No One Knows His Brutality
But I do!
My handler began using highly classified and advanced nazi technology on me for mind control purposes in an underground base in Reston VA., in the middle of the mandated school day, when I was 5 years old. His agenda was never just about child molestation, it was always about making mind control MK Ultra slaves. THAT he and his crony, my other handler, told me from their own mouths. This is no conspiracy theory, fake news, or posts for likes! NOBODY LIKES WTF I HAVE TO SAY! This is my life! I lived it every day I have been alive, I am living it now. Since there isn’t a single person who cares enough about my life to save it, why should I care about exposing the people who made it this way?
As soon as I entered Kindergarten, in mandated public school, he already had the program set up. “This is for you” everyone used to say. I didn’t understand what that meant, now I do. The teachers knew, the administrative staff knew, the principle and assistant, the DOD knew, the CIA knew, the CDC knew, SRI knew, DIA knew, NSA knew, the White House knew, Congress knew, NASA knew, every branch of the military knew, the county supervisors knew, the school board knew, the universities, companies, and non-profits apart of the program obviously knew. They all participated in the MK Ultra Monarch Program in some form or another. There were thousands of MK Ultra subprograms, this was just one. I participated in dozens! I was in either a training program or research program for every single agency listed above. I did work for many of the agencies! ALL OF THIS to support research that created the racist white supremacist agenda that is this current insurgency occupying the United States government and literally holding the planet hostage. U.S. Department of State The White House Progressive Caucus
“We go too far” both handlers said. They always knew what the consequences would be, long before they came about, they didn’t care.
Every generation in my family before me has been abused and enslaved, no one ever once helped us. No matter how hard we fight, or how we fight, no one ever cares. “No one will help you” he always said, even in his last few breaths, as he abused me publicly using the advanced technology he created in Project Pegasus, he was still saying the same thing. No one cares. UN Human Rights
My children deserved better, so did I, so did my father.
It started with me being stripped naked, raped, abused, shocked, deprived of food and water, and every form of sensory deprivation. I was five years old, I should have been in school learning coding like the White children. Instead, I was being tortured for having the nerve to be born Black. “Why are you here! What are you doing here! Why have you come! What do you want!” Like I was a terrorist. I was 5 years old. Shaking, crying, sniffling, begging for them to stop, bleeding, vomiting, losing my bladder and bowels, shivering. “Disgusting!” They would just leave me there soiled then complain about how filthy I was. I know it sounds familiar, I know what they did in torture sites. He tortured me there too. I had my own home in one of them!
He used lasers, advanced frequency technology, sound, lights, hypnosis, drugs, chemicals, electric shock, pain, stimulation, and the sound of his voice to program me. He used nazi programmers, some I wasn’t even allowed to look at. They weren’t all men, there were women there as well. ALL of them extremely sick and delusional. Chasing hitler’s ideologies not even aware of their own soulless programming. But I am the evil one? There isn’t a single one of them that believes in a higher power. None. If they did, they couldn’t be manipulated into such evil. When you hold onto your grip on reality, life, consciousness, you don’t lose your connection to your higher power. The torture was to intentionally break that bond.
When you understand life, you understand that there is always a higher power. When you are that sick, you can’t understand life. They follow their own delusions, there is no sanity in their environment.
The plan was ALWAYS to sacrifice me for their agenda. No matter how hard I fought it, I was always the designated patsy. They told me that when I was 5 years old. Of course I fought it, who wouldn’t? Those who have no soul. Those who choose to dehumanize the targets of abuse and support the abuser rather than supporting the targets. Those are the people who don’t fight back. Those are the weak ones, but in the upside down world we live in, they are blessed for being evil.
All day, every day I was tortured. No one cared. “We’re going to train you like Pavlov’s dog” they both said. But I’m the one who is crazy? I’ve never been able to understand the mind that will call the target of victimization crazy, but say nothing of the victimizer.
