Pandora Protocols
It’s a code
DR created it
For this purpose
I followed protocols
Because that’s my job
But also
I had no choice
Had people not decided
To open Pandora’s Box
I never would have had to
Follow the protocols
In which case
Nothing from 2020 onward
Would have even happened
All these people brought this on self
Playing games with other people’s lives and possessions
There are consequences for that
All of this serves a purpose
But the reality is
The men and women playing victim
Pretending they have been harmed in some way
By their own decisions
They are programmed
Anyone who believes it’s okay to abuse
There is no hope for them
It doesn’t matter the race
It matters if you have common sense
I can be as damaged as I want
With all my impairments
From all the abuse I have suffered
But what I won’t do
Is pretend
That it’s normal to be run all over
I have NEVER allowed that
I never will
Just because a liar says it
Doesn’t make it real
DR told a lot of lies too
People chose to believe him
That’s the very reason this mess exists
But I’m not a maid
I wasn’t born to be anybody’s slave bell
Or stuck in a false matrix
I Am That I Am
Apparently, racists can’t take it
Oh well
Pray to white Jesus and ask him what he says
Do you know the gospels?
I wonder because when in Sodom
It always ends the same
It’s not my fault if people choose debauchery
Over actual living
I’m not taking anybody’s abuse
I never did
I survived
Then fought back
Then escaped
I’m never going back
All that I am owed
Shall be paid back to me
From one cent
To hundreds of millions
And then some
There will be no escape