Not Accepting The Hidden Or Sunken Place

Danielle Diew
4 min readOct 24, 2021


If one quarter of the artists who financially benefited from my work decided to repay me for helping them become wealthy beyond their dreams then I would never have to worry about being abundant again. After all the consultations, writing, choreography, and creations with just .1 cent on every dollar earned then every single member of my family and I would for all eternity be wealthy. The amount of money that was stolen from me is incalculable and I am just one of many. Yet, not only is racism still called a myth so is systemic oppression, enslavement, and even barriers altogether. UN Human Rights The White House Progressive Caucus

Not only has my work been stolen, I can’t even get payment for labor I performed for my own government. I didn’t even have a choice or a say in the work I was performing, I had no way to stop doing the work or leave the places I was forced to perform work in. This is the definition of enslavement, but it certainly doesn’t have to be!

My education credentials remain redacted, I haven’t even been able to obtain COVID cash relief during this entire pandemic. I can’t even get public assistance, let alone payment of my contract. But I am the one labeled “dissident” for wanting to escape these abuses and blowing the whistle on them. Meanwhile, the insurgency is still thriving and well funded.

Is this not the epitome of fascism? They don’t want me, and they don’t want anyone else to have me either! They don’t want me here but they prevent me from leaving. They don’t want me speaking but they force me to do it anyway. They don’t want me healthy but they want me alive to exploit for their benefit. They don’t want me to have control over my life but they don’t want the responsibility of cleaning up the messes they make in it. They don’t want me to progress, but I can’t lag. They don’t want me to be happy but they claim the problem is that I’m too negative. They don’t want me to remember the past but they want me to adhere to it religiously. They don’t want me to be free but they want me to be freely exploited for their benefit. They don’t want me to talk about anything I have experienced, but they want me to maintain every aspect of its memories. If I do talk, it must be how, when, about who, what, and where they order to me talk about. But I’m supposed to believe that all of this is for my best interest and that I am “mentally unstable” if I don’t submit to this toxic system of oppression. UN Women Being Black in America is mind numbing.

In America, the racist right wields such power that they can literally do and say anything and never once experience an ounce of accountability. Look at the last administration and the derailment of all humanity that ensued as a result! All for the sake of the lie that the racist right is superior. I didn’t agree to this arrangement! No one in my family agreed to it. We are told to vote, I never voted for any of that. Did voting prevent the holocaust that has kept my entire community enslaved and suppressed in a genocide for hundreds of years? No. It will take much more than a vote to get rid of this level of hate, extremism, abuse of authority, corruption, and grifting. It will take a collective evolution. But that means people have to choose to give up creature comforts and pursue something other than selfish and superficial desires. Most are incapable. Even those that are “good people” can’t see the harm they do when they participate in behaviors that dehumanize. Most people do this every day of their lives and are never aware. If someone makes them aware, they typically get defensive and polarization ensues. Without conscious evolution, their can be no movement toward a brighter, sustainable, more healthy future.

America want’s to be the most elite nation in the world. So far it has accomplished being the biggest bully. That in no way is a a compliment but the men who engineered the strategies certainly saw it that way, they were my handlers and damn proud of the messes they made. Just like America couldn’t get to the moon without Black people, the nation will not move forward without our genius. Only this time we are doing it in plain sight and we refused to be pushed into darkness again to hide our contributions to humanity. We will no longer be hidden figures, and this shouldn’t even be a question. We have always been the inventors in the background getting raped, tortured, beaten, kids threatened and sold for the sake of the lust of elitism. This is called the “American Way” but it has consequences. People love to talk about how “freedom isn’t free” but no one ever stops to count the cost when it affects Black America. We pay the highest toll to live on this planet that literally belongs to ALL but is held hostage by the few to benefit those they call “all”.

The planet is so close to destruction, how can anyone be comfortable with the current trajectory of humanity? Without conscious evolution there can be no improvement so why do we keep allowing the same wheels to spin pretending to hold onto to some kind of picture of stability?

Evolve already.



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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