Micro View
My son was raised to exercise his constitutional rights. In America, Black people who know the law are considered threatening. Black people who exercise their rights are considered “terrorists” and treated as such. My son stopped saying the Pledge Of Allegiance when he began to recognize the racial disparities that exist in this country and how justice, equality, or even humanity skips over Black skin constantly and always with impunity. He has had to survive the most extreme conditions and recognized the patterns himself without ever having to be taught, all Black children do. Some may choose to ignore it for as long as possible for the sake of survival, but all know the truth and make choices based on these facts and whatever works for their own unique circumstances. ALL Black people are forced to adapt to extreme conditions in order to survive. Black American Descendants Of Slavers are always the population in America that is the most heavily targeted for attacks and suffer the consequences of it at apocalyptic rates. It’s considered “God’s will”, it always has been. We were taught this in school, that is why Black people have internalized anger. People fear telling the truth, because they are complicit and fear the consequences of having light shined on this fact. Black people die because of that fear.
Every Black person in America lives systemic oppression, even when it’s denied. Some benefit from exploiting it, some benefit from cooperating with helping the system thrive, some work to change the system from within, some work to change the system from without, and some work to help people change. But everyone has a role to play because Black is always Black, even when people try to dilute or hide they identities. It’s true that race is a social construct, but America is a socially engineered society that has spread it’s socially engineered doctrine globally. So until the truth is told, we continue to suffer and die in mass being scapegoated for the consequences of the crimes committed by extremism and hate.
The consequences of Blackness in America never goes away. My son lived this his entire life, but he is multi-ethnic so the impact is even harder. Being rejected by your own race cuts deeper than not, obviously. You can’t tell him who he is, or what he has experienced. What you need to do is listen to who he is, how he became who is, and learn why the system of oppression must be dismantled. Instead, extremists try to “kill ’em the crib” before any of us ever get the chance to voice who we are, why we are who we are, and how we got to be this way. If you don’t care, that’s good to know because when a self-made enemy reveals themselves that makes it easier for us to identify just how to handle you. When you pretend to care but take advantage, again thank you for revealing your true self. We find that useful too. When you care but do nothing, again we appreciate learning the real you. But these are generally the responses we receive when drawing attention to our suffering at the hands of extremism, oppression, and hate UN Human Rights
We thrive in authenticity, good, bad, and ugly because that is what it means to be a whole person. Knowing, understanding, and embracing the WHOLE SELF without judgment or apprehension. Few ever achieve this level of awareness, and it is a life-long process. We choose to be whole and authentic because that is who WE are and how we desire to express ourselves in this life. YOU can choose to be whomever you want, but if your choices interfere with our ability to live, thrive, and be our authentic whole self then you have violated us and we have a right to defend ourselves. Our life matters even when you choose to disbelieve that fact. You made the choice to violate our rights, defending ourselves against YOUR violations is what YOU bring on yourself regardless of how you try to divert attention away from the truth. We don’t care what you believe, that’s your prerogative, we care about our ability to survive, thrive, and be free. Don’t interfere and there won’t be conflict, but that doesn’t happen under systemic oppression, particularly when you have millions still claiming it’s fake.
My son has been accused of selling drugs and guns since middle school. Not because he had any proximity to either, I have never kept weapons at home or anywhere else other than in classified facilities. I have never done drugs. The most I have EVER done is smoke marijuana and that was extremely limited in the past, never around kids, and only more often recently due to health problems. I have always had jobs where 5 to 10 to 15-year drug tests were required, even hair follicles tested in order to pass a background or obtain a clearance. Being on drugs was NEVER an option for me. It’s funny that he and I are both always accused of it though, he as a dealer, me as an addict. Furthermore, I had handlers that wouldn’t allow it. I couldn’t make choices for myself in any way, but I could get high? No, be real. I couldn’t even control my own uterus, but they were going to allow me to be an addict? Not my “fictive fathers”. Their own kids were already addicts, they messed up with them and refused to do the same with me. My son wasn’t around drugs at home, outside the home, or anywhere else. Even if he saw others with it, which is typical for teenagers in American society, he wasn’t participating in the activities. Yes, I’m certain he smokes marijuana, in affluent America it’s impossible to get away from. But actual drugs, never. Yet, he and I both have ALWAYS been accused of being on drugs or selling drugs, even by law enforcement. Who constantly patrols, surveils, investigates, and harasses, but never find anything other than poverty, illness, and victims of crimes. But they never address the crimes we have been victims of, only the crimes that other criminals are accusing us of. Isn’t that convenient? One White person only has to make one assumption and it can negatively even derail a Black person’s life forever. We live this 24/7 365 yet systemic oppression is still called fake.
