Little Sacred Death

Danielle Diew
3 min readJan 11, 2023


SHE Poetry

SHE Frequencies

You can’t define me

You can’t control me

You can’t kill me

I’m eternal

I never go away

You don’t understand me

That’s your issue isn’t it


Just as I was created to be

You fear what you don’t know

Sounds pretty toxic to me

You don’t know most things

What a hellish way to be

In a constant fear state

All things triggering

Simply because you can’t accept

That you don’t understand

And leave it at that

You could learn

But that’s too much work

You aren’t used to it

Yet you wonder why

You manifest evil

Your energy follows your intention

Everything about you is built on






You can’t create

I live in a state of love

Even through torture


Murder attempts

All these decades

Love has sustained

Love like life

Is a state of existence

You don’t even need another

To activate it

You simply commune

With the love that is


In all things

Like GOD

The Most High Creator

Love is alive




It is unconditional

When we can rise enough

To tap in

Reach its potentiality

Commune with our potential

We become new beings

Like our ancestors


Love is the highest form

A human can live

Like it’s cousins

Ecstasy and bliss

Love elevates our energy

Allowing us to be in

Multiples of dimensions

The right kind of orgasm

Can also accomplish this

What those who fear the unknown

Know to fear

Is their own delusions

Surrounding their confusion

False images

Falling by the wayside

Changing all things

Releasing what’s been hidden

The fearful feel this is death

It’s merely the ego

Learning new lessons

Opening new pathways


Some fear the positive

Some live in a constate state of fake

Some escape

Or mask their true self

Hiding behind images of what society says


Let them remain where they exist

But those of us who know love

Have no need to let go of it

Love is not lust

That is so 3 dimensional

It has no other way to exist

Love is a state of existence

Not just a feeling


Most often triggering action

Equal to the power behind it

But that’s not all love is

Love IS true power

The greatest power in this dimension

When you don’t understand love

You can’t fathom self




Upward, onward momentum

Love is the key

To all things

Some say

It’s the only true religion

There is

When built on solid ground

Love protects

Many miss it

Some get snatched away

By those who threaten, torture, rape

Love still cures all that ails

Love is in all things

In all life

In every thought

In all that is

Without love

A human is just a suit

Made of skin

With actual, true, unconditional love

It becomes the means

To flip your switch

Allowing you to tap in

To all there is

From within

Driving, flying, wielding

Multiple previously unknown

Now known


It can be accessed in many ways

Tantra, kundalini, yoga




Herbal infusion

Psychedelic experiments

Healing the vessel

Healing the mind

Integrating the soul

Aligning chakras

Activating pineal

Foods, music, art, writing

All things that can

Activate the energy

Actuating within

When we allow it

All begins

With the dark matter

Within the pineal

Sending & receiving signals

Some as far as the edge of

Our solar system

Some as close as

Our own beds

The pineal

Once activated

Changes everything

What chips do

In the form of

Neural implants

Pineal glands do

Within the brain

By natural means

THIS is the key

To quantum leaping


Into higher dimensions

Class I to Class III

Natural order

Begins in the pineal

While society lies

Says it’s not real

Those of us who know

Continue to wield it

So Be It

Spread the news


ALL be free




Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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