Say My Name

Danielle Diew
7 min readJan 14, 2022


I Am She Poetry

Unable to access my own art

Unable to create new works

User names co-opted

Art stolen

NFT’s blocked

Censored poems

I must be quite the threat

To make grown men

And sad women

Do all this

Literally penniless

Low tech







Money stolen

Having been raped

More times than

I can ever remember

But still

I warrant

This kind of abuse

Who truly is the “snowflake”?

Is it because

Your heroes are getting


Being held to accountability

What did you expect

For America to bend over and take it

Why should she???

Again and again

You people

Try any and everything

To dominate

To force hate

To disrupt unity

To escape accountability

Not today Satan

The strong arm of democracy

Hold’s the line

Strike Force is ALL out hunting

They DO NOT play games

That’s not how they are trained

They keep their oath

They fight for justice

The constitution


You were all warned


But you thought you could get away

With overthrowing

Democratic governing

Installing tyrants

With your fascist insurgency

Trying to steal a whole presidency

Even threatening

The VP

Even threatening

The Speaker

Even threatening

Leadership holding sacred seats

All taking place

In the most sacred space

On the most sacred day

That the institution of democracy

Has in place

To protect it’s governance


The pursuit of happiness

The ability to grow and change

The ability to reach for brighter days

The most sacred space on the most sacred day

Representative of America’s constitution


Thinking we would look the other way

All during the most sacred

Of institutional processes

To protect the very dream

We all have lived

We all have fought for

We all have ancestors who died

Working toward future days


We won’t “move past it”


We won’t “look the other way”

You went too far

With your “fake patriot games”

What made you think

America would fall for such childishness

Scapegoating protestors

To take your place in jail

They are far more patriotic

Than you shall ever be

Is it because you think yourselves

Above humanity

Including laws used

To govern the borders

You claim to care so much about

The same ones

You yourselves misuse and abuse

What a joke

A flash in the pan

I’ve been at this 4 decades

Both my left and right hand

As well as my back door

Ready to step in

To win

No waving white flags

No folding

No switching

No faking

We are who we say we are

True revolutionaries

Focused on the predators





Wishing a mfr would

Just think

About touching anything

They put their investment in

My tentacles have reach

You can’t fathom

You should have done your research

When I told you

At the gate

You mess with me and mine

You go down

Regardless of your affiliation

You should have discovered

Just how extensive

Me and mine could be

You should look past

Your own bias

To see

More than the bigoted projections

You claim that I am

Thinking a Black person

A Woman

A member of the vulnerable populations

Could never achieve

I was trained for such things

Fighting with quadruple binds

And blind

All when I was just a babe

That’s how I was raised

Just so that I can

Seek and destroy

Any and everything

Attacking democracy

You’re so clueless

You can’t even fathom what that means

But I was born and raised for such deeds

To watch

To check

To hold those accountable

Who claim what you claim

There is no truth

To the lie

Of white supremacy

There is no truth

To the lie

Of voter fraud

There never has been

There never will be

Leave it to the “poor Black woman”

To “tell it like it is”

“She’s just a slave”



Though I have been enslaved

I fought through it

Disabling your cronies

All along the way


Blessings upon blessings!

That’s what the courage of your convictions

When placed in in the correct direction

Can win you


One question

Is your perception

Telling you the truth

Or have you shown yourselves

To be the fools

Of even more foolish men

Propagating propaganda

Spreading hate

Driving you insane

All with a smile on your face

What a joke

Claiming to be patriots


Those are the ones who lawfully voted

To escape fascism

Facing great hardship

The patriots are the ones

Working tirelessly

To fight your reindeer games

The patriots are the heroes in the deep

Risking life and limb

To face their worst fears

Enemies who look just like them

I feel their pain

All night and all day

The patriots are those

Who stood in the gap

On that fateful day


When extremists breached

The line of defense

On the grounds of

The Capital building

When homegrown terrorists

Attacked those they claimed to love and protect

The heroes are those who took beatings

Then went right back into battle

To fight for DECMOCRACY!

