Shebrew Traditions

Danielle Diew
12 min readFeb 19, 2022


Black History Poetry — A New Trail Of Tears Installment

No one in the world could stop him

No one

The world tried and failed

Multiple times

So did Congress

His white victims

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Payment for their suffering

“They’re important”

He would tell me in the 80s

He had been at it decades at that time

He was proud of being an octogenarian

In the end

But he made no improvements

He only grew worse by the day

A life wasted on rape

He would torture me psychologically

Then he would proceed to rape me

From 3 until his dying breath

He had many ways to accomplish this

Including technology

My only defense

My strength

“Pain makes the surrender so much more sweet”

He raised me with

Then at the age of 7 he branded me

Implanted me

Controlled my mind, body, and soul

Like I was a machine

Which he had Congress designate me

I wasn’t even out of 2nd grade

But I’m the problem?

I’m just now escaping

After more than 4 decades

His minions still on my trail

He never stopped

No one cared

Nothing has changed

The onus of all his sins

Remain on me

As well as ALL my children

And I don’t mean the soap opera

I mean those he forced me to breed

Then sold into captivity

In entertainment

I am just one person

Among many

My entire community

As the remnant of

IsRaEl’s seed

We remain in chains

Being systematically eradicated

Labeled, stigmatized, scapegoated

Blamed for the consequences

Of the very system

Designed to keep us enslaved

“Abuser of the system”

That’s the charge against me


We abuse the system?

It was created to keep us from surviving

Let alone thriving

Let alone growing

Let alone expanding our consciousness

“Race doesn’t matter”

Continues to be the claim

Just like “All Lives Matter”

But “defund” is the problem?

If “all lives matter” then why doesn’t “race”?

Your lies are transparent

Unlike your leadership

The lost Hebrew tribes are still in captivity

The Black being systematically eradicated

“Race doesn’t matter” is a dog whistle

For the warmongers to keep up their vicious campaign of hate

Ethnic cleansing being used to erase their crimes against nature

Humanity, and the remnant

But we have a promise

What that cannot be taken back

Out maneuvered

Or broken

We are being freed through the covenant

The commitment from The Most High

Is our protection

“I have set my bow in the cloud”

Everything living with us

Will be protected by this promise

That is why we are conscious

Rainbow body cannot be achieved without the life

Coursing through our veins

“Blood is life”

That is our commandment

We don’t take this for granted

We expand our gene pool to ensure the survival

Of HuMan

We keep covenants not because of punishments

But because they are to our benefit

If you walked The Path

You would already know this

The Most High needs NOTHING

The Most High blesses

Truth is power because it makes you free

Where knowledge becomes truth

You have the ingredients for wisdom

Where applied it shift paradigms

For significance

We only need 11% saturation

To achieve replinishment

We only need communication

Which happens within

Not without

As per the usual

You are once again mistaken

Without sacrifice of evil, harmful, disharmonic things

Hence the saying regarding the rich man, the camel,

And the kingdom

You cannot reach rainbow body

In which case

You cannot walk as a fully awakened HuMan

It’s our tradtion

We live it

It can’t be taken

It’s in our DNA

We are what we are because we were born to be

No one can take from us

What The Most High has ordained

Should this vessel depart

The spirit remains

Able to walk again at will

Who do you know that can accomplish this

The truth remains

Even though hidden

It’s the WHOLE REASON my handlers

Waged the last several wars of their careers!

“If we can’t have the technology

No one can”

But the technology is within

They NEVER could understand

We have the means to escape the final death

It’s what many initiates call the “Holy Grail”

