On Who I Attract
In truth
I attract all types of energy
My bandwidth is multidimensional
My orbit pulls everyone in
But those I have been entangled with
Those I have been intimate with
All Johns from pimps
People I was trafficked to
People DR sold me to
I didn’t choose a single one of them
Did I make the most of it
Some of them can’t handle it
The chain of stalkers is real
I’m a Tantra and Kundalini master
Have been for decades
I trained in Asia
From India
To China
To Japan
I made the most of it
Because that’s how I am
I take the darkness
And pave a light path
So yeah
I have mad skills
It does people’s head in
I don’t exploit it
It’s energy that must be kept sacred
Never shall I be a cause for stumbling
Sacred sexuality is but one form
Of spirituality
I have studied many forms
Mastered several
I walk in spirit every day
It’s not magick
It’s science
Misunderstood but true nonetheless
My word is bond
Because I am accountable
Not only to the ancients
But to spirit
I am well aware of my soul’s path
I know where I am going
I know where I have been
No one can make me feel less than
Because of what I have lived
I have courage
I have strength
I have fortitude
I Am me
Whomsoever finds themselves attracted
To me
Is their business
What have I to do with another’s brain?