Rending The Veil
Foot Forward Poetry
Breaking ground
Blazing new trails
Burning a path
So a child may follow
By the stars I navigate
The story of the ancients
I tell
Remotely viewing
and beyond
Building a new bridge
Birthing new life
Doing “impossible” things
I Am Diew
Not interested in
dumbing myself down for you
Life matters
Truth evident in fruit
That’s why only your $$$
But what of the inside of you
The Kingdom Of Heaven
Knows not material things
The 3D realm
is of lower frequency
The higher dimensions
reveal higher things
Evolution means
You grow
only when you reach beyond
the current frequency
Moving beyond mundane
We are blessed
According to how we invest
Your energy goes to the material
Mine to the spiritual
The heavens called me
to be who I am
to manifest healing
But how could I
unless I knew how
Walking through the fires of hell
scares all
It scared me as well
But I’ve always walked in
my destiny
So I had the blueprint
The Most High revealed it to me
To survive the most dark days
I Am Who I Am
I always have been
Created to be
A trailblazer
An Empress
Spiritual Warrior
My ancestors dream
Lighting the way
for those who wish to escape
enslavement and tyranny
My life is my testimony
How you interact
is your responsibility
Your projections are you
Not at all me
I have lived my destiny
from day one
Even through the disgusting things
I was born with my anointing
Blessed by
The Most Holy of Holies
I Am my destination
Because my destiny is
within me
It always has been
It always will be
I chose not to allow torture
to deter me
No it wasn’t easy
But my sacrifices
have always been respected
rewarded by
The Most High
That’s why I keep healing
Obviously The God I know
Loves me
Sure I went to hell
To set the captives free
That’s what warriors do
Fight for those crying for aid
You can’t fathom such deeds
So you see through a lens
of inferiority
This is the definition of
lack mentality
Thinking if ALL are abundant
then you will suffer
Such thinking can’t get more disgusting
Spiritual Warriors are rare
We know how we are seen
We rely on our connection
to The Holies
to help us see through
the projected negativity
If your path worked for ALL
then the world would not be this way
On the brink of destruction
and you call this “superiority”
As you wipe out ALL
who challenge what you say
You created a fake world
driven by Ai and material gains
But nothing about it is real
or true
It’s all a façade
mind control
it’s long past due
to rend the veil
Revealing truth
Revealing the clown
behind the screen
My name is what it means
I have never been a fool