On “Very Good People”

Danielle Diew
8 min readOct 3, 2021


Define good, in my life they have always looked at me as the problem, not those abusing me. I don’t call that good!

My handler has assets everywhere, he always has. Everywhere I have ever existed he had no only tech observing me at at a distance, security teams “in the treetops” observing (Tradecraft term), but also embedded within close proximity. He turned friends, family, teachers, doctors, co-workers, bosses, support services workers, business owners, everywhere. I would hear people literally talking about it just before they came to me and abused me with his words, his actions, his instructions, violating my human rights every step of the way. There are ALWAYS 6 degrees of separation, but sometimes much closer.

What kind of teacher blames a vulnerable child for getting pregnant by a rich and powerful adult then tells them they should be married and that they let it happen to themselves? That God will punish me for what I “allowed” to happen to me? I can’t count how many “good people, very fine people” have told me that God will punish me for what their own abusers have done to me, but not the abuser because God loves them. This is the world we live in, this is what it is to be Black in America. There is no escape, there is only fighting our way out. But you don’t like it when we fight back, so what do you want us to do? The White House Several of my “baby daddies” made it to the White House, but I’m not supposed to talk about that, I’m just supposed to accept this as my “plight in life” United Nations why?

The first time he forced me to get pregnant he hired a teacher to watch me. She was already a teacher in the school, it didn’t take any convincing. He just picked a marginalized, racist white person, slandered me, and paid them. That’s how easy it is. People like her are a “dime a dozen”, she was EXACTLY like his wife! She even looked like her! I watched him manipulate those women my entire life, they will do ANYTHING for the attention of a man. They worship power and money because they have none. They want what wealthy people have and they will do anything to be in alignment with them. They don’t have to be tortured, raped, or abused to be talked into doing the sickest things. They can be bought. Even with my own family he had to use drugs, abuse, threats, coercion, torture. It was costly in time, money, resources, and man power. It was so easy to just use his own people, devolved as they are. They don’t hesitate to go on the attack, America is beginning to understand what that looks like in real time now.

She spent what was supposed to be her tax payer salaried, tenured position abusing a small child in the most extreme conditions instead of helping the child she was actually paid to assist. We spent countless hours in “debate” about who is to blame when a child is molested. She always sided with the pedophile, as long as he was white. She berated me publicly in front of the class constantly, no matter where I went that became my reputation. he made sure of it. There were always people just like her, doing exactly what she did. At every school, in every town, in every state, in every setting. It is so disingenuous for America to pretend that the activities seen in America today sprang from the last administration. It’s always happened, the last administration simply amped up aggressions and escalated the coup that had already been happening for many years.

She berated me for being a little pregnant girl with no husband. I wasn't even 12 yet. I wanted an abortion, he wouldn’t allow it. UN Women He sold the child, and the father gained a very high status in politics for playing his part. He did the same thing to me over, and over, and over, and over, and over. Again, I was a little girl. It was bad enough I had to hide the pregnancies from my mother who was powerless against these powerful people. She ended up blaming me as well thinking I could just walk away, how? People don’t believe me now, you think they listened then? Look what the teacher was doing. There were other kids in my classroom being trafficked to very prominent families in powerful intelligence agencies. Do you think she cared? Her sole focus was ensuring that the eyes were off of everyone else, and blame directed toward “my inferiority.” It’s the same tactic every time, it’s never changed. Even very intelligent, decent people eventually fall for the lie. It’s so much easier to blame the person with no ability to protect themselves, the abusers are too scary to confront.


My mother figured it out every time, he threatened her too. “Don’t tell your brother and sisters”. She wasn’t my real mom anyway, she only cared about keeping the abusers away from them. She sacrificed me just like he and his cronies did. But I’m supposed to accept this as my “plight in life” and suffer the consequences of everyone else’s failures. EVERYONE would be happy if I just STFU crawled into a corner and died quietly. That is precisely why I won’t! IDGAF what anyone thinks anymore! I want justice and I won’t stop until I get it. I’m not placating pedophiles and I loathe anyone who does!