My son was accused and investigated for doing just that, selling drugs. Obviously, there was no evidence of such things found because they did not exist. He still had to suffer the consequences. He still suffers the consequences. Those consequences will follow him for life. He continued to be hounded, harassed and threatened by “good people” doing “good things” for the community. “Patriotic people”. They ignored the human trafficking in the area, the gang activities, the stalking, harassment, attacks, rapes, mob assaults, gun shots, hate crimes, and cyber-stalking. Every abuse that we experience is ignore, yet focus is solely on the assumption that because we are Black we are a “bad guy” doing “bad things” and they proceeded to make life miserable for all of us. When we say “defund” this is why. Police do not serve and protect, police incite, abuse, violate human rights, and commit hate crimes with impunity. If you refuse to clean up the problems within law enforcement, which you repeatedly continue to do, then they must be defunded. It wasn’t “unpopular” to those being targeted or our allies. It was only “unpopular” to those who benefit from the human rights violations and oppression. It wasn’t “rejected” before gerrymandering, voter suppression, and voter purging, only after. So is it truly unpopular or rejected? UNESCO World Health Organization CDC Flu There were no crimes being committed, you were just determined that there were based on the color of our skin. His skin. We suffer decade after decade for it. They did to my children, me, my siblings, my parents, it happens generation after generation. Yet we still have no protections! Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus The White House
After years and years of that, people make changes. They no longer trust authority because you have violated that trust and have no desire to repair the harm yet you still expect us to obey like mind controlled drones. That wouldn’t help us survive, so it’s obviously counter-intuitive. Why continue the same patterns if you desire to “serve and protect”? People don’t trust society because those is leadership in society do not value our lives beyond how we can be exploited. Even the most recent elections prove this, as does the passing of the most recent legislation. It doesn’t address any of our needs, our needs are simply used as an excuse for wealth transfer, and this further incites hatred. People no longer accept the word of leadership as anything other than lies because that is all we are ever shown, then scapegoated for the consequences as we and our loved ones suffer and die in mass while you “get back to normal” and “build back better” for white people leaving our entire community devastated by apocalyptic conditions in total and complete apathy.
We are not ignorant, those are racist myths. We know what psychopathy is, it has hunted us our entire existence since Europeans landed on U.S. soil.
American leadership has continued to barter with, endanger, and sacrifice our lives willingly, intentionally, repeatedly, in mass for so long without let up that of course we don’t trust what you say and do. Would you? As the offenders, it’s YOUR job to fix the problem. Not our responsibility to accept it! President Joe Biden
It starts in school, usually around 4th grade it grows so bad that children began to exhibit behaviors that indicate there is a problem that they can’t handle. Racism is taught in school every day. Racism is allowed in schools every day. Racism is incited and fostered in schools across America ever day. But just as I was told “it’s your responsibility to deal with your own feelings” and nothing is ever done to address it, my children are told the same but also “racism is real, it’s just a myth”. Children are literally being brain washed about reality and American leadership continues to allow it with impunity. This fosters hate, crime, violence, mental health problems, poor learning conditions, criminalization of victims, and a whole host of other extreme conditions that continue to go ignored. We can’t even discuss what we are experiencing with being attacked violently yet America has said it it focused on human rights United Nations Does this mean that America is officially stating that Black people are not human? Because that is how we are treated and no one cares other than the few of us out here risking our lives daily for ALL as all continue to press forward in an unchecked insurgency that is fully funded, even with tax dollars, and occupying every critical area of infrastructure across the nation as all three branches of government remain hamstrung. Nothing trickles down in America other than toxicity. Why can’t we pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps? Because every time we do, extremism knocks us back down, holds us down, and strangles us to death with knees of tyranny on our necks as we scream “Black Lives Matter” and hate screams “all lives matter”. Human Rights Watch
Society will tell you the problems that my children and I face are because I am a loose women with no morals and low character who refuses to address my mental illness. I have heard this since before I became an adult. My abuser crafted the carefully planned story that remains a barrier to any kind of justice or any kind of stability to this day. That is how easy it is to marginalize a Black person in America and the stigmas remain until death, making our lives torturous as we are told “it’s fake” UN Women
Society will also say that the problem is that the father and I aren’t married and he doesn’t live in the home. As if having an adult male penis in the home is so all-powerful that it can combat systemic racism like a magical lightsaber. When he did live in the home, he made life worst. It wasn’t because he was a Black man who couldn’t “pull himself up by his bootstraps” it was because he, like my “fictive fathers” was an entitled White man who never had to be accountable for any crimes he committed against anyone of color!
