On Being A Gold Digger
None of the ten
Had money when we met
What gold was I digging
I’m the one who gave to them
To help build and expand
Their careers
Some of them were homeless
Some of them couldn’t buy food for themselves
Some of them wanted a level up
But couldn’t get it with what they had
A few had money
But not enough to operate like I did
In the highest spaces
As I said
I Am wealth
But their bigotry and ego
Couldn’t let them see it
Plenty of others can
They keep me FAR from anyone
Like that
I didn’t expect too much though
Their guide was a child trafficker
Sick and sad
But they signed on with him
Of their own free will
For fame and fortune
Knowing in the end
They would sacrifice me to an extreme death
While tortured in the
They all projected evil and more
On purpose
Knowing I didn’t deserve it
Knowing well they lied to self
As well as everyone else
Knowing well they did nothing
But abuse and slander me
For profit
While keeping me caged
It was all a game to them
They laughed at my pain and suffering
Blamed me for it
Ignored the trauma
To all my children
While wearing masks
Pretending to be like me
Transferring all I Am to their spouse and options
Like a replacement
If I’m such a bad person
Deserving of all this torture
Why do they copy and steal from me
Now they suffer for it
I spent decades catering to all of them
While they took all and gave nothing
Not by choice
I was tortured into it
My dark night of the soul
Started when I was a kid
Ended in 2020
Through it all
They gave nothing
But pain and suffering
Yet they all claim I owe them
I can’t leave they claim
But I disgust them
Epitome of mental health problems
Some of them still refusing
To even admit they were wrong
For doing it
But I’m the “threat”?
The gold diggers are not only their wives
Who were sent to them from the devil’s lap
I warned all of them
But also
ALL their mistresses and options
They don’t know real
They aren’t authentic
So they can’t see it
Let alone attract it
I was tethered to them
My ficative hoped I would lose self
That was NEVER going to happen
I Am Still
I Am That I Am