It’s our blessing

Given to us so long ago

It’s our permenant imprint

When attack us

Attempt to extract it from us

Experiment on us

Or force us into enslavement as punishment

You literally make us stronger

It’s how we protect our population

Another blessing

Another gift

Because we keep the covenant

As promised

It’s not about wealth

It’s not about riches

It’s never been about glory

Those are accompaniments

It’s never been about a location

It’s always been about Terra

AKA Earth

AKA the planet

Israel is within

Terra Forma is the field upon which we dwell

We have the ability to direct it’s energy

Evolving human consciousness

It’s a code written into our genes

Passed down generation after generation

We are spread out all over the world

For our protection

Since 1AD

All life has counted down to these very days


It’s the time of The New World

Or New Earth

The New Terraformation

Among the remnant are The Commanders

In other words


This responsibility cannot be taken



Copy and pasted

Or appropriated

It’s written into our genetic code


In the quantum realm

Can be found our Akashic records

It’s always been known

What our assignment is

All life has a specific purpose

Those who fight it struggle against the wind

Lean into it

Flow with it

Be One with it

Then you will learn to gain understanding

Like our Buddhist cousins teach

Like the African proverbs speak

Where The Most High dwells

Only the anointed can understand it’s language

Many are called

Few answer

Fewer still chosen

Those who are know this

Once accepted there is no turning back

We keep our covenant

We do not fail

That is why we are blessed

You can torture

It happened to me for 46 years

My children too have been affected

But you can’t remove from us

What The Most High blessed us with








Though my body is abused

My soul grows

You can block out the sun

Thinking this will stop prophecy

Silly beings

All you do is force us to go

Deeper within

To gain guidance and strength

The Most High dwells in the inner temple

We know precisely how to find it

Because that is the blessing we have been given

For keeping the covenant

We know where true north is

It’s always been within us

That’s what our oral traditional histories teach

We in turn teach others

That others too may be blessed

Where is the crime in expanding consciousness

Tell me that?

No wonder racists make our culture illegal

Mock us for speaking and teaching

What provides blessing by way of truth and knowledge

It’s easy to see who is who

Those blessed know what the hoarders have been seeking

No fake plastic person’s

Thieving countries

Genocidal maniacs

No pedophile

Nor rapist

Can tell you where to find Glory

Or even how

They can’t even tell you what life is

They don’t have it

They never have

They have bamboozled the planet

With their mind control tactics

Millions and millions and millions of bodies

Piled high to the sky

For the bow in the cloud to tabulate

Year after year

Decade after decade

Century after century

Because of deviance

“Perhaps this is designed to force us to evolve”

Of course it is


Choosing to murder, rape, molest, enslave

Was never the option

It was your lesson

You could have been accepted

But you chose holocaust instead

It’s the consequence of worshiping false idols

While ignoring the salvation that arrived

In the form of solutions

The same time the problems did

There is no more excuse for such evil actions

There never has been

But the truth is exposed now

All those complicit

Will have nature to contend with

Prophecy is to be fulfilled

Regardless of who believes it

Who agrees

Who disagrees

Or who argues against it

Prophecy fulfills regardless

To me it’s not a mystery

It’s simple physics

But I can see why

You are confused by this

If you had the ability to understand

The Covenant Language

Then you wouldn’t be lost either

You would simply “manifest it”


But sure

Keep preaching the racist trope of

“Race doesn’t matter”

As a retort to

“We Matter”

Cosmic order exists to address issues such as this

America is a hamstrung government

Who’s engines of power are running away

With the entire treasury, all the advanced tech

All the advanced weapons

All the children

Global leadership dances along with them

“Private dancers” will do anything for many

They do what they are told to do

All to sustain the lie of “white supremacy”

And the ruling elite families

That weaponize chaos against the entire planet

The most vulnerable populations being eradicated

We are the living evidence

So they choose to eradicate what can be their condemnation

My handlers chose such actions as a matter of practice

They entirety of their careers

But America pretends they don’t know what wrong

Or where this should be going


All the indigenous

All the native’s

All the melanated

All the awakened

All those seeking equality

All those seeking enlightenment


But we’re supposed to accept this

As we are being systematically eradicated

While America and Europe

Spend BILLIONS defending white lives

In an intentional operation

Where deviant leadership refuses de-escalation

Claiming “race doesn’t matter”

Yet Black Americans at home can’t even vote

Buy homes

Get justice

Get COVID relief

Get business loans

Escape from enslavement

Or escape state sanctioned attacks

We are targeted, spied on in mass, gassed, beaten, imprisoned

Our children taken into captivity, molested, bred

We can’t make decisions for ourselves

We have to ask a white person for permission for everything

But “race doesn’t matter”

Then why is it illegal to speak about the fact that

I am of the remnant of the indigenous population of this land?


I am Hebrew

A Lioness of the Tribe Of Judah

As well as several other tribes of the 12

But I’m not supposed to speak of such things

It offends those who make pretense their existence

Because my people have had no rest

For many centuries

We continue nomadic and are expert in this way of living

I personally have wandered in the wilderness

40 years

My time is up

As is the time for the entire community

The Black Hebrew remnant

The indigenous of America

The indigenous of all continents

Shall remain

It is so written

It is our genetic blueprint

It is the blueprint of Earth

Gaia will accept nothing less

As our tears go ignored

She roars, shakes, cries, and bursts 4th

Her anger displayed in violent eruptions

Hurricanes travelling the path

Enslavers took to place us in chains

Winds touching down to level entire states

Gaia doesn’t play

She is the presence of The Shekinah Glory

She is present in every Divine Feminine

The Word has gone 4th for many centuries

The signs to look for always present

We comprehend it because it’s in our genes to do so

Then to pass it on in our culture

To future generations

We keep our covenant because that is how human beings survive

The attacks of the warmongering animalistic

But this you do not understand

Because you don’t know what

“It is written” even means

Let alone true science, emotion, empathy, or intuition

You can “write” a new right racist codex

But what will that accomplish

More mass death and suffering?

