My Sin?
Whole Picture Poetry — A New Trail Of Tears Installment
Still pinned down
Lots of communication
No answers
No solutions
Just lots of complaining
Lots of defensiveness
Lots of crying
Lots of excuses
But no solutions
All blame placed in my heads
Always scapegoated
No one in leadership
Ever doing a single thing
U.S. Department of State The White House President Joe Biden UN Human Rights UN Women Human Rights Watch Amnesty International UNESCO UNICEF
As if I did this to myself
But that’s not how pins function
So tired of the lies, deceit, manipulation
I’m tired of being enslaved
Tired of all those in leadership who are so apathetic
Tired of wealthy white men earning
Off of my suffering and forced labor
The assumption is always
That these are “good men”
As they rape, molest, murder, steal, torture, traffic
Generation after generation
But this is my sin?