
Danielle Diew
9 min readJan 29, 2022


“Great” Poetry — A New Trail Of Tears Installation

When “Lesser” Means “Great”

While being racist

And political

Attacking human rights

And being obstructionist

The far right can do and say

As they please

But if you’re Black

You’re censored harder than

The terrorists destroying democracy

You can be “right”

And call us “less” than

Setting the stage for more abuses

Through overt dog whistles

While simultaneously exalting

A “protected class”

Claiming there is no privilege

As the lives adjacent to White

Are considered “important”

All while telling Black people

We don’t matter

Simultaneously saying

“It’s not about race

You people lie and whine

About everything, snowflake”

These are the things they say

To our face

Us we suffer an die

In mass

Every day

From ethnic cleansing

No one cares! UN Human Rights

The USA Amnesty International USA

Doesn’t even know how many Black People

Are still living

In this country

Let alone how and why so many

Have passed away

Or remain in prison

Innocent, no charges, no court date, non violent charges, misdemeanors

Meanwhile insurgents are going on vacation

As they await trial for attempting a coup

To overthrow democracy

The hypocrisy is live streamed



To show other nations

How to do the same

As 2/3rds of the planet

Falls to authoritarian reign

But we are the ONLY ones still

Without legal protections

Yet sill told “we are equal”

As we lose rights and protections every day

No one even looking in

To see if we are surviving United Nations


That other populations are celebrated


Receive funding

Have days of remembrances

Are supported




While after hundreds of years of suppression

In our own country

Black American Descendants of Enslavement

Continue as we always have

“Less” than

No matter the space we walk in U.S. Department of State

It’s 1.28.22 and my contract still remains un-honored

If I were a “White boy, a White man”

Like the senator screamed when he denied I had a right to exist

Then there would be no questions

His rights are always protected

Every other population can point to legislation

That protects their constitutional rights

As well as inalienable rights

Even those going through the immigration process

But Black America remains stateless

Though we are entitled to the rights we are born to

They continue to be unprotected UNESCO

Therefore usurped daily

In every way

While extremist leadership in government

Occupies America’s critical infrastructure

Black America along with vulnerable populations

Continue to be targeted for eradication

In plain sight daily

We are called crazy for reporting the atrocities

But we live them daily

Our entire lives

Every generation

Since Europeans first came to this land

Enslaving our ancestors already present

But most don’t even know

This history now called “CRT” is illegal

But in truth it’s just truth aka history

But now it’s illegal to speak of such things

But this isn’t a “holocaust”?


You didn’t say that about the Rohingya Muslims

Nor do you say it about Ukraine

You don’t say that about Afghanistan

You didn’t even say it about No More in Ethiopia

Or Palestinians on their own soil

It’s interesting how politicians

Can pick and choose who’s lives mean something

Who’s lives don’t

Who’s lives can be experimented on

Who’s lives will be rewarded

What ever the scenario

Black life has no say in the stakes

We don’t even get the knowledge needed

To learn how to be a player in the game

Where stake holders get a seat at the table

To negotiate our fate

We are born to it daily

Scapegoated for the social engineering

Humiliated for becoming targets of such predation

Then attacked with precision to keep the right in control

Of the narrative

These are paramilitary tactics used against an ethnic population

On U.S. soil

Even though we are U.S. citizens using our 1st amendment right

To speak about the atrocities and violations

Our community experiences as a whole daily

Yet we are being tortured, enhanced or otherwise, and slaughtered

Even just for protesting

But this isn’t genocide? Human Rights Watch

Not when the target populations

Are those that have too much melanin

Or poverty

Or disability

Or non-binary

Or anything not on the eugenics echelon

Created by nazi’s from Operation Paperclip

But you claim this isn’t a holocaust

Though the planet knows

We’re experiencing apocalyptic conditions

So the genocide against us

Continues unabated

Whole clever dog whistles

Rooted in Colonialist ways

Go forth from the highest positions in the land

As those who hate Blackness

Are prioritized over our lives

The hate of the far right

Is more important than Black life

This from the top levels

Of government UN Women

As all three branches continue hamstrung

The top office has no concern President Joe Biden

For the reality of systemic oppression

“Back to normal” with a wicked smile on the face

Forget all those lives left suffering

“You used an unpopular campaign slogan”

Yelling just like that senator did when I was kid

All observing fall in line

They don’t want to be humiliated

Or lose favor

Or lose funding

Or lose influence

That’s the world we live in

One where tyrants rule with an iron fist and nukes

While the most vulnerable are life to fend for ourselves

But I never stopped questioning

Fighting back

Arguing my position

Which is why they keep pushing back

Against my right to fight for my own existence


But I’m supposed to accept this?

As my “lot in life”

Bow down to extremism and predation?

Boot lick while I remain silent about how I am being violated?

That’s never been me!

“Bow to no one!” Is how I was trained

So as you continue the campaign against my right to life

You should probably know

Your threats, attacks, abuses

Are triggering

They make me stand

They trigger my self defense mechanisms

You attack

I self defend

It’s how I’m trained

So the more you abuse

The stronger I get

Thanks for the help

Bet you didn’t think that would be the “collateral damage”

My eyes in the sky

My angels in the outfield

My friends in the deep

My people everywhere

Have my back

Ensuring we survive this terra forming

But telling the tale of what went on here

Is muddied by scrubbing

Ai, censorship, shadow bans, and muting

Propaganda, paramilitary computing

Every other population and special interest Speaker Pelosi

Prioritized over our lives and rights Congressional Black Caucus

While daily

We suffer and die

In mass

At apocalyptic rates

Still our own government does nothing

All because we elected a Black president

And said “Black Lives Matter”

Now we must die in a man made apocalypse?