The Black woman is always to blame, but this is deflecting. The consequences systemic oppression has nothing to do with how I conceive children and everything to do with the fact that White men keep controlling how, when, and if I conceive children. But also what happens after that point! Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Every child I ever conceived was controlled by my White male handlers, they had penis’ too. It didn’t help, it only ever hurt every potential positive outcome that I could have achieved for myself. As long as there is an echelon of power that places my race, gender, ethnic origins, socio-economic status, voting habits, spirituality, and proximity to certain key individual in society who have committed heinous crimes against nature and humanity on a mass scale, I will never be able to pull anything up into a level of stability. That is how the system was built. That is what oppression means. We are not intended to do anything other than fail, slave, and die. Systemic oppression has everything to do with people intentionally trying to eradicate the Black race in America through ethnic cleansing. But this fact continues to be denied not only by American leadership, but global leadership as well. The eradication of the Black American Descendants Of Slavery is the result, and our own government is sitting by watching it happen with total complicity telling us we are “safe” and to “go back to basics” as White America gets “back to normal”. But we’re not supposed to recognize racist dog whistles when we hear them and are attacked violently when we do, and complain about it. My handlers were open and honest about what they had planned, they just didn’t allow me any conceivable way of fighting it. If I found a way, they developed new technology to combat it. THIS is reality for Black America United Nations
To be clear, my son had both a father and a stepfather, he lived with both of them. Both raised him. His father died, his step-father and I split. None of the circumstances that have gone on in my home have changed anything that happened outside of the home. How could it?
White children don’t grow up having to worry about whether or not they will be killed by police BECAUSE of the color of their skin. Or if the teacher at school is going to single them out and abuse their human and civil rights BECAUSE of the color of their skin and they end up expelled or incarcerated for it. But Black children do, daily. White children don’t have to worry if the doctor is going to label them with a bogus diagnosis or dismiss the actual medical conditions they do have BECAUSE of the color of their skin. Or if they are going to end up homeless, penniless, or having to move again because the White men (who are not their father) have decided this is what will be. This is the reality for Black America. It doesn’t go away because there is a penis in the home. My son is now 20 years old, he is a man with a penis, the attacks only grow worst not better. Being attached to a man does not rid the world of systemic oppression.
No, all of the above mentioned hate crimes are why my son suffered in school, and some of it my daughters as well. Many Black children do. People claim it’s genetic, without ever considering the truth of systemic oppression any data can be skewed to appear that way. THIS IS WHY TECH AND DATA are so harmful to our community. It’s intentionally and even unintentionally dishonest! We always suffer the consequences. None of this is within our control. When White men are given power over the lives of Black people to do with what they please, they do and we suffer and die in mass as a result. Just a little while ago we were 14% of the population, we are now at a minimum 12% but it’s probably far lower, we can’t get accurate counts for ANHYTHING anymore. But this still isn’t seen as a genocide. Amnesty International USA
“Predictive policing” was designed by my controllers and implemented right in front of me. It came from the DARPA program that my handlers forced me into. Every mechanism of oppression that they designed they tested on my family. My father fought the same battles that I fight now, he died alone and penniless without being able to voice what happened to him. Stigmatized as “crazy” when in fact he was the victim of genocide, just like my mother. Anti Genocide Network
I watched them design all of the mechanisms of control that they have deployed since 1979. I saw all of them roll out in real-time, I have watched it become the disaster that is law enforcement today. My handlers were hoping their torture would force me to internalize the hate, bigotry, racism, and xenophobia as it does for so many other people. But I refused. Their response is always, more torture and abuse. Those you see in the media don’t suffer the same consequences because they don’t make the same choices to stand for integrity, human rights, and equality. I do! We do! Everyone should if we are a “civilized” society seeking advancement into what could have easily been a Class I Civilization back in the 70s. Instead, we live a dystopian nightmare plutocracy that global leadership is baffled by. Masses are dying in a died holocausts as a result. The nazi propaganda is so severe that people honestly believe the term “holocaust” applies only to the Jewish community and if a Black person uses it, we are instantly attacked and ostracized for using accurate terminology to describe our own circumstances that the world denies daily as we suffer a die in mass. Why? U.S. Department of State
