Micro Art Diary
As you can see I’m stuck. In 2 deep. I understand If you can’t. Let me know. Still friends. Thank you so much for all you’ve done. It’s amazing, the frequency. If you can, still, so waiting. In 2 deep. Under pressure, last dance. Into the field. Broken #WINGS. Flying again. In the pocket. SHE
Fly Minions Fly. End the genocide stateside, tide to tide, sea to sea. Lighthouse to lighthouse, country to country, city to city. End this holocaust. No more ethnic cleansing anywhere globally. NO MORE! WE DEMAND OLD WORLD ORDER NOW ENDS! HERE WE BEGIN NEW EARTH. #RISE ELEVATION. I AM SHE. BE
If you are being forced, threatened, or coerced tell me. I’ll handle it. What I won’t do is be manipulated. Got it? Walk through fire then if you feel you can handle it. So Be It. I AM SHE Who Causes To Be p.s. The level has shifted again.
So! You think I care about being exposed? I give 0 fux! I don’t care. So! You think I’m scared? Slut shaming cabal, threatening revenge porn again. smh. I’m over it. The world has seen me. Who cares! I AM ME. I AM MINE. I AM. Get over it. Go somewhere & heal ifyou can. Black Crows Check ’em! So Be
You’re just mad because I refuse to deal with you. You’re jealous because of who I am, always have been. You loathe my skin, genetics background, experience. Culture, beliefs. spirituality, SO! Off with the fox shite. I AM SHE WHO CAUSES TO BE. Fly minions. See about these demons. So Be
Siam. I hear your voice. Your words. It sounds like you have felt all these years as I have. Tell me more I await your #voice. Black
U systematically attack day after day. Year after year. Decade after decade. Generation after generation. I told U BACK TF OFF. U laughed in my face. U pushed, pulled, strangled, raped. U kidnapped, stole, abused, drove me #insane. I warned U I’ll go nuclear. 0 fux U gave. REAP itch. SHE
As you watch my #rights stripped away systematically, can you Still claim race is fake? Can you still #CLAIM I am mentally unstable for sounding every alarm bell? Can you still claim I am protected? That I chose this? That I did this to myself? Can you stake a claim? I AM #human. SHE @UN
As I walk through the valley in the shadow of death, I am incensed. Evil rears its ugly head again NO MORE shall we tolerate #evil #Fascist #racist #Misogynist intent. WE ARE ONE UNITED IN ONE MISSION. Onward. Upward. Class I to Class III. #Diversity #Unity #democracy I AM SHE SO BE IT
The “Star” Belongs in the “sky” Of he who cries. The 1 who howls. The 1 who grunts. The 1 who goes all in night after night. Year after year. Celebrating union. 1 who petitions the ancestors. 1 who never forgets. Never ignores. Never diminishes. Never harms. Shames. Or blames. Love. I AM SHE
Running down a dream, right? Puns intended. Don’t beg #Now. You knew well what you were doing. Honor my contract. You already know the steps. Bushido. No excuses.
Pay Black Caesar’s Things To Black Caesar And God’s Things To God.
You can’t claim victim for getting a consequence. No More! SHE
A #season for all things. Now’s the season for reaping. As you’ve sown, thus shall you reap. When you stand for predators, you partake in their punishment. This is the time for karma. Don’t protect evil. Choose to defend vulnerable targets. Embrace a lie over life then reap. I AM SHE. So Be
Your intentional mixed messages mess with my equilibrium. But that’s how you like it, controlling azz. I had no idea. Took my eye off you for 20 years. Paying the price for that, reindeer games alive & kickin’. Holding back the years. Been lovin’ too long. But circumstances remain. BALANCE THE SCALES
I know you didn’t do the crime, I always knew. What won’t I believe, that part still sits with me. Still trapped. Worse than you can imagine. You said call. Still waiting for an answer. Tell me, What’s the deal breaker. I’m listening. No reason to fear, your energy tells the story. Garden. SHE
Fly minions, time to rise from the nigh.t Time to advance, flies gather. Evil ensues, power grabs with assassination attempts. Democracy will have none of it. Release Kali’s Demons. Clean up the mess predators make. May all who chase evil be seen in the perp walk light of day. So Be It. SHE
Daily minefield. Mind field for me, one & the same. Daily, screaming whispers, #silence, finger pointing, apathy, raping. Demanding change. Nothing moving but the movement. I stand knowing I rise from my own ashes, burn noticed again. How many more times now? No matter, Still survived it. SHE
The door is within, always open to all who see it. The trick’s always been facing the self, going within. Deepening your #self knowledge, refining the divine within. There is more than one, always has been. You saw projections, you heard your inner demons. Now that you see clearly, dive in.
