Overcoming Fear
America has an obsession with fear, holding onto it like it IS the last breath. In reality, the way to deal with fear is to face it, head-on. It takes skill, energy, preparation, strength, it’s not for the weak. But it works if you work it.
The men who abused me spent decades trying to break me, using fear, torture, rape, threats, coercion, anything that worked to alter my perceptions. If I didn’t want to do something, they simply changed my mind. With brutality. That’s how I was raised, their way or the highway, forever. “The only way out is death” they used to say. He took his golden parachute and left me behind penniless, precisely how he forced me to live. But I’m supposed to pretend it’s my fault and that I’m delusional for thinking otherwise.
America has a fear of accountability. People are rewarded for evil and punished for doing actual, genuinely good things. People are scapegoated for the worst crimes ever as the perpetrators skip off into fantasyland never to be held accountable. They too get their gold parachutes.
America is absolutely terrified of all things justice, it’s either snatching it from those who deserve it or obstructing it in times when people;e truly need accountability. Or both. But never just genuinely doing the correct thing, that just rarely ever happens. America certainly is the dystopia that some set out to create, yet they wonder why anyone is angry about it. The planet is running out of resources, but the American delusion of superiority is alive, kicking, and holding everything back for everyone. And we’re all supposed to accept this as our fate, or just die. But we’re the unstable ones for wanting to fight back against such ignorance?
It’s literally mind-boggling in so many ways, just to try to run some of the most ridiculous ideologies through any sort of mental filter that makes any of it useful. I see fully, the Oriborous, the snake eating its own tail. It may mean something else to others, but the image I clearly see here is of a “serpent” wrapped in an “infinity loop” with its own body, eating its own tail. In other words, humanity is the serpent, continuing to repeat the same cycles over and over without learning the lessons needed to break the cycles.
Recognizing the planet tanking into inexistence should have everyone alarmed and wanting to improve everything, rather than fighting over who has the biggest appendage and who they can force it on.
Do better.
Leaving this unedited!