conform to the racist, fascist, aggression.

We have been asking to be treated as humans since the inception of this nation. Our pleas continue to go ignored. We don’t actually need permission, we are trying to demonstrate the behaviors we wish to see in the world. We recognize who we are, born free, whole, aware, powerful, full of energy, light, love, truth, wisdom passed down generation after generation via mitochondria DNA in the form of ancestral memories. YES, we are brilliant, we had to be in order to survive. Our brilliance is viewed as a threat to the White, racist, heterosexual, male-dominated Christian society that dominates America by force via the extreme right that now holds the nation under occupation.

The majority of Americans do not agree with these extreme racist ideologies yet the nation continues to remain subject to them on July 4, 2021. We are seven months into the new administration and Black people are still dying daily, no legislation passed to protect our hashtag Humanity, and we are hashtag gaslit about it every day as we continue to be told that systemic oppression is hashtag fake news.

We are more than just another hashtag, we have always known this. Extreme white America has difficulty adapting to the idea.

Black America is forced to evolve in order to survive while White America is told they are born superior. There is no such thing as equality in America and this structure is rooted in its foundations. Until America addresses the “Racist White Elephant” in the middle of the nation behaving like a “Racist White Rhino” posing as “Racist White Elk” nothing can change. Just think about it.

The death rates of state-sanctioned murders are not accurately reported however, what is reported is an atrocity. All done in plain view of the entire world via the internet. When accountability is called for, police action ensues and most often escalates even under the mildest situations. The military, paramilitary groups, militias, extreme right actors, politicians, government authorities, legislation, and medical relief during the pandemic have all been used to attack the Black community directly. Economic attacks against the Black community have always been the practice in America yet over the past five years attacks have increased so dramatically that our population is decreasing swiftly and so are our resources individually but also as a whole. All of this continues to go unnoticed, in plain sight.

All of this yet, not a single piece of legislation has passed to protect Black America even while other minority groups have been given special protection.

Throughout the past five years Black America has systematically lost legal protection as human beings, the right to pursue justice, the right to thrive, the right to our cultural beliefs, the right to worship according to our choosing, the right to protect ourselves individually but also collectively and culturally, the right to pursue the highest authority, the right to express our highest destiny and the pursuit of happiness, the right to representation, the right to vote, control over our genetics or how we procreate, the right to protect our family structures, the right to move about the country freely as citizens, the inability to recover from state-sanctioned attacks or collateral damage due to negligence, or the ability to recover after the economic attacks in the form of recessions.

Black America is obviously under attack yet we remain unprotected. Through it all, we have fought off escalation from all sectors of American society without a single act of accountability, true acknowledgment of our current circumstances let alone past, or relief in order to survive this pandemic that has been weaponized against us.

The toll these attacks will reap on the Black Community is unfathomable and much like climate change which affects the Black Community more than any other, no one is acknowledging these harsh realities. In fact, the machine that goes into claiming these truths to be false is so extensive that it would take a super-computer and the highest classifications to calculate it using advanced AI. It’s not that this information is unknown, it’s that this information is kept from the general population from being known. These are known knowns and always have been. When you create chaos you don’t need to guess which way the storms will flow.

Black America is experiencing a denied holocaust @UNHumanRightsCouncil

This is my digital diary

@NationalGeographic Museum The Library of Congress TIME UN Women Congressional Progressive Caucus Center

Protect The Homeland and that includes, by law, according to The Constitution of the United States, Black America

We All are All!



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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