May Of 2020

Danielle Diew
4 min readJan 11, 2022


The Point Of No Return

Since the protests of May 2020, life has become almost unlivable. If it weren’t for my training as a former paramilitary operative, I would be dead. My children as well. We have come under unrelenting extreme attacks from right wing zealots, government personnel, aid workers, social workers, paramilitary units, law enforcement, religious zealots, fascists, and white supremacy activists from every level of society. This silence from within the 1% of the Black community is most notable. Why would anyone else in the community reach out to help people who won’t even help themselves? Meanwhile, we risk everything for everyone, everyday and are treated like social pariahs for doing so while those paid to do the job have accomplished nothing for anyone other than themselves. While the 1% are thriving, as they always do, the 99% are groping in the dark, hoping for a lifeline. This is what the success of “Capitalism” looks like.

Since the protests of May 2020 when Black Lives Matter was declared a terrorist organization and all forms of protests on behalf of saving Black life have been targeted we have struggled to gain access to anything necessary for survival. We have had more crimes committed against us than I can keep up with numbering and instead of the perpetrators of the crimes being investigated, the targets are criminalized. Surveillance has escalated. Hacking, stalking, cyber stalking, shadow banning, muting, silencing, and censorship continue to increase with impunity. We struggled for survival prior to COVID, the protests, and the coup. Now survivability is almost impossible, there is no accountability for any of it! While people at various socio-economic levels are fairing differently, ALL are impacted negatively, Black Americans at apocalyptic rates and not a single action has taken place to protect our lives. Simultaneously, every other population and special interest remains protected, funded, and supported. Yet people wonder why we are angry. This didn’t begin in May 2020, it has gone on hundreds of years, it escalated in May 2020 because Black people are tired of being dehumanized and massacred from ethnic cleansing while the world’s leadership turns a blind eye. UN Women UNICEF UNESCO Amnesty International Amnesty International USA

UN Human Rights Human Rights Watch Progressive Caucus

Politics as usual continues to ensure that white supremacy maintains a stronghold on all 3 branches of the united states government. There are MANY measures to prevent this, however President Joe Biden continues to ignore every single one. Watching Black America suffer and die at rates greater than anyone can number, in fact America cannot even account for how man Black people are within her boarders let alone how we are dying!

We are more than 1 year past the Capital attack and an attempted coup by an insurgency that has yet to be put down. Since when has America ever failed to put down an insurgency that affected her infrastructure? We are 3 years into COVID, and hundreds of years into the fight to protect human rights for Black people. The problem is obvious, white supremacy holds back the entire human race and this is why it must be put down once and for all. Why is American leadership refusing?

No one in leadership can honestly say that no one saw this coming. The intelligence community has been warning Congress FOR DECADES! That’s the entire reason the Barack Obama administration instituted a Continuity Of Operations Plan that would protect against such attacks that have brought the U.S. to it’s knees, the rest of the world in tow. The surprise to most is that “white domestic terrorism” is a reality, everyone thought evil came from some marginalized population. That is the power of propaganda that continues to flow freely in America, completely unimpeded.

America has allowed extremism to thrive, to the absolute detriment of the entire planet. There is no version of this story that allows the planet to survive along with the life that it needs to maintain a healthy biome for humanity. Not without immediate action to put down the insurgency threatening all life and the actual planet itself. The entire planet’s resources are being held hostage so that the very people who intentionally ruined the planet, harmed all life killing off more than half, and continues to engineer chaos and destruction for the sake of the lie of white supremacy, can freely escape to space. While preparing for a “golden parachute” for only 1% of the world’s total population, destroying all possibility for other options to be pursued, the global elite intend to further their sickness spreading into the pristine life of space where they will continue the same tactics that destroyed this planet. Why would this seem like a viable option to any sane human?

American leadership has a mandate to protect life, the Constitution, democracy, and America’s infrastructure. It is literally what the oath of office is. For the past 6 years, America hasn’t even been able to protect the right to vote, or the nation from terrorism (both foreign and domestic). The pretense doesn’t escape the notice of all, people can clearly see past the propaganda to reality. Complaining about people being “awakened” to truth only further proves the truth of the genocidal agenda. Who wouldn’t want people to awaken and fight for life? Only those trying to systematically eradicate it. This insurgency is attacking it’s own nation, the very citizens who belong to this nation, as well as all life and the only planet we all have. We won’t all turn a blind eye to these atrocities! Crimes against humanity shall not go unnoticed nor unpunished.

Democracy Diversity Sustainability is the only path forward.

Human rights are not an option, nor a negotiation. They are inalienable, this is a global humanitarian crisis not a political ploy!

We Matter!

Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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