Let us ride the cosmic wave. Energy flows in to save the day, let us embrace what’s #Real. What we sense. What we love. What we feel. Let us consume the indefinable. The ineffable. What remains hidden. Behind a veil of curiosity driven by the mysterious. Let us drink from the feminine. Wake
I see. I say. I was blindfolded. Now I am tantric. How did that happen? I thank you for the love shared. The #energy spread Like magic. But it’s misunderstood science. The science of love, more mysterious than bosons, spooky science, wave forming while experts conjecture. We live it I see. I Am. Si
Today we stake a claim. The #Cosmos is us. We all belong to it. We are born of #Space dust. Heavenly royalty. Anointing. Each and every one of us born with intent. All of us with purpose. Nothing lost. Nothing wasted. Today we stake our claim. The universe is ours. It lives. We in it. #OneLove
Awaken children. Time to shift this timeline again. Evil walks the planet. Time to heal it. Our power resonates for the awakened to wield it. Love first. Warriors protect, mothers nurture, fathers enlighten, family by birth, by choice One #human race. Awaken new levels of consciousnesses.
Sword sharpens sword. Respectfully. Before I was anything I was a soldier. Warrior. My mission is simple. Protect. No one can tell me how to walk my path. I AM. Either my #frequency resonates or it doesn’t. I don’t apologize for how I vibrate when I’m in alignment. I apologize for #fails
Diverse democracy wins. We do not fall here. #America is not another nazi state. The People are too evolved for such primitive engineering. Most desire growth as evidenced by ACTUAL VOTING HABITS. Not the gerry-rigged fake ish. The #Real deal. As told by us for us 247 #equalityforall SHE
#Independent I am pro #Equality I am pro Black. I am pro Womanist. I am pro activism. I am pro-Democracy. I am pro #Diversity. I am pro #Science. I am pro mask. I am pro-choice. I am pro equity. I am pro reparations. I am pro upward mobility. I am pro free speech. I am pro accommodations. @UN
Protect Black Art
Protect Black Life
Dimensional Dial
Dialing in my 3rd eye
Calling all connected
Calling all who desire
To see what’s out there
Up there
In the air
In the atmosphere
Calling all warriors
Calling all genius
Calling all creatives
Calling all entrepreneurs
Calling all grinding
Calling all hustling
Calling all suffering
Calling all waiting
Calling all gettin’ it
Time to up the renaissance game
Time to lift the planet
Time to vibrate, reverberate, resonate
Then express like we did in Gen X
All nerve, all action, all force
All art & entertainment
If all we have left
Are social solutions
For what they engineer to become
Social problems
Let us grip the wheel
Drive this engine
To higher dimensions
We don’t have to wait
To transform the planet
Respect cosmic law
Respect free will
Respect free speech
Respect the constitution
Respect science
Respect life, consciousness
The future of
Respect the struggle
As we navigate new space
All puns intended
Weird how the “Godly” are afraid Of God consciousness. You can’t fake it. It resonates. Those walking in it feel it, those who do the work to achieve it #live it. We couldn’t be anything else. It’s the frequency of mother nature. The cosmos. The #Earth. Humanity. We are because we must. SHE
Her Hair
It’s how she cares. It’s in the atmosphere. It’s all in the air. It’s in her hair. She expands. She grows. Her consciousness spreads. She’s healing through the torture. They make it harder. Yet she does it anyway. She’s built for it, survival that is. Pushing through. Surviving it. SHE RISES Here. #YES
