“Passed Around”
Reality Check Poetry
What do you think happens to human trafficking victims
We are sold into enslavement
The younger you are when it happens
The more trauma you experience
The more freedom the traffickers get
The more trauma you experience
The more isolated you become within society
The more trauma you experience
The system could never work
Without the help and support of those who side with the guilty parties
Particularly those appearing as wolves in sheep’s clothing
Particularly those smiling in faces while opening up back doors
Letting the attackers in
To steal the package
Committing original sin
Those cooperating with such transgressions
Are just as guilty
Often because they receive rewards
For aiding and abetting in ways
That violate the human rights of someone else
Thinking this system is “good for business”
Only makes the ideologies more deviant
Thinking the system is “good for expression”
Only makes people more psychopathic
Unlike yourself
I don’t need anyone to teach me about who I am
I know
I was born in this skin
So it was always important for me to know me
Inside and out
Regardless of circumstance
My traffickers also afforded me an elite education
“A reward for your suffering”
They used to say
“This is our form of restorative justice”
They claimed
Human analysis is but one of my areas of expertise and extensive experience
Not only can I see through me but I see through you
Simply by paying attention to how you speak and move
It doesn’t take much
Just a few seconds
You reveal more of yourself without ever knowing
Than 10 years of your manipulations
Could ever manifest
It’s funny how people ALWAYS underestimate
The people upon whom they force their own projections
Never realizing the focus should be on their own arrested development
Those who remain hidden behind the scenes
Creating chaos, stoking fires, slandering, gossiping
Creating opportunities for people to prey
Just as guilty as the predators
But absent the strength to overcome their fears
Human trafficking victims are always portrayed as weak “snowflakes”
The truth is we survive the harshest of circumstances
Few could withstand the trauma
So when we survive it
Heal from it
Grow from it
We become quite enlightened to the ways of humans
We are like diamonds
The process to create one is extensive and violent
Yet when it’s said and done and she is plucked
From the darkest of caves in the most remote regions
A beautiful jewel emerges
Shinning brighter than anyone would have imagined
So there is never cause for the targeted victims to be shamed
Only those who facilitate any aspect of the process
Are responsible for the blame
Even though society is so unevolved they cannot progress beyond this space
Because people are most often like you
Afraid to reap consequences for their thinking, actions, decisions
That doesn’t mean that truth disappears
Because delusional people fail to grasp it
There was never any form of accountability for it
That changes with me
I will accept nothing less!
People who refuse to look within
Can’t grow because they fear what they will see
Therefore they are incapable of change
Even if they want to they don’t know how
Often they envy the same victims whom they have hurt in various ways
If all you can do is focus on the repercussions of the forced experiences
Directing hate at the targeted victims
Claiming they are culpable in some way for being enslaved by perpetrators
Who should be imprisoned
Then you are sick
In no way fit to be around anyone
Let alone the vulnerable
Such as women, children, and marginalized populations
The only people to blame for enslavement
Are those who do the enslaving
Not those who can’t escape the circumstances from it
How sick to even consider the thought of it
Of course traffickers pass victims around
That is how they make their money
They literally get rich from doing just that
But you think it’s something to make light of
Something to joke about
Something to mock
Something to use as slander
Something to use to kettle and scapegoat the victim
What kind of creature would do that?
One with no emotional intelligence!
One who doesn’t even fathom what that is
You obviously didn’t learn enough growing up
Either at home or in your educational experience
While that is sad
You are now an adult
What is your excuse?
Is anyone holding a gun to YOUR head preventing you from doing anything??
That’s what happens to the targeted victims of sexual and domestic violence
The very ones you think should be shamed for what other’s do to them
“Don’t blame the perpetrator blame the victim”
In all your infinite wisdom that was all you could come up with?
