Perceptual Drowning

Danielle Diew
5 min readOct 4, 2022


A Reality Check Installment

Might As Well Look Like This

My perceptions are my reality

You assume

Because yours are different

That mine aren’t real

But your perceptions are accurate

My perceptions are real for me

Just as yours are for you

The difference is

I can relate to your perceptions

But to you mine are fake

That’s the power of privilege

It distorts every aspect of everything

If I were a man

You wouldn’t think such things

Society teaches you

To disregard my reality

To disregard me

To disregard what I say

To disregard what I think

My anatomy gives you free reign

My race comes into play

As soon as you see me

It’s not a game

But people see life that way

So, I remain invisible

Like those ghosts from packman

Like the visitor all in black

Who refuses to show his face

Like the overwhelming presence of a love

That has no form in 3D

Just a powerful presence

Radiating your inner space

Like surfing at night

On the most bodacious of waves

Only to be swallowed up

By the void when it shifts

Hello is always so heartwarming

Good-bye devastating

“Be a ghost”

He always said

You’re a ghost

He said

It became my designation

My actual profession

If I am a ghost

No one will believe what I say

No one will hear me

See me

Think I am real

Or that my perceptions

Have any validity

Who am I anyway

Who cares?


A projection

A constant misunderstanding

A stereotype

A slander

An abomination

A nothing

Less than zero

“Get over it”

Is what’s constantly telegraphed

How sick

Yet I’m the person in question

Commonly stated

Basic ass assumption

I can’t possibly be

Someone you can communicate with

Where was I educated?

If I told you a dungeon

You would think I was insane

Yet the truth is just as real

The basement of a base

Dark, cold, dank

Yet I’m a communications expert

Communication isn’t a struggle for me

Being targeted and abused is

I learned active listening at the age of 4

I learned it before I learned math

Meditation came earlier

Spirituality is what I was born with

Human analysis I learned from 5–7

By then I was in the field

Communication has always been a life saver

So yes

I can grasp it

But peep this

I think differently

Than almost every human

Less than .01% of the world’s population

That has ever lived

Past or present

Has EVER been like I am

So, who can understand?

Worst still

No one knows who I am

Some get pretty close

My old surfer friend sure did!

It wasn’t even physical

It was metaphysical

Scientifically speaking

It was quantum entanglement

Sent from the past

Into the future

But that too is extremely rare!

To find one who can connect in that way

My surfer friend

Such a long way

What a journey it’s been

Others couldn’t imagine any of it

You can’t comprehend the isolation

Until you realize the calculus

That goes into keeping me caged

Boxed in

When I was a child

I determined

I will break this rusted cage

As it eats away at the surface

I knew one day I would find a weakness

Exploit it’s vulnerability


Still in process

In progress



Alone surfing

In the highest, darkest, deepest of surges

Alone in the waves

Looking for my friend in the end

It’s just as he said

“No one will help you”

And I’ve lost so many along the way

Control is all I ever lived

Nothing about me has ever been allowed

Not my existence

Not my life

Not my brain

Not my feelings

Not my thinking

Not my vision

Not my perceptions

Never allowed to be

I adapt constantly

Because no one is capable of understanding

I get exhausted by people

Because they are so demanding


But as an empath

I can’t change my autonomic response to human

I have to embrace it

Live it


Set and hold boundaries

That’s when it really gets vicious

View the knowns

Synthesize them

Seek the known unknowns

Because that’s how I’m programmed

Find the solution

Create it where none existed

I have to reach into the quantum realm

To locate the unknown unknowns

There are no other solutions left

No one cares

Nothing matters

Not when it’s Black anyway

Least of all a Black woman

A Black mother

A Black disabled single mother

A Black human trafficking victim

A Black “victim”

Is the most favored target

No one cares

Not even those paid to be the change

So, I do what I need to do for me

No one else will

Should I regret that

Should I regret being me

Should I regret being alive

Should I regret surviving

Being different


To give it all up

For the sake of hate





I Am

I live and breathe

I learned when I was 5

How to survive different environments

I don’t care who that makes afraid!

Those voices in my head

Never came from me

They were the ugly, evil hatred

Spewed from society

The projectors

The hoarders

The predators who claim I am their property

Elite predators

Who prey on the most vulnerable

Then claim nothing ever happened

Hiding their hands

As they wipe the blood that will never be clean

When their voices entered my head

I learned at 5 they would render me dead


I learned to reframe them

In the moment

With reality I replaced their sickness

“Tell yourself the truth

As they lie to your face

Tell yourself the truth

As they distort reality

Tell yourself the truth

While they abuse you into oblivion

Tell yourself the truth

This too will soon be over with!”

I taught myself that

It sustains me on tough days

UN Women

But it’s not enough to combat genocide

It’s not brain surgery

I need resources, help

Accountability for the crimes committed

I can’t explain how torture feels

I can only emote it

UN Human Rights





Ignoring that

Makes you no better than

The genocidal men and women

Intent on eradicating us for profit

To prove to themselves THEY matter

To prove to themselves white supremacy is real

How many more have to die

To cover the greatest lie

Ever in existence? United Nations Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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