Prayers To The Most High
The Holy Of Holies — COVID Diary
With every tinge
of suffering
With every tear
With every pain felt
through every generation
since the very beginning
With every laugh
done in the face of our pain
Every arrow of hate
Every burning spear
of triggered fear
With every act of predation
All acts of hoarding and greed
With every unjust arrest
With every look of disgust
With every single unjust imprisonment
With every single theft
With every degrading statement
With every lie told
Every humiliation
With every creation stolen
Every trademark denied
Every copyright taken
Every lyric written and handed to another
Every piece of art depicting our struggle
Every aspect of our culture appropriated
With absolutely every single vile thing
Thrown at the Black Community
May each poisonous arrow
return to sender
to be held in contempt
of court
The Most High
So that Divine
may bring healing for ALL
and usher in a brighter day
May truth prevail
As the Most High
Brings about accountability
In times of great suffering
As our collective souls cry out
May the prayers of the faithful
the loyal
the spiritual
the light bearers
vibrating on the frequency of One Love
and equality
amplify the energy
of the unified field
using quantum energy
To bring 4th
A new world
complete with abundance for all
enlightened by the strength of activated pineal
Never again returning to dark days
of ignorance and hate
I Am She Who Causes To Be
My my prayers
amplified by every ancestor
on all sides
for all eternity
Up the line and downstream
Parallel tentacles reaching out
with particle waves
Rise to the heavens
and ring true
Activating spiritual awakening
To usher in an end to evil
Once and for all
Establishing a new kingdom
One that shall never end
In every dimension
Throughout all time
For all eternities
May the light and love
of the Divine
Rain down with miraculous outpouring
Of holy spirit
Anointing those whose hearts are inclined
to receive the highest of divine things
My The Holy Of The Most Holies
The Seat Of Destiny
The High Place In The Holy Temple
Protecting The Holy Remnant
The Seed of The Woman
To make a reply
To ALL taunting
our strength
and royalty
So Shall It Be