I’m sure YOU have access to the internet
Unlike myself who gets blocked, hacked, censored, stalked, disconnected
I’m sure YOU can do your own research
To find out what human trafficking is
I’m sure YOU can educate yourself
On what it means to be enslaved
So if you choose not to
As demonstrated by the ignorance in your stance
Proliferated by the abusiveness of your statements
Then YOU should know that YOU look just like how you sound
Redirecting culpability onto the target
A-K-A deflection
Is a major indicator of desperation
The state one gets in when they fear being caught for something
It’s not rocket science
(And yes they are certainly more intelligent than the average human)
But let me break it down for you
In bits and pieces
So that you can digest the reality of what you project
Into the public arena
Heat will make anything move
The light of day can burn anything
Even the volatility and ignorance of abuse
The truth makes you free
Sunshine is a natural way to ensure the truth will always be
It’s high powered rays light up, super heat, and cleanse detestable things
Even viruses often recoil when hit with sunshine’s solar rays
All those who get caught up in the wave
Produced by the light of day
Tend to pass around blame
Like lost lambs
Those who attempt to focus attention on the targeted victims
It’s not brain surgery
Because that is not a common form of intelligence
This is common sense
Which should be common to all
But all too often
It is known to few
And this is the world that “superiority” created
A world that lies, abuse, and ignorance creates
So again I say
Rather than focusing your attention on the perpetrator
Of hideous crimes against nature
You TOO violate to targeted victim
Attacking character, gossiping, slandering, isolating, marginalizing
Further debilitating
Right along side the traffickers
You take aim at the vulnerable rather than the predators
Often ones like you are those that do the purchasing
Looking at us as though we are objects to be violated
Assuming we are undeserving of human rights
Because of the conditions we have been forced to experience
Labeling us “abominations”
While simultaneously benefiting from the system
Watching us with loathing
So hypocritical, ignorant, and deviant
As human beings are sold as property
Sold for goods and services
You mock the victim which only serves to uplift the predator
Tragedy, travesty, sickness, periodT
(Let me translate that colloquialism, the “T” is used for added emphasis)
So again I say
Do you partake?
Is that where you money is invested
In violating, exploiting, transporting, marketing?
Is that how you get your kicks
Watching, laughing, purveying, surveilling, surveying
Do you protect abusers, rapists, pedophiles
Or any other criminal who preys for the sake of narcissistic gain
The interesting thing is
People never understand how much of their own behaviors
Their own language
Reflect so much of who they truly are on the inside
Regardless of the sick mind games they play
Of course I’ve been passed around
Those mfrs made BILLIONS off of me!
I have only experienced a fraction of the person’s
That most human trafficking victims see
They kept me close
Held me tight
Used me only for the most elite
If ever it was someone else
It was because they were punishing me
That’s what happens when you are enslaved
Other people make the decisions for your life
Leaving you subjected to their sickness and cruelty
So yeah
Among those elites
The less than .95 %
Those are the ones who trafficked and purchased me
Even among that tiny group
I experienced so few
“The more rare you are the more money I can get for you”
That was MY experience
But many of my fellow victims globally
Experience more than 1000% of those numbers and more
Most aren’t capable of numbering
Depending on who is doing the trafficking
This is nothing to mock
Nothing to joke about
Nothing to make light of
Nothing to marginalize
It’s shameful, disgusting, abusive beyond comprehension
It’s inhuman
So to be so flippant truly shows where your head is
I stand in defense
Not only of my own life and experiences
But of ALL those who have been enslaved!
What kind of creature would choose not to?
I must ask again
What kind of creature would choose not to defend the enslaved?
The predatory that’s who
Particularly when the targets are trapped as tiny children
Kept in chains for lifetimes
Generation after generation
Vulnerable due to marginalization
Ignored by society often due to disability status and their ethnic population
Preyed on by the rich, wealthy, powerful, elite
Who are given every opportunity to do as they please
And get away clean with full immunity
They hunt, kill, destroy
More lives than can ever be calculated
So yeah
Human trafficking victims get “passed around”
What an ignorant thing to say!
How long did it take you to figure that out
Another question for you
While you were doing your evaluating
Of other people’s lives and circumstances
How did you come to miss the fact
That the predators are the guilty parties and deserving of scrutiny
As well as accountability
Yet get none of that
Because people like you are too busy
Scapegoating the lives upon which they prey
Have you ever even looked inside of yourself to do an analysis
Or are you too afraid?
There is NO WAY I am going to feel shame
For something someone else must take the blame
But I’m not
I’ve never been more lucid
Genocides always have that affect on me
This isn’t my first
I was trained for such things
But seeing democracy toppled
While I fight through my own enslavement
Is a hell of a thing
It’s triggering
But you should have asked about me
When I’m triggered
That’s how I was trained
So until America fixes it’s ish
I will continue to be
The Queen Of Swords
So now
You are being trained