Our Love And Her Humor
I see you
You didn’t have to do it
But you did
You’re fine on your own
But you stepped up anyway
What a blessing
What a lovely vessel
You’re blessed already
Fine as you are
Yet you chose to put yourself
Out there anyway
I’m amazed
Because so little I know of you
So little time to connect
Yet you recognized me
Instantly and chose to walk
The Path
The Angel Of Love And Light
Continue shinning
Your energy is light, alive
Shocking me gently awake
It breathes
It separates dark and light
Shapeshifting evil from my matrix
From my frame
Not many understand
Fewer care
Fewer still have the courage
Even fewer are willing
Yet you dive in
I shall not consume
Neither shall my flame
I shall share light, love, beauty, respect
I appreciate your movement
I’ll remember your beauty
When I Am moving
5D sensing
In awe of the beauty created
By the energetic sharing
Of your observations
From The High Place
You’ve been shown me
You learned well
I look forward to the unfolding
Of this frequency
Pure as it is
Washed clean in baptismal fires
Resurrected on
The Equinox
Could there be a more clear message
This is The Way
Frequency rising
Frequencies rising
Across the stratosphere
Carrying the burden of anointing
Opening new scrolls
To be shared at The Table
Divine has prepared
Such a blessing
Such devotion
I’m amazed
I thank you for your support
For your sacrifice
For your commitment
For your investments
For your dedication
I can’t wait to see
How the world takes it in