I went to school, left after first period, then returned just before it was time to take the bus home. He made sure that we changed classes beginning in Kindergarten because it made it easy for them to gain access to us. I was often still passed out when they put me on the bus, the school bus driver was the only person who complained. EVERYONE was angry with me for not being able to stay awake on the bus! How much torture is a person supposed to be able to take? A few times I even passed out on the steps just trying to get into my building, no one cared. UNESCO
The same way that everyone ignores me now, that is how I have been ignored my entire life. ALL for the sake of racist, White, rich pedophiles and sadists. It is obviously a cult! It’s just a very large and well organized one. THAT is who and what you protect! People say every day of my life “God is punishing you for being a bad person. God knows your heart. This happened to you because you deserve it. It’s your karma”. Every day of my life I have heard this. It’s ALWAYS my fault! Even when THEY get caught for molesting, they blame that on me too! SHE DID IT! But if it’s not wrong, why are you lying about it????????? Everyone always finds a way to excuse the most extreme behaviors. No one cares about the impact of the trauma. I’ve never been considered human, nothing has changed. UNICEF
One traumatic experience is one thing. But forcing torture on a person for the entire duration of their lifetime is far worst, no one cares. I am still scapegoated for all the consequences. There is no sanity anywhere. Ignoring this kind of sickness is the same as committing the acts! Never in my life have I ignored someone who needed help, never once! Even with everything I have ever gone through, I have NEVER ignored someone hurting. To do so is inhuman, but it’s always my humanity in question.
All day, every day I was tortured by him. He would bring lines of grown men into the dark, moldy, room in the basement of that base to rape me. Lines of pedophiles! He called it a Daisy train. Anyone he wanted to place in a position of power had to have some kind of serious intel to be blackmailed with. If they didn’t have it then he created it. No one elevated without it! Every person who rose to the highest positions of power did so by being rewarded for doing something EXTREMELY sick. The more sick they were, the higher they rose. This world losing Democracy and diversity doesn’t just mean that Black people die and rich people win, it means the most extreme deviant maintain all power and control, everywhere, always. That was the plan. Failing to fight it solidifies it!
He filmed it all! When they didn’t perform in the way he wanted them too, he pulled out those blackmail tapes. They aren’t called puppets for no reason. I spent my childhood being recorded as I was abused by wealthy White men, all so that he could take power and control over everyone and everything. They protect each other because they have to, but they also want to. The men he brought on base to rape me were military men, congressmen, senators, businessmen, people at the highest echelons of society. I watched every single one of them placed in positions of the highest authority. THIS IS THE REASON FOR AMERICA’S GRIDLOCK! THIS IS THE REASON MORE THAN 70% OF THE PLANET IS UNDER AUTHORITARIAN RULE!
The more deviant you are, the more rewarded you are with the highest positions, classifications, money, funding, awards, benefits, protections, even immunity. THAT is the world he created. “I promised my Mom that I would make life safe for us” he always told me. “I made a commitment”. By us he meant pedophiles, and he did exactly what he set out to do. They aren’t just pedophiles, they practice bestiality, rape, sadism, every kind of extreme paraphilia you can imagine. His wife in particular is addicted to having sex with animals. She hated me most because I found her disgusting for doing so! Wouldn’t you?
No one stopped him. I was just the experiment, it’s the little blond haired blue eyed white girls they want. The one’s that come from wealthy families. Good luck with that! It was never just about eradicating Black people and raping kids then getting rid of evidence. It was ALWAYS about making predators the ruling elite forever. Their plan is working because not only American leadership, but global leadership is to weak to stand up to the bullies! President Joe Biden
Thanks to the total and complete failure of all of Western society, the ignorance of the “good people” in society to be able to grasp truth, he made his dream a reality. He wanted to be sure that before he died he honored the mother who molested him, his sister, and me! He never stopped having sex with her, up until her death. The person he loved most in the world though wasn’t her, it was his sister! “When you love someone you usually die within 2–3 years of them” he always said. He died 2 years after her. He and I both knew he couldn’t survive without his incestuous relationship with her. Life wasn’t worth living without it, not to him. THAT is the man who created the current incarnation of the world we live in. But it’s MY sanity people are questioning for telling the truth about it. I’ve been systematically violated my entire life, no one person ever caring enough to fight for me. Why should I care what anyone thinks? No one cares about my children!
