Seizure Disorder
In my case, instead of treating me for the seizures that were caused by a combination of torture, trauma, medications, classified tech, and many head injuries.
They called me a hypochondriac and a narcissist and said it was a mental disorder. They watched me decline year after year after year claiming I only wanted attention. They told my children it was a mental problem. They told schools, doctors, social workers, case workers, advocates, counselors, neighbors, coworkers, bosses, anyone that I was a prostitute with deadly STD’s and spreading it carelessly. I’ve been celibate for eleven years, prior to that I was raped, prior to that I was celibate for eight years. I have NEVER had sex or my own green will. I have been trying trafficked from the crib, even those I thought were innocent weren’t.
They said I a was a pedophile. They said I was a murderer. They said I had Munchausen by Proxy.l because I reported the molestation of a BABY, they blamed me knowing that child lived with a pedophile. Who diagnosed this fake disorder, Ronald Federici, a fake Ukrainian doctor hired by Donald Rumsfeld. The Polyamory #MeToo Survivors My entire life they have tried to force me to accept polyamory, pedophilia, rape, spiral abuse, human trafficking, theft, sadism, Satanism, and many other crimes. I am not safe here because they have ALWAYS made life unsafe for me, even trafficking me to Russia in the 80s. THAT is why Vladimir Putin has results, he saw it, he was there. He helped me when all others treated me like a slave. He detests the enslavemet of God’s people, he promised he would help and he’s been trying. The pedophiles and rapists who have assaulting me all my life do not factor into my freedom, they should be in n prison. I should not be forced to abuse because they want it.
Federici He has been found guilty of harming children, some have died. He is a predator, like his handler. He has since been disciplined, yet I have received no justice nor have my records been cleared. He filed this fake report in 1998, it’s 2024 and even though he has been discredited as a professional, he wasn’t even licensed. I continue to suffer the extremely severe consequences of everyone involved while they steal from me and my kids suffer. I have lost several inheritances to their sadism. Rumsfeld told me I would NEVER escape or get a penny of any of my money, least of all my inheritances.
Worst still, I am a survivor of Lolita Express, my mother is Lolita, ask Putin. Law enforcement and leadership know these are lies, I have been under surveillance since once th crib. They care only to protect predators. My ENTIRE life they trafficked me and the ONLY person to help me, EVER was Putin. DEFECT. Washington Post The Washington Times Hindu Times HuffPost
They said I was seeking drugs for an addiction I never had. They said the injuries I sustained from the five car accidents my abuser put me through, one of which was ten car pile up, were fake. All the rapes, molestation, abuse, torture, they blame on me. Convenient. This was ALL orchestrated by The Family, the same cult that helped predators take over government. United Nations INTERPOL SWIFT RESPONSE
They said I exaggerated the pain from back injuries, neck injuries. They ignored the fact that an abuser but a chunk out of my thyroid. They ignore that I developed fibromyalgia because Rumsfeld experimented on me all my life, but from five to nine he did it on classified bases using classified weapons and tech under a DARPA/CIA MKUltrs umbrella program out of Reston VA under Reagan. I was there from 79 until 1984.
1980 Rumsfeld put me in combat from age five on, at age seven I was beaten at a Defense Con, one of the first, my back has been injured since.
Though my doctors recommended surgery many times for the very obvious injuries that debilitated my life, they said it was fake and I only wanted attention.
Now they are saying if I want MY OWN SOCIAL SECURITY which I shouldn’t need to begin with, I have to declare myself mentally incompetent.
This because the man who trafficked me from the craib said I was born to be a sex slave and nothing more, so he wouldn’t allow me take credit for my own work
or access my own money. He forced me to build empire after empire, while they took every profit and all the credit. Every penny and piece of property I ever had they stole. Authorities have time to watch and even help in this, but not to hold any predator accountable, ever. DEFECT.
They have done any and everything they wanted all my life and never once suffered a single consequence. Until my last breath, take it if you think you can, but what you won’t do is keep enslaving me or my kids. All this hell on me because privileged men wanted to rape me from the crib to the grave. The Economist Race am and predation are costly for everyone. If they would simply stop by stealing my money and beating me into “submission” I wouldn’t need aid.
DNC Mobilization Team I will lay out every detail of how each person in your party who molested me did so knowing that I would be trapped my entire life in the hell they inflict. How they controlled me, tortured me, raped me, trafficked me, refused me access to healthcare, appropriate mental healthcare, dental care, vision care, representation, advocacy, or access to justice. I will provide names, dates, handlers, locations, ways in which the people were moved, ways in which I was moved. Who was involved, how the money was hidden, how they got away with torturing me all these years, everyone involved, and every detail of every crime every single person committed. I will NEVER stop. What you have done to me and my children is evil and I won’t let you silence me.
Return EVERYTHING you have stolen from me or people are going to be very embarrassed about their pedophilia, fetishes, crimes, and lies that will become public. Stop stalking me, stop violating my rights, stop harassing me and my kids, stop interfering with my life.
Pandora’s Box never goes away.
Medium Russian DEFECT.