My handler didn’t make any changes until my Mom discovered the truth, then everyone was told to shut up about it. He began slandering me for HIS actions in elementary school and I continue to live the results today. People treat me even worst now, and it’s always my own fault, but NOTHING has changed. The abuse remains, the apathy remains, the injustice remains, the attacks remain. But I’m supposed to accept that I brought all of it on myself because I wouldn’t “comply”. Fine, I brought it on myself then if those are the terms. But know this, I believe in equality, so may all reap what they have sewn. If you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear.

None of the abuse ever stopped, it increased and evolved, as did surveillance and enforcement methods. If it weren’t for the Black Lives Matter protests, I would still be masked behind the veil of illusion. Ironically, it was the desire of his cronies to destroy me for doing absolutely nothing other than trying to survive that brought attention my situation and allowed me to go public. This put distance between he and I for the first time ever in my entire life. It was temporary but just enough for me to make a run for it. He died a few months later but his system of control remains in place. No one cares. He spent those last months using his vast resources to attack me and attempting to force me to comply with his pedophile, child bride, breeding, harem cult. Every day was a constant battle! No one helped, no cared then as no one cares now. Just like I had to grow up fighting that battle alone, I do now. He always said it would be this way. But just like when I was in those forests, jungles, rivers, oceans, planes, vessels, aircrafts, jumps, and combat missions on my own and survived it EVERY SINGLE TIME and sometimes saving HIS people along the way, I will survive this too. When all of his cronies are gone, I will be the one still remaining. It pays to be honest and have integrity.

I’ve been on this path my whole life, I didn’t choose it despite what people continue to accuse me of. I didn’t embrace, in spite of the lies told. I didn’t agree to it, how would a child be able to give consent anyway? How can an adult under threats, force and coercion give legal consent? How can someone who is being tortured and hypnotized give consent? How can someone who is being drugged and exposed to chemicals give consent? How can someone who is being threatened with guns, being raped and beaten, and their entire family under attack give consent? You can’t, that’s how.

My handler sat on the board of the largest chemical companies in the world before I was born. He used those chemicals to develop biological warfare, and dispersed them all over the world by selling them or using them in war. The chemical companies receive government welfare to conduct their experiments which include dispersing them to the general population. Many members of all three branches of government have stocks in these companies and benefit from their profits. The corruption is so thick that he called it “too big to fail” meaning if any of them get caught they will skip accountability because of the hit that the Capitalist Regime will take. Not only because of profuse cronyism, but also because putting effort into fixing the problem is almost impossible to do without exposing their own guilt. This is why there is never any substantial change. There is much discussion, “we want to make sure all of the money goes to the businesses, the jobs that operate the programs, but not to the people the programs serve”. That’s what he told me in 190, Reston VA, classified setting, middle of the school day. He was hired by the right and paid with tax dollars to ensure these derailments are successful. He knew how to get around any and every loophole, and to exploit them all for the benefit of, in his own words, “white people”. But race isn’t a factor in America because there is equality? UN Human Rights

I can see why the “right” is so afraid of the truth being taught to anyone. Why they can’t stop talking about how any and everything that reveals the truth is “harmful”. What will they tell their own children and grandchildren when they ask why they chose to participate in, or ignore the circumstances of, the most extreme violations of nature and human rights seen in modern history. How could that be explained away? It can’t, so all they have to do is hide the truth in plain sight. No one gets the correct information, propaganda remains prolific, and the most vulnerable continue to be marginalized into extinction as though we are the people who are destroying the planet. UNICEF I would rather die than to be trapped on planet with no way out with only these beings. They aren’t human, they consume humans. They are unevolved beasts in human form, wolves in sheep's clothing. They are the monsters under the bed, literally. They are the villains in this story and no one should be minimizing this fact, ever.



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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