What about the people who know all of this is true and still cover it up???????????????
There is no way to calculate how many times I have been raped, by whom, dates, locations, there are just too many. No one has ever cared. I wonder what people think a 5 year old could be guilty of that would make her accountable for such treatment? Why should I deserve it? Why should anyone? They told me what they believed, every single one of them. “Nig***, Kaffir, Abomination, Rat, Roach, Whore, Slut, Freak, Bit**, C***, Whole, Filth, Waste, Useless, Horse, Cow, Breeder, Vessel, Property, Statistic, 4. That’s what they would say to me before they raped me. They truly love humiliation.
“I’ll turn you into a statistic” he told me my entire life. So he did, because I didn’t want to be his child victim. “Why won’t you love me” I grew up hearing him scream. Constantly whining, crying, throwing tantrums, always trying to force me into a position of having to choose him or death. He was a mature man when on a mission, but when his obsessions took over he turned into the developmentally arrested child that his mother abused and manipulated.
When you support people like this, turn a blind eye, ignore the cries for help from the victims, lie on us, slander us, this is what you support. In this very moment his white victims are getting justice, my children and I never will.
I can’t eve get COVID relief of food assistance. But I’m the one who is “abusive”?
Is it a question of the fittest of the fittest? Or is it a question of who gets away with the most crime against the most vulnerable? Vulnerability is a matter of social engineering, not genetics, no different from poverty. Yet racists continue to argue the lie and the weak continue to allow it as the vulnerable are punished. But the world is so full of his propaganda and mind control, no one even understands what a human is any longer let alone what life is. This is the man who created the programs that created Ai. Remember that! All digital technology. The internet, social media, BIG Tech and BIG everything. There is no aspect of society that he hasn’t infected and faked. He took the planet decades ago, the world still hasn’t caught on yet.
He won! He got everything he wanted. A world made in his image. Perhaps people should know what that image is!
“There is nothing wrong with pedophilia. It’s been going on as long as humans have existed. Pedophiles are the most evolved species on the planet. We will prove this in the end. Children are sexual beings. You respond to my touch because your body is designed to. Age is just a number. I will treat you much better than anyone else ever will. The only reason you feel negative about it is because you are a negative person and you are choosing negativity. If you would simply choose to be positive then it won’t bother you. It won’t hurt you. It’s only painful if you choose to see it that way.” That’s what he raised me with, extremely sick delusions that he literally has made mainstream and everyone either participates or turns a blind eye to it. Instead of seeing the truth, people blame me for talking about it!
His scientists told me “we want to see what happens when we pair an extremely vulnerable person with an extremely deviant person”. Experiments! They said that the mind control works better when you explain it first, then torture, it lasts longer. The mind control wasn’t just to hide the abuse, it was to hide the missions they forced me to participate in. Like the one where I was forced to go to Africa to steal the technology they needed to make fast computer processors. The Congo is yet to recover. Congressional Black Caucus NAACP United Nations
My father and I lived it all our lives, my whole family has. No one ever cares. In America, Black people are not viewed as human, we are viewed as property, sub-human, animals, objects, demons. All due to mind control, no one cares. Elite Black people care even less, turning a blind eye is the “sacrifice” they have to make to get wealth for themselves. I watched him make the deal all my life. Just because they say they did it on their merit doesn’t make it true! I myself personally sacrificed A LOT to make sure that many people did make it to elite status just so that they could help others escape, very few do.