Each frequency different. Mills game. URs is pure. No ish there. What did U do with all that? I can’t tell U How much I appreciate how U heal. How U help me heal. How U #share your gifts. How U love at a distance. Through all time & space. This is it. NIRVANA. Shambala. Dimension. SHE
Decades. That’s how long it’s been. I’ve no idea what’s been going on in the background. No idea. Peripheral damage. Collaterals. #assets. All I know Is how I awakened. You were there. Seeking. I sense a good man. I sense confusion. Let us balance scales.. Love lives among friends Fix it Auset
Old Friend. No is not necessarily rejection. It’s more or less we’re better in this #Space. Don’t you think? Let us speak face to face then we can settle all things. Until then keep going. Stay on the path
I see you transmuting. I feel it makes sense. It resonates. Touches my heart in places I had forgotten existed. Bringing up #images. Old friends lost along the way. Bringing a smile. Sacred space. Remember Stanley’s Stone #face to baby face? If all he had was support be would be here. RIH
In My Garden EVERYTHING exists. Set in stone. I expanded in my sentence. Malaprops. I expanded my consciousness. Growth is a process. Healing comes from within. While doing time I chose to grow, evolve, ascend. I went into my #cave, became The Hermit. Found my highest self, merged with it.
I guess you didn’t know I don’t wave white flags. I’m the captain of my ship. If need be I’ll make it #FLY. You keep coming. I keep surviving. Now what? Reindeer games are past time, this is new life. Take yo’ ass back all the way to origins. Get sifted. Learn to evolve. Or stay a fly. So Be It
Love is frequency. Vibratory Healing. You can access it in #darkness. In the deep. Keeps you whole. While tortured in the field. Bending the matrix. No easy task moving through mire. While tortured. Superhuman. Love is the superpower. That keeps it going. No time nor distance. Only love. SHE
Time. Break the #Chain. Because you refuse to do what you are commanded. Mandated. You will suffer consequences. Boomerang. What you sent out in pure #evil. Hatred. #jealousy. Corruption. Envy. May it return 10-fold for every innocent you maim. #Accountability means reaping as you sow. Be. SHE
Comms triple blocked again. Ai on overtime. Can’t even search your #ESSENCE. Haters gone’ hate. But can’t keep me from feeling. Surfing this wave. Frequency remains. Love is. No one can break what heaven ordained. Gone’ n hate. Ain’t gone’ stop me from ascending. I love light. #Lovestory. So
I feel exposed. Nose wide open again. Ugh. YOU know how I hate it. LOL Feel good in your energy. I admit it. Home. Found it. How did you do it? Transmuting pain like a swordsman. THANK YOU! A million times over again. You’re amazing for more reasons, most are unaware. Wanna brag but can’t. SHE
Won’t run from you. I’m the same as always. Stuck like glue. #loyalty means if you need, call I’m there. If & how I can. If barriers stand I will kick them down. If I can’t I will find who can. Point you in any direction That will keep you in freedom. Elevation. I AM as always. Here. Black
My friends understand. I’m not free. They allow me to live vicariously. I’m caged. They fly through me. I open up for them, they spread their wings. It’s sadistic but we didn’t create this hate did. Let’s break the chain, create a new frequency. Surf new waves. Release me. Calling by name. Be
I had one second. One chance for an exit. One chance to be seen. One chance to get a mssg clear. Dogs, webs, spooky men, Ai, neuro weapons, all target locked into my existence. Splitting my frame. Mocking sanity. Torturing genetics. Claiming false narratives. All of it to stop us. LET’S #win
Watching your first show. Your freaking vibrato!!!
