Pandora’s Box Installment
1.2.23 People still play games
Moving onward, upward, and outward. Never to return. Moving into spaces where life is protected, respected, appreciated. Where consciousness is recognized as life rather than a threat. Moving away from the toxic soup that is THE WEST. Had enough of the fake ish, the backstabbing, the bull ish. Gong where I knew I trust the process.
You came to me in the deep sleep
Pinned my wrists then branded me
You don’t show your face
You don’t reveal your name
You mask your energy
You mask your intentions
You just feed
Unless you blow your own whistle
To me you’re just a demon
Any questions?
What does that even mean
I’m not living in unreality
You abandoned me in a matrix you created
FOR me
I can’t afford to be in unreality
It would kill me
Imagine if you actually respected me
Imagine if you treated me with dignity
Imagine if you didn’t abuse
Imagine if you paid what you owed
Imagine if you did positive things
Oh, I see
I mistake you see
I see a threat
In this meaning
What you foresee
You prepare to eradicate
What is it you want from me
You’ve never stated
You never state it
You simply target & attack
I’m not a child anymore
So, what is it?
No way will I remain in a box
A false matrix
A toxic soup created by hate
All while “leadership” blames the targets
No way
You promised protection
You delivered predation
You begged for trust
Then you betrayed it
You cried not to be left
Then you left me
You begged me for help
Then refused to help me
You are the epitome of benedict
I’ll keep it moving
Let go or get ripped to shreds
So Be It
What America fears about me
Is the way I expand my consciousness
Here they keep 99% of the population trapped in chains
The bottom 10% are mostly descendants of slaves
You know what that means?
Bantu people are STILL being eradicated
After all these centuries
It’s not because we are a threat
Or inferior
Or anything negative
It’s because we carry certain genes
That give us certain abilities
Rare in humanity
So, if the top 1% can’t extract it
They kill it off
Claim it doesn’t exist
It’s ethnic cleansing UNICEF
But our kids don’t get protection
We get enslaved then scapegoated
ALL leadership in THE WEST
Committed to this genocidal reign
It’s the way of THE WEST
Predation nothing more nothing less
Rooted in hate and scapegoating targets
THEY can do and say as they please
THEY feel they are entitled to it
Killing, raping, molesting, stealing
All perfectly fine
They believe themselves to be ordained
The truth is
They are sick creatures
Unable to access basic human thinking
Nothing more nothing less
I won’t submit to it
I’m a human aware of my Godself
Walking in my Godself
Communing with my Godself
Why would I give that up
For creatures who have no connections
To self
The cosmic
Or anything other than predation
They are disgusting
Not worth the oxygen they waste
Stomping all over Earth
Destroying all life
Claiming to be victims
I am so sick of it
I deserve my own life
I shall have it
Or go out fighting it
I would rather be tortured to death
Then have any association with
nazis, pedophiles, the treasonous, or rapists
It’s not rocket science
It’s called self-awareness
Oath, I keep it
Nothing more
Nothing less
So Be It
UN Women still getting tortured, still no one cares
“Keep going, it’s working” they said
Yet here I am, 1.2.23 almost 3 years later, nothing has changed but the date
Nothing more
Nothing less