They couldn’t care less for the people they harm as a result! I’ve lived it all my life, “I don’t care about that little abomination!” That’s what I grew up hearing from the Black people in those spaces. They care A LOT about the pedophiles who were torturing and molesting me though! Will do ANYTHING for them! Cover up their murders, rapes, molestation, the children born of their abuse, their genocides, the holocaust they designed, anything. There is no limit to what they will do to protect the most disgusting, abusive, murderous, and sick men ever to walk the Earth. But I’m the abomination? Interesting.
Once they become complicit, it’s their own money and legacy on the line. Money is the only God of the elites, they have completely lost their connection to life, humanity, nature, and spirituality. They are devoid of anything sane, that is why they can celebrate while millions upon millions upon millions suffer and die. They thrive off of evil, it feeds them. This is only the beginning, this doesn’t end here. Choosing to ignore the truth is the downfall of this planet and people don’t even know it.
It’s funny because if people actually believed in the things they say they do, they would see it all clearly. Every single religion, spiritual practice, and primal belief system teaches that these days would come. We have had billions of signs, symbols, every kind messaging that a human can imagine throughout all time periods of human civilization across the entire globe. Even the most primitive cultures have the same prophecies about the days we are living. NOTHING has stopped them, ignoring reality doesn’t help anyone, it supports the systemic toxicity that is destroying all.
“If there is a God why doesn’t he stop the pain? I’ll prove to you that there is no God! I’ll prove to you that no one will ever help you. There will never be anybody but me, I AM YOUR GOD! YOU DISOBEY ME, I BREAK YOU!” Those are the types of things he would say to me as he raped and tortured me. These were all people who go to church, claim to be Christian, pray, are all “good people” and “heroes” in society. It’s all fake! They care only about their own evil desires.
Even he, in the very end, regretted his actions. They both did. Even they understood, in those final moments how sick they actually are. They themselves communicated this to me. Turning a blind eye doesn’t accomplish what you think it will, it only furthers irreversible destruction.
That all began at 5 years old, in the middle of the mandated school day. Nothing has changed. There are no safety measures instituted to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again so it never ended. Instead, they simply hid their tactics in more clever ways. Now, pedophilia, rape, abuse, torture, murder, bigotry, deviance are all mainstream. The very people who are committing heinous crimes against the most innocent in society are the very people who are the ones “blessed” by society. Abuse is rewarded! The targets of abuse are the “evil” ones, if you’re Black or marginalized that is.
People tell me every day, “it’s in the past, get over it”. IT’S NOT THE PAST IF IT’S STILL HAPPENING! The abuse never stopped. It continues to this day. Now all they have to do is deploy Ai. Algorithms. Energy weapons. Police. Paramilitary. Militias. Mobs. Propaganda. Racists. Rapists. Kidnappers. Economic attacks. Courts. Any aspect of the infrastructure that they claim needs attention to things like roads and bridges. LAUGHABLE! What about the bigotry, genocide, rape, molestation, breeding, and torture? How do you plan to address that? Every aspect of society is weaponized against Blackness and vulnerability, no one cares. UN Women How hard do you think it is to raise children in this environment? But we’re weak if we can’t escape it? You don’t call the men tortured in Abu Ghraib weak, even when they were terrorists, you call them victims and you provide them with support. So who am I then?
I don’t even know how many children he forced me to get pregnant with from the age of 10 onward, I don’t even know where they are. Their father’s do. Every single one of them made it to the White House. But I’m supposed to be quiet, so that their racist, fascist agenda can succeed? He’s the one who told me to blow the whistle precisely in the manner that I am doing it, yet you still blame me. He wanted the world to know who he truly was, but he didn’t have the courage to be that himself, to claim it openly. No, he forced me to do it. What a coward.
A world where this level of delusion, sickness, dysfunction, and abuse exists isn’t even appealing let alone civilized. People think that because they escape many of these things then they are blessed. Perhaps they are shielded from such abuse because they are supporting the system that is abusive! That was how it was designed to be. Ignoring won’t make the truth untrue, it just makes you delusional for failing to see.