And accept it?


To save the lie of white supremacy

And keep mankind from evolving?


But I have the unstable mind?

Not those following such a ridiculous plan?

How could ANYONE want such things?

I would rather stand for equality

Than die with wealth, deviance, no accountability, crying about being a victim

I would rather maintain the courage of my convictions

Rather than giving in to deviance

For a chance at a lifestyle that is lavish

Sacrificing people along the way

Because that is what is expected

It’s not only disgusting

It’s not human

So why trivialize the conditions?

If you’re innocent that is

So where is the confusion?

Rushing in to save others

While simultaneously

Ignoring the propagandized, politicized, pathologized

Campaign from the right that

Stalks, attacks, harasses, suppresses, abuses, eradicates

Those who repeat the message

That Black life matters

While they attack democracy

Our lives crash and burn

No one cares Amnesty International

We’ve experienced this for hundreds of years UNICEF

But the worst violations

Of our inalienable rights

Get no acknowledgement at all The White House

As Slave Politics

Run every day life

We’re still living as we did

At the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the Industrial Age

There are just more gadgets to keep us distracted

From starting an uprising

To fight for our freedom

We literally are fighting for the right to life

As we’re constantly told

“Race doesn’t matter”


nazi idealism

Political propaganda


Far right extremism

All dominate the U.S. government

Yet the idea that systemic oppression is real

Is illegal so to speak

With terrorists occupying critical spaces

At every level

Life for White people remains the same

Or gets way better even

As they continue to hoard the planet’s resources

To maintain the lie of white supremacy

For the marginalized

We are left to suffer and die

But it doesn’t even warrant an honorable mention

During a weather report

Which by the way

Gets stranger by the day

Because one things for sure

2 things for certain

The U.S. continues to deny systemic oppression

Like it denies climate change

While the planet continues to crash and burn

It’s 1.28

2022 AD

The United States government still denies me

Like it denies climate change

There is never a consequence

For the violation of human rights

Other populations are used to abuse us

It’s all done in broad day light

We’re supposed to accept being treated like terrorists

Simply because we are fighting for our right

To exist

But no one cares!

Democracy where??? Library of Congress

My name is Danielle Diew Coleman

Daughter of David Coleman

Both of us former paramilitary operatives

Both of us sentenced to enslavement

Both of us targeted for having big brains, great strength, and fast healing

“I’ll turn you into a cash cow” I was told at 4 years old

When my handler pimped me out like a grown woman to grown men

No consequences

The abuse and enslavement has never ended

But I’m the one “unstable” for talking about it


I’m glad I never became the kind of entity

That could minimize such atrocities

I maintained my humanity

I am so thankful for that!

My father and I oppressed and tagged

In similar fashion

Controlled and dominated by the same hands

Both of us labeled a “threat” for knowing certain things

Even for having a clearance

Though we never were able to reject it

Yet we’re held accountable for the “feelings” of the bigots abusing us

While our actual inalienable rights are ignored

Treating us worst than terrorists

Though we fight for the country every day

Putting democracy first

We never broke our oath

Or failed to complete a mission

Instead of paying us what we are owed, honoring our contract, providing

As we are always told would happen

We are denied, blamed, minimized

So that every accomplishment goes to a white person

Every failure belonging to someone else becoming our stigma

Psychological operations used to suppress us

Just for existing with certain knowledge

Use us as slaves then discard us when we fight the violations

But these violations of our rights don’t deserve attention

Because we used an “unpopular political slogan”




Our lives are kept “just above poverty level”

My handlers always used to say

“This is above poverty”

My son asks

Wow ain’t America Great?

But no one cares

My father died never seeing a day of justice

Just like my mother did

Alone, locked away in home, not able to access the medical care they needed

Just like the 1st Black President’s mother did

All our prophets die in eerie fashion

Our houses of worship shot up like target practice

Targeted for how we think and speak and present

State sanctioned killings

In vast numbers

Most aren’t even captured in demographics

We’re eradicated in broad day light

Even our own people can’t escape the cognitive dissonance

But we’re supposed to accept it

As they criminalize, pathologize, propagandize, and commodify

Our mass suffering while we are being slaughtered to death


But we’re wrong for drawing attention to it

People complain that it takes too long to talk about it

“I’m sick of hearing about it”

People say

But I’m sick of living it!

You have no problem with it happening

Only a problem with complaining about it

But you say you’re not sick?


That’s what “superiority” looks like?

What are you up against?

Is there a gun to your kids head?

We live it daily

Not by our own hands

But extremists in government

NO ONE CARES! Vice President Kamala Harris

Things have to change!

Human rights are not a negotiation!

I promised my Dad I wouldn’t die before

Telling his story as best as I can

It’s not easy to talk about such things

I hardly ever even got to see him

My handler interfered with our relationship

But I don’t break promises

So I honor the promise I made

Wondering what truly became of him

Because his life was snuffed out

Like his spirit was by special forces

Like mine was when I was conscripted

Yet never receive a day of justice

We don’t even receive the opportunity to discuss it

Even for turning our pain into art

By creating works that depict it

We are censored, muted, shadow banned, abused, stalked, cyber stalked

Attacked and bullied

Because we tell the truth

And the abusers don’t want to be revealed

We are forced by society

To prioritize their feelings about being held to accountability

Over our ability to survive

Or to access justice

Because we said Black Lives Matter

And MeToo

Now we must die?

But racism doesn’t matter?

Are we supposed to be fools?

We all knew this would happen

We fight for our protections

Because it is our right

This is not a negotiation



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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