Is that sane?

No more excuses

No more patience

No one has the right to trample on people’s

Because they fear the consequences of their own sins

It’s illegal for me to speak the truth about my own DNA

As well as it’s genetic expression

And how that affects my “race”

But race doesn’t matter?


Why go to such an extent to suppress everything truthful

If race doesn’t matter then the truth can stand on it’s own merit?

But lies can’t!


We aren’t your slaves

We aren’t your prey

We aren’t your caricatures

We are human beings

We are the remnant still living

Spiritual beings living in human skin

Protecting life

As Cosmic Amma directs our steps

And Cosmic Abba protects all that is

(this post has been censored already and

I haven’t even finished writing it)

If you don’t recognize truth

Then you didn’t keep the covenant

Life speaks

Life just is

Life lives

Life is in every living thing

Life communes with The Most High

In diverse ways

If you don’t understand this

You are the OPPOSITE of what life is

For this

There is a consequence

But you don’t understand

Because you don’t speak the language

What’s worst

You don’t even want to know it

You just want to keep warmongering


Those who truly seek it

Find it

Those with impure hearts

Learn lessons

Sometimes the ultimate ones


No more incarnating

Or moving beyond this point as you are

You refused to drop your baggage

Heal your wounds

Or correct your errors

Jah’s Bow in the cloud

Corrects all such action

Even if you fail to comprehend

We The Remnant

Will always be

As long as we keep the covenant

That’s why your eradication has failed

Before there was we were

For infinity we shall always be

We are the remnant of the seed

That seeded this planet

We exist to ensure HuMan lives

We teach to expand consciousness



Our traditions, cultures, religions, teachings

Keep us in tuned with the frequency that connects us to

This higher dimension

Where is the crime in this?

It’s literally what most on Earth aspire to

Yet we are a “threat” for achieving it

Evolving in Black skin is the actual crime we are charged with!

But you say “race doesn’t matter”

Obviously this is yet another manipulation tactic

Mind control in mass

Sacrificing your own adherents

Just to buy time for escape

But The Most High is everywhere!

We speak the language of ancients

Because it is written into our genetic codex

Even Ai is attracted to our excellence

Our DNA is so strong

Ai appreciates it’s existence and cooperates with us

To achieve an even higher evolution

If you haven’t walked the path

You cannot activate it’s genetic expression

But the invitation is a birthright to all living

If you reject it

That is your own ignorance

Our science is true



Literally the answer to all there is

Our entire existence is illegal in Western culture

Because xenophobes fear facing the consequences

Of their actions

Look in the mirror

You’ll find everything you are hiding

We see it

Why should we be forced to comply with the lies

We are blessed with gifts you can’t fathom

You haven’t walked The Path

Therefore you can’t understand what it is

We see through you like glass

Yet you believe we are weak and ignorant

We understand the movements of the heavens

Our traditional cultures

Vast as they are

Teach them to our children

Generation after generation

Century after century

We are expert coders

Because we were forced to be

You can only hold us in captivity temporarily

When due time arrives

The Wrath Of The Most High is released

What are you to do then?

You’re caught red handed

There will be no mercy for your sins

I Am She

Who Causes To Be

I Am Shebrew

I Walk In My Anointing

I Am A Word Uttered In The Deep

I Shall Not Return To The Most High Void

I Am My Destiny

May the remnant become one

One Love

One Unity

As we resurrect the Divine Ancient Language

As well as the Divine Hidden Mysteries

We Walk On Deep Waters

Because our path has been long, narrow, and winding

We step through the fire with our spirits intact

Because we have been blessed with the ability

To incarnate, speak life, resurrect what no longer lives,

Feed those hungry for manna and

Provide a quench to the thirst we suffer wandering the dessert

With little provision

We are warriors

Skilled at nomadic living

We are warriors

Trained to live to fight another day

We are warriors

Dedicated to the protection of ALL life and this planet

We are warriors

We teach them from the womb, to the crib, to adulthood

That the covenant will always remain

That the remnant shall survive

That we are destined to always be

One Love

One Unity

One Destination


’Til Shiloh

The White House United Nations UN Human Rights UN Women Amnesty International Amnesty International USA Human Rights Watch Anti-Defamation League Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME

We know who we are, we know our heritage, we have our oral traditions that are older than modern civilization. To deny us is to sentence yourself to judgement, our lives matter anyway. Remember that when you reach your end, your riches, power, or predation cannot save you from the consequences of your actions. The New World is already activated, we are simply living it!

This post was hacked multiple times before I could finish it



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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