Pandora’s Black Box Purge Continues

Danielle Diew
5 min readFeb 22, 2022


Shiloh Poetry

There Should Be No Questions

I’m not your projection

Your cash cow

Your monkey

Your experiment

You’re human zoo

You’re red ledger

You’re kill

You’re sexual object

I’m not your drone

You’re scapegoat

You’re target

You’re slave

I’m not you’re diagnosis

You’re karma

You’re dark cloud

You’re tool

You’re expectation

You’re friend

You’re enemy

You’re stigma

You’re slander

You’re manifestation

You’re ideology

You’re boil to pick at

I’m a human

With my own mind, body, and soul

My own feelings, thoughts, and goals

My own desires, experiences, and consciousness

My own purpose

I wasn’t born to be fodder for anything

But least of all

For your delusions

You’re political rhetoric

You’re lies, deceit, manipulations

You’re agendas

You’re outcomes

You’re grift

I’m human


In my own skin

Full of melanin


Living as a human being

In a world that hates my very essence

A spiritual being

In a human experience

I don’t have to be anything

You want from me!

You want to talk

About owning agency

I Am Mine!

I will not bow down to any tyrant!

I will not be enslaved, ensnared, pinned in

If you attack me


I will not be your crash test dummy

Or the face of your gatekeeping mechanisms

I won’t be your snitch

I won’t be your bitch

I won’t be your ho

You’re whore

You’re slut

You’re baby mamma

You’re statistic

Or anything else!







That doesn’t mean I won’t fight!

I won’t make it easy!

That doesn’t mean I’m sick

It means I’m lucid

It means I see through the fake

It means the propaganda can’t affect me

It means I see through the veil

It means I won’t be a puppet on a string

It means I won’t sacrifice my life working

Remaining unpaid!

I won’t invent, create, write, design, or achieve

Only to have my excellence appropriated

By lesser men!

If you could do what I do

You would have!

What do you need me, my DNA, my creations for

If you can do it?

Stop it!

You are not at all complicated

Just annoying and dangerously ignorant

I have ALWAYS had the courage of my convictions

Even if your bias wouldn’t let you see it

I maintain my integrity

My ethics sustain me

Just like my training

I survived EVERYTHING thrown at me

For 46 years

Including black site torture

Human trafficking

Rape and molestation

As well as the loss of my children

Nothing has broken me

I learned very early on

By some of the most highly skilled masters in the world

How to bend but never break

How to be the water

Not like the water

How to be the air

Not like it

How to what I need

In every given moment

Don’t hate because you are afraid of such strength

You have no choice but to get out of my face

Or deal with it

I’m NOT stopping!

Even if I have no concept of where the energy will come from

I wait until I am able to manifest it

I know who I Am

Where I have been

Where I am going

What my destiny is

How it all relates to what is truly happening

I won’t be beaten into submission

Neither will my children


Life is a right that every living human

Is born with

I won’t be ground down into any substance

If you thought that’s who I was

That was YOUR mistake!

You will not take anything from me!

I won’t allow it!

If I shed this body

My consciousness still lives

It’s a shame you can’t comprehend the science

But then again

You are terrified of such things!


Xenophobia is a hell of a drug

But I don’t indulge in things

That keep me blinded and arrested!

You need to try THAT

Instead of trying to control the lives of others

Attempting to suppress us into extinction

Because YOU are afraid to grow beyond your own limitation

Why should I allow my life to be dictated

By your ignorance?

Why should WE allow any of it?

Why should we be your caricature

Because you are too weak to understand

What life truly is

The best thing I can pass down to my kids

Is knowing who they are

Who they come from

Where there ancestors walked

What they can do

With all that melanin in their DNA

It’s more than just a way to get a tan!

You can’t strip nature from a human being

Certainly not from me and my kids!

You won’t water us down

Blocking out the sun won’t limit our genetics!

You can’t clone us to coopt our gifts!

You have to walk it

Generation after generation

You can only brainwash sheep

That’s why I’m still me

I’ve ALWAYS known who I am

Even with amnesia

I don’t have to remember every experience lived

I only need to know who TF I Am!

I’m not a bot

I never have been

I never will be

I’m the power your worst nightmares

Are afraid to see

You can’t break me with your knee of tyranny

Hoping to snuff, suffocate, and drown life out of me

And my progeny

They already know who they are

They will always be whole and complete

Even if they shed their bodies

Their consciousness surpasses the most advanced technology

You can’t force me beneath

Because I am a woman









FULL of inner strength!

I’m not your military section 8

Or your shit under your shoe that needs scraping

I’m the force of awakening you wish you could see

Keep your pathologizing and criminalizing

Away from me and my progeny

We can thrive just fine without your inference

You can’t teach what you can’t be!

But that’s the problem though isn’t it

Our Blackness!

Our resilience!

Our ability to survive anything!

Our brilliance!

Our ability to create!

Our ability to thrive even under the harshest of conditions!

Our ability to influence movement!

I am The Black Rose that grew through the concrete

I pushed through with my will

I shall not relinquish me

To the imaginations and machinations of deviants!

All you can do is hope the heat of my truth blade

Never has to be pointed in your direction!

If you have wronged me

I suggest you get it straight!

Because what I have seen

I cannot unsee

The truth cannot be erased

If you have slandered me

I suggest you tell the truth to reverse the direction

If you continue to accost me

I promise

I won’t hold back from deploying my training

Until the scales are balanced

Pandora’s Black Box purge continues

Deal with it!

’Til Shiloh



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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