Mirror Manifesting

Danielle Diew
4 min readNov 22, 2021


Reap — Whole Picture Alchemy Poetry

So strange

That all these men

And women

Constantly blame me

For telling the truth

About the crimes they commit

Targeting me

As well as other marginalized


And those that are weak

How is it always my fault

When you were the one

Who violated me in every way

Every day

Because you think you are entitled

To do this

Because you believe you have the right

To take

But I’m supposed to accept

This is my “lot in life”

I’m supposed to believe that

I am inferior

Because YOU in YOUR delusion

Believe that your

God made life this way

I don’t know your god

But I know the trauma you inflict on me

And so many others

In so many ways

Every single day

I see and feel

The pain and suffering you throw at me

At many

At the marginalized

Every day

I see the carnage you create

By lying



And taking all that I create

But supposedly you’re my victim

But I’m the one with a

“Victim mentality”

You’re ignorant and brainwashed

So why would I listen to anything

You had to say

What kind of person are you

That the person with absolutely nothing

Took so much from you

Even as a kid

Anyone who believes this

Is insane

Just like the fools accusing me









Participating in

The most deviant extremes


Extreme hate

I don’t care what any of you think

If you had any kind of mental stability

You could see past the shame

And see human

To act humane

Instead all you see are projections



And you make decisions based on this


“God” is punishing me

Because I must deserve it

YOU are doing the punishing

And since you keep backing me into a corner

You leave me no choice

But to come out fighting

You could have left me alone

Stopped abusing me

Stopped lying on me

Stopped stealing from me

Instead you pursued me

In my most vulnerable state





Then claiming you were the victim

All along the way



You turn your head ashamed of me

What a joke

You are the one who sold your soul

Chasing behind shiny things

I’m in poverty and enslavement

Not due to weakness

But because I refuse to obey

Anything that would force me

To sell my soul

Or act without integrity

I have the courage of my convictions

But none of you can say the same

What you sent out

My it be returned to you

May all you have done

Be mirrored back to you

May everything you are


May you 4 Eva’ remain

Forced to look at yourself

And your deeds

And understand you thinking

And your decisions

And your actions

And your own projecting ways

May all your evil

Be shown in the light of day

Never to be confused

Abused or misused again

Only ever reflected back at you

To force your own conscious awakening

May every lie you have told

Be reversed

All harm repaid

All things stolen returned

All slanderous stigmas


May you be held accountable

For every false deed

Every evil step taken

May ALL come to know the true you

In public

In the open

In the light of day

Precisely in the same manner

You repeatedly shamed



Abused me

With happiness


And glee

Calling me weak

Telling me I should be ashamed

May all come to know who you truly are

Even those things you hide from yourself

Just as you ripped my deepest secrets from me

In order extract the blood from my veins

May you receive the same

For harming those who have NEVER done a thing

To harm you in any way

May you be forced to accept

What you constantly project

May you be forced to embrace

The shame you forced me to live

May you lose all that you gained

Through false claims

May the lies you told

Burn up your bones

Until the truth bursts 4th

Even if on your sickbed

Or deathbed

May the truth haunt your mind

Until the truth bursts from your lips

May you reap what you have sewn

And sown

My no stone be left unturned

May truth rain down

4 Eva’ and Eva’

Neva’ eva’ allowing you

To harm another

Or tell another false tail

To gain advantage over

The vulnerable

May liars find no escape

May murderers face the pain they create

My thieves be left empty

Their loot returned to their targets

May ALL abusers meet their match

Faced to recognize the evil enemy

Within their own consciousness

Even when they are too blind to see

May they hear the cries of those they tortured


My they feel they pain they inflicted


May they be cold and hungry

As they forced my children to be

May the be lost and confused

As they force masses to remain

May you all reap the evil you create

As you are so let it be

No more escaping accountability

No more living in the lap of luxury

Off of the backs of slaves

Claiming superiority

May all those enslaved

4 Eva’ be set free

Now and 4 Eva’ more

I Am She Who Causes To Be

So Shall It Be This Day





So let it be



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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