In The West EVERYTHING is manufactured
Particularly appearances
But people wonder why wealth hasn’t made them happy
The so called “charisma” of famous people is most often lab created
Not a natural gift
Take a look around
Do you see anyone charasmatic enough
To make a real difference
Leadership at the U.N. can’t even do it
Marketing is literally mind control
The West gets it’s practices from nazi Germany
Everybody’s an actor
So few ever find themselves
Fame, fortune, manufactured magnetism
Other than proof of how The West maintains control through torture
Mass marketing of entertainment included
I should know
DR taught me himself
That was his domain
I’ve been present for more deals with the devil
Than I will ever be able to remember
I have seen exploitation in extreme levels
Acros every single sector
All my life
But people wonder why I see them coming
You’re obvious
You call me MPC but I’m not in a game
You are
Being played
Often the most famous are the most predatory
That shit will never impress me
For the most part I find it filthy
What impresses me is a mfr who knows how to show up
With fortitude
In the moment as needed
Keeping commitments
Keep shit stable
Protect as needed
With the highest ability
Protecting mutual assets like actual business professionals rather than thieves, grifters, warmongers, predators
Promising the world
Delivering nothing but disease and other people’s inventions
I prefer life rather than death
So that zombie lifestyle that often exists with the “rich and famous”
Doesn’t appeal
Regardless of your “magnetism”
I can’t stand fake shit
So if you aren’t real
I reject it
Eject it
It’s hard to find one that is still real
They exist
But hard to find nonetheless
To me
Those are the truly magnetic
The ones who can still remain self
But they are few and far between
So the ones holding it down
Ya’ll are THE SHIT
Because it’s really hard to be around that and
Still be authentic