Quantum Jumping
Consciousness Flowering
I have been quantum leaping
Since I was born
It’s what I was born 4
It’s why I am still breathing
Few know what it could even
possibly mean
I am an expert
Having learned
and executed the ability
Longer than modern humans
Knew such a term ever came
to be
Yet here I stand
10 toes
Face to face
The Beast
Out in the wilderness
With manna
to eat
As the birds
bring it to me daily
Drinking the waters
of Divine
Nurturing me
and my seed
My consciousness grows
and flowers
Expanding every synapse
Cleansing sinew
Expelling viruses
Replenishing marrow
Repairing nerves
Healing Damage
Sewing new fibers
A whole new body
to maintain
Never fear the woke
We are here
to set captives free
All those who speak
vile of such Divine things
Know their time is numbered
This is the end of their tyranny
We will not accept enslavement
or misogyny
We will not accept
racism or fascism
Nor will we accept
Colonialist Capitalism
We are here to change all things
We will accept nothing less
Than absolute
Healthy abundant dreams
For ALL seeds
All humanity
Class I to Class III
In enduring sustainability
for the entire Planetary Body
For ALL eternity’s eternity
So Let It Be
Red Gold Green
I Am She
Who Causes To Be