Road To Zion Poetry

Danielle Diew
6 min readNov 13, 2021


Let My People Go -My people are ALL people-My people are Jah’s people-My God My God set us ALL free

My God My God

Spoke to me

God’s spirit spoke

Told me that deliverance comes

to set ALL captives free

With truth and light and love

God sets ALL free

My God My God

Is the God of ALL

With appropriate teaching

we seek love





to be

set free

My God My God

says to me

every tear

is gathered

to be remembered

on this blessed day

Come O Lord


Let us see

in our mind’s eye

11th dimension frequencies

Make today the day

When ALL see your light

all at once

never to forget again

or become vulnerable

to manipulation and


When the tears of ALL

are remembered

in YOUR eye

O Lord

May you mirror them to us

that we may receive

Your words

Your light

Your truth

Your love

Your beautiful frequency

My you release

all suffering

all bleeding

Place your healing balm

upon ALL

That ALL may gain relief

Hear me O Lord

as I cry out to thee

May your love and light

ignite within

every living thing

As my sweet twin

of beloved synergy

lights the flames

Of One Love

event after event

night after night

Lighting the pathway

Reminding me of thee

and guiding the way

for every living being

Embracing such weighty


with all seriousness

and thankfulness

Strength and humility

Embracing his crown

as Emperor Of The

One Love Frequency

and One Love dreams

Move O Lord


Move O Lord

through all that lives

and breathes

Open up the floodgates

O Lord

Let One Love

Wash over ALL

in every frequency

On every wavelength

in every dimension

for all eternity’s eternity's

Set ALL captives free

Set ALL upon the anointing

That ALL may be healed



in the Holy Manna

that feeds life

and rearranges all things

Expanding consciousness

Bringing courage to those

who fear and spread evil things

Let all know

the truth of One Love

The truth of One Light

The truth of the Origins

of everything

Let It Rain

O Lord

Let the heavens open

and pour down compassion





raising Earth frequency

Show up and show out O Lord

Amplify ALL your sacred things

writings, singing, dancing, creativity

Show your power

and beloved mercy

Show yourself today

O Lord

Send evil back into the abyss

to be sifted

according to each deed

Nothing in the universe lost

Nothing wasted

Nothing abandoned

Nothing left to be

condemned selfishly

No one left behind

ALL have a place

even if that place is karmic learning

Let all be blessed

with a new pathway

A new light

shinning down on this plane

To uplift ALL humanity

Class I to Class III

Diversity, Equality, Abundance

Advancement, Equity

Let ALL people know

O Lord

From every corner of this planet

to every inch of every society

That you are here with us


In us

In ALL living things





Setting us ALL free

from anything

that would





Anything that would separate us

from your seed

from your light

from the you that is I

from your eye that is in I

and in ALL things

Let the truth rain

O lord

Let the truth reign

Let truth be

O Lord

Let truth ring

Tell ALL life

O Lord

the new wavelength

that raises Earth’s

vibratory frequencies

are here to stay

for ALL

For all eternity’s

For all eternity’s eternity’s

Let all be renewed

O Lord

Let all be resurrected



washed clean

Made whole

Made new

Made complete

with the spirit of

The Most High

radiating through our vessels

Reflecting One Love

and One Light

That ALL may be released

from suffering

Make us ALL over

O Lord

Into whole

and complete

beautiful spiritual beings

Healed from ALL

that history has forced upon us

No more evil to embrace

Let the Earth be cleansed

Once again O Lord

Let this Garden of Eden

be restored

to original glory

Paradise Earth

Full of enlightened



human beings

When bathed in the light

of One Love

O Lord

We can collectively

heal and co-create

Let this truth

become Earth anew

Forgive us all O Lord

For any pain we may cause

to anyone for any reason

Forgive those

who pass on

and wish they had

behaved differently

Cleanse us all O Lord

Even those who act in greed

Even those who act in evil

They too need cleansing

Send them through the sifting

to be restored

to original glory

Nothing wasted

Nothing destroyed

Only transmuted

Into new and beautiful beings


O Lord

My God My God


living in harmonious




Restore your people

O Lord

Heal your progeny

Heal your people

O Lord

Set ALL captives free

Down with Babylon The Great

Down with The Beast

Down with artificial Gods

and artificial speech

with artificial love

and artificial spirituality

with artificial wisdom

and artificial seeds


The High Seat

Blaspheming the righteous

Misleading the vulnerable

lost and weak

Down with false Gods

and false images

and the disgusting things

constantly taunting

and causing endless suffering

Down O Lord with all unbalanced

Let ALL be sifted and reshaped

so that ALL can be healed

whole and complete

So shall it be

Into the Pit Of Sifting

Where their particles drift

and bathe

in pure love and light

Creating new beings with




a whole new kind of healing

Heal us all

O Lord

Even those who believe

such things are not needed

ALL are hurting O Lord

and ALL need to feel

your love and light

as I did in my lowest

and darkest days

May ALL receive the same

blessing upon blessing upon blessing

that you consistently give to me

As you have always dwelled within

and never once left me

Even when pain


even torture

separates my thinking

You find the way

every time

to reveal to me

that you are not only everywhere

but in ALL things

“Jah will be waiting”

my old friend told me

He never lied

The light brings me home

eternity after eternity

One Love One Light





Once and for all

For eternity’s eternity’s

Be engulfed in the blessing

that is your love

One Love

The absolute highest

most beautiful


I thought I could never forgive

O Lord

But once again

Your light shows the way

I trust your pathway

O Lord

My God My God

I never thought I would live

to see this day

Set us ALL free

O Lord

Heal our collective pain

I Am She

Who Causes To Be

Your loyal and faithful seed

Your loyal and faithful child

Your loyal and faithful light bearer

May my tears

and prayers

and suffering

be the last sacrifice for ALL

as we embrace the new light

of the new day

Let ALL darkness go no further

O Lord

Let evil end with the evil done to me

Onward and upward

O Lord

A new pathway for ALL

to co-create from your abundant

and beautiful space

Lift us My God

with your beautiful things

Let ALL your anointed

across the entire planetary space

Hear the cries of ALL your people

and embrace a new joyful way

of relating

of being

of existing

in symbiosis

and synchronicity

My God My God

restore the soul of Mother Earth

Release the burdens

of her children

Make every day a brighter day

Weave together

O Lord

the truth that has been hidden from us

To make a better way

for ALL to live

and breathe

and grow


forever be

May the prayers of ALL

now and forever more

be always lifted

up to thee


Auset proclaims

So Shall It Be

May this prayer rise

directly to the seat

Of The Most High


and forever

even to





Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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