Lots Of Shiny Things
Every day I am reminded
more and more
of what I have survived
What I had to fight
to allow my mind to thrive
I made unparalleled sacrifices
Now I choose to shine
Don’t try to dim me
It’s my time
I’m not a shiny object
I am the light
Cutting through the darkness
of lies
What I have survived
What we have survived
How hard it was
How hard it is
to remain alive
All this time
Hundreds and hundreds
of years on this land
Forced to change
time and time again
all the while hiding who I am
I am me
I am She
Who causes to be
Why should I change
a single thing
Simply to appease thieves
who do nothing but abuse
Me and every one like me
It’s so strange
to be in a world
where people see such suffering
and walk on by
Feeling nothing
People think hardship and suffering
are contagious because
that’s what abusers of authority
have programmed the world to think
But what do you see
The whole world is now traumatized
and suffering
Did YOU cause this to be?
Then why is it that when you see me
you assume that my suffering is because of
choices that I made
But what if it were
Do I deserve to suffer and die
for mistakes?
Strange things
People don’t even know
they are the embodiment
of apathy
COVID didn’t create these conditions
It amplified them
It revealed that
This is their private shame
Evil never wants to see
the light of a bright shiny day
Where the heat of the sun
burns down it’s cleansing rays
To scorch what once
dominated causing great pain
It’s Gabriel’s sword of truth
And She wields it with confidence
and great strength
She directs it to those
who lie, steal, and thwart
all opportunities for everyone
to break free from tyranny
She points her sword of truth
towards those who abuse
Instead of aiding
those whose health is failing
due to age, illness, or injury
Won’t even say a word
in response to great suffering
To them
It means nothing
They don’t even understand
they have lost their own humanity
The most important treasure
anyone on Earth can have
people are throwing away
Life is within
God is within
Harmony is within
If you know it
if you have experience it
if you have seen it
or heard it
when you went within
then you would know this
It wouldn’t require explaining
You can’t buy it
Yoga matts and soy lattes
won’t help you achieve these things
It won’t save you in the end
to know you have stolen from a friend
Left them to die alone
in sickness
It won’t stop your suffering
to know that when a vulnerable person
needed something for healing
you made sure you wouldn’t even allow it
to be grown anymore
You remove all possibilities of ever finding
All because your ego won’t allow you
to appear as though you didn’t know
what you were doing
“You mean you were lead by a child”
Had he fully listened
the world would not have gone through ANY
of these horrendous things
He loved chaos
so that is what he brings
The world allowed this
sacrificing Black and marginalized people
from every place
When you truly know
a higher path
When you have felt the warmth
that heals the past
And seen the light
that ignites a heart in a flash
When you hear the words
that only your heart knows
When you know that you know
that you know
The differences between illusion
and delusion
Higher vibrations allow you
to see through the veil
that separates reality
and confusion
We have all been under illusion
This is how society
was engineered to be
Now we have the option to wake from it
I choose to wake regardless of what others do
But what will you choose?
This truth is what I crave
I choose with courage
to awaken from the dream
I choose with honor
to be among those who
no longer walk in sleep
I choose to honor the blessing of life
The treasures that come
from spiritual things
Beastly pleasures never
belonged in spiritual places
This truth shall be preached
throughout all the earth
Then we shall all know
what it is to be free
That is the old way
of relating
to planetary things
The new world
is inherited
by those who value
what the spirit has to say
Conquering and calling it
the “right” way
is out with the old world order
THIS is the cancel culture
Angry mobs attacking democracy
Black lives
the marginalized
and keeping kids
in cages
or trapped in stages
Hiding behind masks
pretending life is what WE make it
But what about the chaos YOU make
Why are we banned from talking about
the torture and trauma
that you call fake?
We are not all as confused
A lot of see your evil and refuse
what you choose
You scapegoat us for your activities
and we get attacked
and bruised
But those who were so quick to believe the lie
Those are the ones who also
need accountability
for being cruel
If you’re not in control of you
then who is
Answer that question
then we’ll decide what happens to you next
It’s tough when you sit in the judgement seat
But that’s where you have held me
my entire life
My entire community
for centuries
Bound in chains
Whipping us for whimpering from pain
A beat dog barks
But we’re not dogs
We never were
Who is controlling what you do
Confusing you
by night and day
attempting to make
the reigning way
When most prefer ALL
as voting records indicate
Which one do YOU think
is the evolved and
human way
Why fear change?
It’s time the world
made it plain
Throwing away the divine
for the mundane
I never
Believed that such things
would ever lead
to anything
other than
Hellish 3D things
How are we to thrive
and survive
if we can’t get to
5, 6, 7D
Class I to Class III
The world is so basic
it can’t even get past greed
Advanced civilizations
require cooperation
A belief in a system
of ascension
Moving onward
upward, outward
toward greater things
In unity
In synchronicity
In belief
that ALL can achieve
if ALL work in unity
Then the epitome of synergy
is achieved
what we get
is shameless theft, grift, lies, deceit
Brainwashing, mind control
Operations that wipe out truth
and entire communities
Blaming in shifts
Abuse, attacks, rape, war, pillaging
Eradicating entire civilizations
because of what
extremists believe
This is as low as anything
can get
Not even like snakes
who are quite intelligent
More like worms
who only know one move
and that’s it
Yet this is “normal”
Why would anyone intentionally choose
Still every day
it’s more of the same
Because a tiny percentage of
the population
is afraid
of the unknown
that change brings
Look around
Be proud?
Of what
The path of destruction?
This is what the unsustainable
of the white male dominated patriarchy
Now all know what a holocaust is
“Great” job
Why would you intentionally make that happen
without ever even looking at options
You just wanted
what you could get
are you happy
Was it worth it?
Those who are evolved
know how to feed themselves energetically
In balanced
harmonious way
of appetite
They don’t make their sickness
another’s baggage
Refusing to face themselves
running away from pain
Talking about how sad the target is
Evolve already
This is what the planet demands
The rest of the universe is waiting
For Earth to rise above
cave man dwellings
wrapped up
in lots of shiny things
Claiming superiority
of the most violent
All puns intended
I don’t care if you’re offended
Those who slaughter
don’t deserve respect
you deserve the hand you dealt
So that’s what you shall get
So Let It Be
I Am She
Who Causes To Be
I like to manifest things
that balance the scales
and allow the whole planet
to breathe
Imagine that
A world where breathing
is a human right
A right for ALL life
rather than just “all”
This is my decree
So shall it be