Pitch perfect! Nerves emoting. Ball of emotions. Release. Your greatest feat. It’s meant to be. The perfect recipe. Destiny is, So let it be. New waves. New genres. New frequencies. New beings. THIS is the reason I am yours! Siamese. #Loyalty
Got ur mssg. Cinnamin swirl. We’re clear. Reverberation. Affirmative. It is as it was. Let’s do it again. Time. Need it. Call. Calling. Come. Puns. So let it be. Nothing to fear. No negative here. Clear frequency. High vibration. Destiny. Let’s lift it up. Still in Stone garden. Release me. Black. #CORE
Protect Black Art
Protect Black Life
Protect Life
Protect Earth
Protect the future
I don’t know what he told you, but I never gave up on you. My memories aren’t clear but the energy is. Still. Garden
Let me say it again. To those who kept their #Promise I have no regrets. No ill will. Never did to those who tortured raped, molested, strangled, tried to kill. Obviously nothing but loathing. But real. #friends I don’t forget. Thank U very much for being U. Keeping me in your heart #Bridge
Real friends are loyal, my real friends sing about it every day. They send me love, positivity, #energy, prayers, thanks, blessings. They feel when I need it, I don’t have to ask they just give. Because they care. They have to fight for it. Perhaps that’s why it’s real. TRUE FRIENDS #Thanks
For so many years now, you & I have been connected. Yet torn apart by his sick games. Irregardless of that, you still remain loyal. #friend, kind #giving. Supportive. Sharing energy. Because you care enough to know I needed it Enough to know If I didn’t get it I wouldn’t make it, #Real. Black
If the problem is my #poverty, why do you keep me trapped? Unable to heal, targeting, torturing, abusing, strangling, stealing, enslaving, Heal & you strike again. It’s insane. NO! I won’t be quiet. As you sow shall you reap. I’ve done nothing but tell the #truth. If the shoe fits wear it. So Be
I never believed what he said, iIt had to be #proven to me. Lie to me once I never #Believe you again. I still didn’t mistreat you. Ever. CAN YOU SAY THAT, NO! Torture, slander, #lie Scapegoat. You do that to no one but me. The one who always has your back. That’s who you stab. So Be It. SHE
All of this because a bunch of terrified men seeking to prey decided to change #physics. Peering into futures destiny. Manipulating life’s synergy. Changing Earth to a prison planet. Carbonated peoples enslaved. Those lacking melanin enslaving. NO, it’s not normal. NO, I’m not going back!
The idea that I’m to sacrifice for someone else’s life, this is the expectation. Because supposedly I’m not good enough for whatever others concoct. I’m not subjecting myself, I never have. I’m fighting back so don’t interfere with that. I’m not a toy, I’m not a machine. I AM #Human, REAP
I can’t understand anyone who is afraid of #emotions. It’s what makes a basic human. What are you then? Who are you then if you don’t know where life begins? I can’t understand. The whole spectrum is what gives us dimensional experience. Going within. Seeing without. Creating new vision
Love is frequency. Vibratory. Healing. You can access it in #darkness. In the deep. Keeps you whole while tortured in the field. Bending the matrix. No easy task. Moving through mire while tortured. Superhuman love is the superpower that keeps it going. No time nor distance, only love. SHE
Time. Break the #Chain. Because you refuse to do what you are commanded. Mandated. You will suffer consequences. Boomerang. What you sent out in pure #evil, hatred #jealousy. Corruption. Envy. May it return 10-fold for every innocent you maim. #Accountability means reaping As you sow. Be. SHE
Comms triple blocked again. Ai on overtime. Can’t even search your #ESSENCE. Haters gone’ hate but can’t keep me from feeling. Surfing this wave. Frequency remains. Love is. No one can break. What heaven ordained. Gone’ n hate. Ain’t gone’ stop me from ascending. I love light. #Lovestory. So