Quick Question
Since you continue to marry me
Over and over again
Without my consent
How are any of your marriages legal
Why can’t you have anything
Without involving me in it
Why are you THAT obsessed
Since you don’t want me around
Since I’m so inferior
Since I’m so fat, ugly, useless, slow, dumb, talentless
But you can’t live without me?
Hang on my every word
Are completely dependent on me
Can’t think for self
But I’m such a problem?
Do you think I don’t remember
After Chris died
You took over
After one of the four fathers died
You came in an squatted
You never left
Except to pass the baton to your homie
Juicing on me like a drug
Constantly in me
On me
Draining me to death
On purpose
Angry if I had to spend time with my kids
Or anything else
You wanted me dysfunctional
Just like you and all your options
You’re the one obsessed and addicted
As I continue to raise my kids
All while you systematically destroy me
Then flipping a switch
Wiping memories
One of the types of tech used
To rape me this way
Is a high powered laser
That uses sound and vibration
To affect the subconscious
Energy weapon
People think I’m “karmic”
Because it happens
But people running that narrative
Are under it’s influence and
Don’t know it
They think being delusional about it
Means they are so much better
That’s what the rapists say
Yet I can deter it’s influence
They can’t even detect it
How far a serial rapist will go
To cage a victim
Keeping me in chains
So you can prey
Then pretend I wronged you
While you steal all I have
Depositing illness into me
Claiming I stole
Claiming I cheated
Withdrawing my energy
Like a cannibal
“He’s taking your energy and giving it to the karmic
She has some kind of powerful hold on him”
This mfrs call love
It’s literally blackmail, deviance, stealing
But I need to learn
What lesson
How to break free from energy weapons
I did
But what God do you serve would purposely put you through that
To teach a lesson
I don’t follow gods
I flow The Most High
I wasn’t confused by any of it
With no 3D communication
While fighting a war
Decanting myself
While predators profit
From my entire existence
A hidden figure
Trapped by my own government
United Nations The White House Human Rights Watch CNN Washington Post HuffPost An Injustice! Voices
I was weighed down
But what would someone delusional out reality
Know of that
He’s a batterer
Always has been
I do not know what he does to others
I haven’t been around him since I was a teen
The only comms we have are like that
Or other back channel methods
Where he controls everything
I’m it wrecking anyone’s home
These mfrs are wrecking me!
But somehow
Because I was the target of enslavement
I “need to learn” some things
I couldn’t detect while caged
With no 3D communication
Projection and cognitive dissonance
If you don’t see a crime and understand
The basic dynamics
You’re a fool and a tool
Because you help no one
But those preying
What I needed
Was Divine timing
I followed it
That’s why I keep succeeding
You haven’t done what I have
But supposedly you’re superior
Delusional seriously
But also
Under that some mind control
You claim has no effect
Clearly it does!
Not even human
Just filthy cannibals
I don’t want anything you have
I want what you owe me
Pay your debt