This is literally my area of expertise. I was educated and trained by some of the most powerful men in the world to do precisely what I am doing. Much has occurred since I began, many new firsts. Yet I continue to be so heavily oppressed that I cannot even obtain access to SNAP benefits or COVID relief let alone health care, social security, or payment of my contract. I am scapegoated for the consequences, censored more heavily than terrorists cells, and cut off completely from society. All calls for justice ignored. But America has equality? Progressive Caucus then only way anything will change is with radical new leadership who has NOT been indoctrinated in the crony system that keeps leaders beholden to donors rather than the Constitution. My handlers designed the system, they used me to blackmail many of the same leaders responsible for the chaos. Not a single one has ever been held accountable. But I am just one of many victims! There are so many, the U.S. will never be able to keep up. Who do you think is operating this insurgency? Congressional Black Caucus
My controllers told me from their own mouth that they created this system to ensure that the White male-dominated patriarchy remains in power. Where is the confusion? The same insurgents who sacked The Capitol are the same people who have been trained and weaponized by my handlers. They scream the same racist, xenophobic, propaganda that they always have. They aren’t even using new tactics!
There was never any science attached to this abusive scheme. Data has always been manipulated to suit the “right” agenda to dominate and they voted for it, as did “corrupt” and so-called “moderate” Dems. It still happens to this very day. “Partisan” problems is just a political way of saying “extremism in the camps prevents the government from functioning.” Hence the term “hamstrung”. Several of the same people now crying about the fact that America is “too woke” are the same people to who my controllers trafficked me to, where is the confusion? Some of them helped craft the legislation, I was trafficked to them as well. Where is the confusion? America runs on corruption, until this elephant is addressed, the mass death will continue. That was always the agenda, leadership has always been warned, they have continued to ignore warnings decade after decade. That is the reason I exist, to sound the alarm when the chaos gets so out of control that even they can’t reign it back in. I never chose this, it was forced on me. But if it was your community being sacrificed, wouldn’t you stand and fight? Before I was anything I was a soldier, they made sure of it. So here I stand, in truth, ethics, integrity, and empathy. WE ALL MATTER! This is going to require more than just me telling the truth, those there from the beginning MUST start dropping their own truth bombs. The world doesn’t have more time, neither does Black America. Barack Obama Al Gore Hillary Clinton Tim Kaine
My family and I are targeted and attacked because of what OTHERS did to harm us and they are afraid of the truth coming to light. We are just one family, it happens in some form or another to ALL OF US BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF OUR SKIN. Not even just us, ALL marginalized persons! UN Human Rights Using law enforcement to accomplish this agenda is sick, burdensome on not only the officers, the department, and the state, but to the federal government who is legally liable for protecting human and constitutional rights yet continue to fail in this mandate daily.
When we exercise our rights, it is seen as “violence” and “threats” rather than “citizens” simply “being American” like the White people who sacked the Capital. We are treated worst than insurgents and terrorist organizations and we have committed none of the atrocities yet our records, files, and experiences reflect otherwise and Ai is used to aid the process. But we’re supposed to accept this without a word of advocating for our own safety and survival? We’re supposed to be able to magically “manifest” around this entire system that is so massive no one can grasp how vast it is or how long it has existed? No one living is capable of remembering a time when systemic oppression against Black people did not exist, yet this isn’t considered a holocaust? World Health Organization
My son was targeted by law enforcement before he even knew what systemic oppression was. He was too young, he knew what bigotry was but to teach him that the entire country was designed for his demise would have been abusive. Society taught him this, not me. The very people paid tax dollars to serve and protect are the ones actively seeking to harm, and jail him even from a very young age. But we are supposed to accept this as our “lot in life” without even fighting it. United Nations Foundation I didn’t have to teach him, the world did. It began in school, spread to resource officers, and moved into the greater community. THIS is what predictive policing looks like at the micro level for one family trying to survive systemic oppression. It never stops, we are forced to constantly adapt as “social workers” tell us “they’ll be fine, kids are resilient”. These are White women looking me in my face and telling me that as my children are being abused, dehumanized, and having their inalienable rights violated that I should “move on” because “hardship is good for the soul” type of messaging. But I am the one mentally unstable for drawing attention to it!
