Modern Day Ring
Decades A Slave Poetry
In the world of human trafficking
It’s not at all what people think
Modern day enslavement
Requires the most advanced thinking
To survive every day
In plain sight
Without revealing a thing
In the light of day
All day every day
Never ever speaking, leaking, fighting
A single thing
Or the most heinous things happen
To the little ones you love most of all
So you keep it all tucked away
Obeying every command
Obeying every word
Obeying every glance
Never ever saying a word
Getting beaten, strangled, mingled, mangled
No one coming to your rescue
Everyone looking at you
Longing for you
No one thinking that you are human
Or deserve a life boat
Because then who would they be
All things done daily
To make money
None of which ever makes it your way
Spitting out profit
For they sadistic, psychopathic, deviant elite
All to benefit their oblivious children
Who believe there is no such thing
As systemic oppression
Or inequality
“We’re all born with the same opportunities”
Is all the only tape
They can ever play
Not ever realizing
They are brainwashed and even have become
At the hands of their own parents and grands
Who couldn’t let go of the communal reigns
All the maintain dominance
Power, control
All to support the illusion of advancement
Of white supremacy being the most superior
Therefore they are entitled to any and every thing
Look where that landed the world
In complete gridlock
Unable to address a single thing
Instead of taking the measures needed
To bring about improvements
Along with the promise of a brighter day
All we see are excuses
Abusing those who shed light on all the corruption
Blowing the whistle
On our own government
Guilty of crimes against humanity, nature, the constitution
Guilty of crimes against democracy, against U.S. citizens, against
The most vulnerable populations, against women and children
As as entire population
Against Black African Americans
Of whom there is left
Only a tiny remnant
Against at risk populations
Particularly those of certain immigrant populations
Women and children
Treated like property
Up on the block again
Terrorizing enough to imprint genetically
Speaking of which
Rape on the increase
Along with forced pregnancies
But they don’t want us the have the right
To abort it
Or even take care of it
Extremists want all women and children
Enslaved to some abusive man
And when you’re like me
You won’t stand a chance
With any form of defense
So you have to fight through it
To survive long enough
To break through it
Until then
Everyone lives
To hide operations
You can’t give away your business
You’re location
You can’t betray what you’re thinking
Or anything
For that matter
You can’t mess up the money
Or the merchandise
You can’t dip your digit
Where it has no business seeking vice
Know that you will be blackmailed
At some point
Some love the extra intenseness
Of the situationship
Some get addicted
With all quickness
Some never escape it
Lost forever in the template
Of the house of rising son
They called it
Instead of blaming the men for their choices
They blame the target as “temptress”
“It was her, she did it”
Then they start “burning witches” again
Still hiding everything
Still calling it all fake
As we see it livestreamed
Every second of every day
Unless you’re me that is
I’m cut off from every form of communication
The occasional poem
Sometimes they let slip
So that’s the matrix we are born in
When elite powerful men
Decide the direction we all lean in
Yet they still claim
There is no such thing as entitlement
They engineer it into society
With tradecraft and political skill
Yet we are supposed to pretend we can’t see it
In order to maintain the fallacy
That white supremacy is superior to anything else
They are willing to destroy the planet for this
So yeah
You learn to keep quiet
Until the very moment when you can’t
Then you kill it
Before it dies
All the lies, deceit, manipulation
You do you
For the first time
Ever in this existence
Know one knows who I am
Who or what this is
They simply call me
Of some contractor or another
But never do they call me human being
So you keep swimming
You can’t lie, scheme, manipulate
The wrong people
In the wrong way
You can’t ever be seen
In the light of day
You can’t reveal anything
You can’t even breathe
You belong to someone
They belong to the ring
It’s a toxic cycle
Of torture, trauma, rape, fortune
They profit off of it
In every way
While the targets
Suffer the consequences
Of being born into a state
Where abusing the most vulnerable
Is justified every day
When you grow up in it
You learn a lot of things
When your “fictive fathers”
Create and operate the whole thing
You learn even more
Particularly how to survive it
Any aspect of it
Any tiny piece
Every little nook and cranny
Every single dark dream
Every fantasy
Every manipulation
Every payment on demand
Every statesmen
Every royal
Foreign or domestic
Everyone in the highest places of leadership
All 3 branches of government, intel, and military
All run by backdoor technology
All seen by the eyes in the sky
Manned in different countries
All VR and RV under certain bandwidth
Signals sending and receiving
All technology used to hide what they do
While all the old rich elite men
Do the most disgusting things
Getting rid of evidence
Making money every step of the way
Keep the targets in poverty
So they can’t escape
Watching poor women and children
Is big business
No wonder they keep me locked down
The White House United Nations UN Human Rights Human Rights Watch Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus UNESCO UNICEF Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers POLITICO