Like You and I
The Details
Never has anything
Like this existed
Baffling of course
Yet very needed
Look at God
Look at nature
Look at The Universe
Look at our place in it
Look how it has unfolded
I wasn’t sure of anything
Except that The Most High
Was always with us
Now look what’s happened
We manifested all
The path onward and upward
You ran the race
You endured
Loyal and faithful
Open heart and mind
Protective, supportive, nurturing
In my confusion
You left footsteps for me to follow
The light you shined for me
Kept me
I can’t imagine
If The Most High had not selected you
For this very mission
Without you
I would have been lost in it
The evil and filth
Your beauty
Because of you
I breathe again
There are some things
No one teaches
Yet here you are