Megalomaniacal Men With Unlimited Power
Why would we trust them?
People confuse intelligence with ability. My disabilities don’t go away because I’m smart, they persist, that’s why they are called disabilities. I wasn’t born disabled. Torture, abuse, and trafficking made me this way. But that doesn’t mean that I am my abuse, I am a human. Every life has value. Even to consider that this may be fake is disgusting and in no way a resemblance of humanity.
I’ve lived my entire life suffering the consequences of other people’s limitation, but they were all fully able bodied and had no mental impairment that prevented them from respecting life and human rights. They simply consistently chose not to. All of humanity now collectively suffers the consequences of those actions, even when disbelieved, the truth is still true even if you don’t see.
The world created by those with such deviant and arrested development is a literal hell. We are all experiencing it, some just embrace it while others attempt to learn to evolve beyond it. The same hell that the bible describes is what we are all collectively experiencing. “It’s the apocalypse” my handlers told me. They engineered it, but not intentionally. They were just playing at being God and of course, screwed up. But isn’t that always the way? People have a hard time merging their religious beliefs with the 3D world. It’s hard for people to understand that both can be true at the same time, without canceling out one another.
Perhaps what the bible was trying to warn us of is that the men who engineered chaos with the intent of bringing about a world they envisioned themselves, absent any God, because they themselves believed they were God is what we should have avoided instead of embraced. Yet even until this very moment, the warning go unheeded. Perhaps God sent messenger after messenger after messenger and they were murdered, for being different. Perhaps God has used EVERY conceivable way of communicating with humanity, and people simply keep turning blind eyes, deaf ears, and closed mouths to the truth, day after day, year after year, decade after decade, century after century. My handlers understand the biblical references and how they applied to them, they simply hid the truth from everyone else.
Hosea 4:6
Douay-Rheims Bible
My people have been silent, because they had no knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will reject thee, that thou shalt not do the office of priesthood to me: and thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I also will forget thy children.
Ignorance grows in darkness, yet humanity fails to grasp that it is STILL in a dark age due to a lack of ACCURATE knowledge. Some call that accurate knowledge TRUE SCIENCE. It was lost during the crusades, intentionally. Calls to quash education, knowledge, and awareness are to aid the domination of the planet. Keeping us in darkness and ignorance forces us to relinquish our inalienable rights to life. When you know better you do better. When you don’t know, you can’t.
“You are the woman in the wilderness, thirsty, afraid, the beast seeking to devour you” they said to me, at 5 and 6 and 7 years old. I assumed they were simply trying to terrify me in an effort to dominate. The thought didn’t occur to me that they were trying to prophesy over my life.
What came first, the statement, the actions that brought the statements to fruition, or their desire to prophesy into my future? No one could answer that question with any certainty, until now. The truth is, it all happened simultaneously, as does all time. We simply observe each scenario individually, because that is the limitation of most human minds. This is what it means to have parallel dimensions, observers to observe them, and being conscious co-creators within them. As we observe, we change the scenario, this creates infinite possibilities but also timelines. WE change them as we see, choose, intend, and act.
They could have chosen to manifest positivity, instead they chose chaos and holocaust because that is all they were capable of. Instead of allowing those who were better equipped to help create a brighter future, they simply denied that it was even at all possible and destroyed proof thereof. But I’m supposed to pretend this isn’t true though they intentionally trapped me in it for rejecting their conscious decisions to be evil. That’s not in my DNA!
My handlers understood time, as one single explosion, rather than a linear experience from point A to B. They didn’t at first, but the tech, experts, and sensitives they used to view an even remote view time from different perceptions helped them grasp what was happening. They created a singularity. Just like the one that existed at the beginning of time, a big bang. They even tested the theory by launching nukes into space. Not only them, their higher ups as well. But that was part of the experiment. “We need to let anything out there know that we can defend ourselves. But honestly, no one was after them, it was only them at war with themselves! They were reacting to their own xenophobia eating away at their brains like an earworm, the predecessor of the meme. Truly, like zombies in a zombie apocalypse. It doesn’t matter the timeline, date, origin point, or intended outcome. What matters is that they consciously made choices then executed them, we are all collectively living it and none of them are here to suffer the consequences. Only their cronies and even progeny who still maintain the lie because they are too afraid of, well, everything.
When they chose to play God they opened up pathways that changed everything, forever. They took a quantum leap beyond the space time continuum. This in and of itself is not evil, it’s scientifically groundbreaking. What was wrong is how they misused and abused the technology. They learned to see time as a circular experience that varies according to the observer, but they always intended to manipulate it.
“We want to control what information you take into the future with you” they told me. They believed, as did all elite men, that they had the right to dominate ALL things, including ALL life. The entire planet suffers the consequences for this arrogance today. Their plan B in case they discovered they were wrong, was to escape to space and leave the 99% behind. We are living this today.
They were megalomaniacal men with unlimited power, technology, funding, full immunity, and a super God complex. Things will never ever be the same again, it’s never been possible to get back to “normal”, only the pretense of “normalcy” according to how the elite wish the masses to perceive it.
It’s time the entire planet awakened. Climate change will ensure that if we don’t then no one survives. The White House Progressive Caucus UN Women UN Human Rights Amnesty International