Predictive Policing Technology
Black America lives under technological advancements that are coded intentionally with racial bias and used to derail us before we can even turn 18 years old. Then we are scapegoated for the consequences of these actions as being every kind of slanderous and stigmatizing name known in the English language. These excessive police assaults affect every aspect of our lives, housing, accessibility to jobs, food, clean water, education, loans, grants, supportive services, counseling, medical help, EVERYTHING! Then people wonder why we are so stressed and dealing with additional health problems because society is designed to ensure that we do. We do not have freedom of movement in this country, I can’t move throughout the town I live in without harassment. My son can’t move throughout the country without it. There is no ability to gain justice of any kind for the constant attacks that we experience, and we are scapegoated for all of the consequences. But we are expected to “deal with it, who told you life was fair”? Who told you I was prepared to accept abuse?
We are never given the opportunity to participate in correcting racist coding that deteriorates our lives daily. Even obtaining a position in Ai, BIGTECH, or in a high enough classification where we can have an input into these matters is next to impossible for a Black American. Yet we are forced to live the circumstances of their actions. We have no access to any part of any position where we would have an input into when, where, how, and why such technology is used against us. Redlining and Gerrymandering are not the only mechanisms for destroying Black Americans in the system of oppression. Predictive policing has filled the nation’s prisons up faster than the “War On Drugs” but we’re supposed to be okay with that. We’re supposed to remain silent and “accept our position in society”. We are being slaughtered to extinction, we will not go quietly into any night, at all. We will fight for our human rights because that is what humans do. Having to fight for human rights at all is a pretty good indication that those we fight are wholly lacking in their humanity, but these truths also get ignored. No Justice No Peace!
It’s #882021 and I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID cash relief. Only one member of my entire household has received only one COVID payment, it was the young man. He did not receive unemployment, or any other COVID relief neither has anyone else in my home. We have been denied every form of public assistance, had what supportive services I was receiving under long-term care revoked, and told we do not qualify for local, state, and federal COVID funding. But I’m the threat to America for telling the truth about being trafficked by wealthy, powerful, elite men who targeted me BECAUSE I am Black??? Which one seems like the worst grievance? Could it be the violation of human rights?
I was right there in the science program involved in creating predictive policing technology, it was intentionally designed by extreme right racists to attack the Black community specifically. It was the biggest aspect of COINTEL2.0 and the program received massive amounts of funding to ensure that the program moved throughout not only the nation but the world, with absolute impunity. This was my mentor's purview, so of course, he trained me in it so that I could avoid getting caught up in it. I still did, that’s how pervasive it is. I get censored, silenced, and muted because of what I know, not because what I said was wrong.