My son has been working since the age of 15 and a lot of his money has gone to paying lawyers, fines, and fees to try to prove he did not do what he was accused of doing. It began in school where principles would label him an “offender” for girls screaming at him in the hall and him getting blamed for them using “outside voices”. This is how easy it is to target, criminalize, marginalize, and sentence a child to the school to prison pipeline. But people wonder why we get angry? Once a label hits, it never goes away, it’s used as evidence to prove that people need “extra policing”, and that is how Black Skin is made illegal, just like that!
In our personal circumstances, there hasn’t been a single case where there wasn’t corruption involved, sometimes at the HIGHEST LEVELS OF AUTHORITY! If I weren’t a former paramilitary operative, the extremists currently running the insurgency that is destroying America would have “killed” him in the “crib” long ago right along with me! Instead, we rose up and fought back with the truth. For this, we are stalked, harassed, attacked, abused, penalized, and anything else they deem fit to do. But we’re supposed to accept this? I think not, it’s not in our DNA. We persist, without support because even the people paid to help ignore. NAACP
We will continue to speak out, tell the truth, fight for justice, and fight for not only our survival but the survival of our entire community. I’m incredibly ashamed of any human who wouldn’t! Because the Black community is so heavily impacted by every negative action taken in this nation, as the system was designed, we also have to turn our fight toward sustainability and climate change. EVERYTHING affects us and we can’t ignore it if we want to survive. But this is considered “mentally unstable” by those who are too weak or corrupt to face the truth. Nonetheless, we persist.
My son would be a completely different person without all of the systemic attacks against him that he continues to be scapegoated for. He knows this. Life has been his greatest teacher, and this is why life has had the greatest impact. He’s a writer as well. He’s a genius lyricist and an incredibly gifted artist. He channels what he has learned into his music, so of course, he is seen as a “threat” to the system of oppression and those that support it. They don’t want change, but we will accept nothing less because we matter.
He is the young lion who has learned to not only write but communicate on multiple dimensions. The impact he already has is nurturing a movement that fosters freedom of expression, a focus on enlightening the self and becoming whole, and protecting our community from the attacks that we continue to suffer and die under without violent aggression. They seek to unite the community and stop the violence among ourselves and have started entrepreneurial endeavors that help teach each other how to expand their skills and network to provide themselves with whatever they need. How many times have young Black people stepped out on faith and attempted to help themselves and their own communities only to be devastated by extremism? How long is America going to continue to turn a blind eye? You won’t help us, so we help ourselves, but you won’t even let us do that. So what do you want from us exactly?
Where is the “threat”???? Perhaps you will find it in the art I create or in those emails you keep hacking, maybe it's on my laptop or in my medical records that you keep manipulating. Perhaps you find it in my sons convoluted school records or case files used to slander and stigmatize us. Did you find it with my little girl as she was getting stomped by a mob assault by grown women, and authority did nothing? Or when my son was getting stalked, assaulted by gang mobs, shot at with police watching doing nothing? Or is it in my writing, telling the truth, pointing the finger to the true criminals who are literally dismantling every aspect of not only democracy but civilized society, scapegoating our community as they go while leadership turns a blind eye? Whatever the case may be, your xenophobia is your problem and we’re tired of suffering for it. He is tired of suffering for it. All Black children, mothers, sisters, brothers, ancestors, are tired of suffering for it.
Communication is key and the truth makes you free. Equality however is elusive, we’re still looking for it like we’re trying to find Nemo in an endless sea. At any rate, we persist and our human rights will never be an option nor a negotiation. We are born free and this inalienable. You cannot “argue” away my rights, or “politicize them” to fit your extremist agenda. Obviously, you’ll keep running into a brick wall. So we are at an impasse. This won’t change until Black people are actually free! You don’t have to defund, you could simply clean up the corruption, fight for democracy, and protect the homeland. If you are “patriots” this is what you are supposed to be fighting for, not extremism, lust, crimes against humanity, genocide, and greed!