The heroes are the ones who were injured


The heroes are the ones

Who risked life and limb

To fulfill their duties

Maintaining their oath

Protecting America, democracy, leadership

The heroes are the ones

Who were harmed, assaulted, abused, attacked

Even gave their lives

On that fateful day

All to protect

What belongs to ALL

Not some reawakened form

Of the sickness that is the nazi SS

The heroes are the ones

Who get up every day

To fight your lies

Your propaganda

Your viral hate

The heroes are the ones who

Returned to the floor

That fateful day

To install

The lawful president

Risking life and limb

Even though they have no training

For such things

The heroes are the ones

Who fight through their own PTSD


Suffering from the trauma they incurred

On that fateful day

Every day fighting through the pain

To stand for America’s true face

The Constitution

You never knew what it meant





You skipped history

Or perhaps they didn’t teach

Such things in your school

Since you people

Enjoy defunding everything


You are paying the price for that scam

Your schemes

Always boomerang

Not my problem

I maintain not only my oath

But also my ethics

You want to know why

Your own former leaders

Chose me

To be the bane of your existence

Because I NEVER bend my knee

On anyone

On anything

For any reason

For anyone or anything

All puns intended

You will never be me

That would require ethics



You will never know me

Understand me

Or catch my wave

You will never know

What I walked

To reach this place

Pushed to breaking

Decade after decade

All for the sake of training

But refusing

Only ever bending like a reed

Physically and metaphysically

Not my knee

Being used as weapons

Like cowards aka insurgents

Posing as law enforcement

You shame those who truly are what they say


Not bending my knee

But my back

Like a reed in the wind

Bending decade after decade

Becoming the water

That courses through my veins

The same water

Filling Mother Earth’s oceans

The same water

Processing through the air

In hydrological phases

The same water

That becomes morning dew

The same water

That becomes the evening mist

I Am

Because I choose to be

United with nature



What you choose is war

For the sake of greed

I shall NEVER conform to such things

But you’re not capable

Of understanding any of this

It takes insight






Loving intent

It takes concentration



You’re opposed to all such things

So you remain in place


About other’s elevating


Consciousness rapidly shifting

Lighting up space

Like a human kaleidoscope

With rainbow light bodies

Leading the way

With new forms of biological


Communicating new pathways

Activating new frequencies

New signals

Old signals

Multi-dimensional waves

Not actually new

In truth


But you people aren’t capable

Of understanding such things

You see

Xenophobes don’t grow

That’s why you can’t escape

Your self created cages

The ones you try to project

Onto all humans


The entire planet

Refuses to subscribe to such


No misspelling

Because integrity



Afford me healing

Even neurologically

You stay

Trapped by your own

Cognitive dissonance

Drowning in your own ignorance

Believing yourselves to be

God’s and Kings

Of your own making

Sick and sad to see

Incapable of viewing

Beyond your own

Skewed reasoning

Even my handlers

Though extreme deviants

Were capable of so much more

That’s why

They put their faith

In one you claim

To be your enemy

Not my problem

But apparently

Your wildest nightmare

See you when you fall asleep

Since you like it so much

Stay in that place then



Weakened beings

But your tyranny

Shall NEVER tread upon me

I Am She

Who causes to be

Diverse Democracy Wins

Every time

4 all time

In every way

Every day

On every pathway

On every plane

In every dimension

On every particle wave

Throughout all time and space

For infinity after infinity

4 Eva’ and eva’

Despite your cognitive dissonance

Consciousness wins

Because consciousness is


Though I may have major differences

With my own people

There is NO WAY

I would betray my oath

I’m not here for them

I’m here for ALL humanity!

Peep this

My integrity

Cannot be taken from me

The reason my handlers chose me

Is because they knew

No matter what they did

Not even they

The sickest men

Could ever break me

What does that say





Diverse Democracy

Humanity shall not fall here

The Earth shall be saved

Humanity shall not be stalled here

Humans shall continue to grow

The marginalized shall not fall here

Human rights are not now

Nor will they ever be

A negotiation

America shall not fall

To ANY insurgency

Neither shall DEMOCRACY


End transmission.





I Am She

So Let It Be

Break the whole internet

If you care

But I shall NEVER break!

Quote me


You may stalk




Our leaders

For standing in the gap

Standing in defense

Of human rights

Human life


But you shall never win

So it was written

So sad you cannot see

Library of Congress TIME UN Human Rights UN Women Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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