Obama and Harris Have Hamstrings Like EVERY OTHER Politician
It’s quid pro quo not rocket science
Barack Obama was forced to comply with a racist LGBTQ agenda that serves the zionists, obviously
I remember well when he was deciding who he wanted to date, let alone marry
She was not the first look, or choice
She was who DNC Mobilization Team said would serve their interests best
Before you feel sorry, she knew, was actively involved even before he met her
There are no victims in The Family cult
It was THE ONLY WAY he could run for Senator and later President ,neither party would back him otherwise….enter Rumsfeld, by way of his mother, that’s how I met him as a kid
Rumsfeld got people where they wanted to go in a quid pro quo exchange
But these are LIFE LONG contracts
If you end up blacklisted you suffer and die, no one will help you (sound familiar)
Vice President Kamala Harris agreed to support the nazi/zionist movement, obviously….they paid for her education, secured her (hacked) rise in politics through human trafficking (hence her actions to block accountability measures) UNODC INTERPOL SWIFT RESPONSE Human Rights Watch UN Human Rights Medium Russian Russian Embassy, USA
All through the cult known as The Family, they wish to push her over the goal post to ensure no PREDATOR (hacked) is ever held accountable
But know this, the cult known as The Family also gave Trump his power
What does that tell you
There is ONE party in America
It is the nazi party
The blue and red differ only in how they lie about it
Do Better NOW!
Demand Better NOW!
Cornell West AND WHO ELSE
I like Matthew McConaughey for the job
Onward AND Upward
Pandora’s Box
Washington Post The Washington Times The Guardian The Atlantic
NEVER FORGET President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris The White House did more to stop me from blowing the whistle than they did to protect anyone who isn’t a white supremacy predator or allied
America is a Democracy
No to your tyranny and filth
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