Prayer To The Most High
Whole Picture Poetry
They consumed me
O Lord
Energetically and
in deed
They took what belongs
to none
Claiming superiority
and authority
Claiming precedent
and spiritual ability
They feed lies
and greed
Disgusting things
and misdeeds
They seek children
O Lord
To misuse
abuse and
even breed
They sacrifice
to idols
O Lord
shiny things
Remembering not
who they are
or what love is
Remembering not
what life is
or humanity
Or any kind of
to the I Am
They know not
The Holy Of Holies
Though they claim to
They bastardize
the Divine
O Lord
and claim
their deeds
to be guided
by you
They seek worship
and praise
They seek gold
and treasure
and jewels
even silks
Like it’s still 1492
O Lord
They rape
and pillage
create chaos
They seek
kill and destroy
Claiming you
sent them
Claiming they
are good
and iron clad
in spirit and truth
Constantly seeking war
They propagandize
They incite fear
and violence
Hate and ignorance
Claiming righteousness
but know not
what the correct way
of living is
Nor how to find
where the path is
They rebuke
beauty and goodness
They rebuke
They blaspheme
O Lord
Smiling and laughing
In the face
of great suffering
They turn blind eyes
to the mass death
and genocide
They are the wicked
Every civilization warns of
Claiming you
O Lord
Said this is what
they were sent to do
But truly on seeking
lust and blood
O Lord
Your people
in the wilderness
Lost and bewildered
Crying out for you
to show up
and bring relief
The Sword Of Truth
Your people
O Lord
All People
Are seeking guidance
from you
Shine your light
in abundance
and reward the loyal
Forgive the weak
O Lord
They know not
what they do
Rebuke the evil
O Lord
send it back into
the pit
Where it will
be sifted
Let nothing
in this universe
go unchecked
What returns
O Lord
Is what was sent
Now is the time
we cry out
O Lord
Bless ALL
O Lord
With healing
and abundance
With vision
and hearing
With spirit
and anointing
With knowing
and inner glowing
That none may be
mislead again
away from truth
O Lord
Return the state
of harmonic frequency
Restore Terra Forma
Balance the scales
O Lord
and restore
paradisiac harmony
We are all gathered
on this frightful day
To witness great miracles
and relieve
great pain
O Lord
May the unkind
and unforgiving
be shown the way
That they too
may have better days
May the lost
and weak
little sheep
Be awakened to
the truth
that permeates
all synapses
and swims
in the sinew
Enlightening ALL things
May the light
of love
in The Holy Place
above ALL
May the sacred seat
be cleansed
of the disgusting thing
causing desolation
In the divine seat
of the Holy Temple
O Lord
May The Highest Of The High
initiated as priests
and priestesses
Be restored to the
Divine Template
to re-establish
The Holy Seed
Trained to burn the sacred things
in sacred vessels
Creating Divine smoke
That lifts to the heavens
across the oceans
and stretches to every corner
to every living being
My the Divine Servants
Of The Most High
In The Holy Of Holies
Divine Mysteries
Be set free
to embrace the Diving mission
The reason we all came
Da’ath open the door
to ALL initiated
to enter and restore
What once was lost
to human DNA
Now to be reactivated
so that Memra
may guide the way
May the flowering
of consciousness
Rain once again
As it once did
O Lord
For the ancients
In the most ancient of days
Elevate this land
O Lord
the covenant
For ALL who choose
to move forward
in unison
My you pour out
your blessings
That One Love
and light
May reign forever
No longer shall the meek
I Am She
Who causes to be
So let it be
You word sent 4th
O Lord
Never returns
Let it be
So let it begin