Signals And Signatures

Danielle Diew
5 min readOct 6, 2021


You can’t fake frequencies

My handler was uncontrollable. He would go to such extremes that he would have to be pulled off of me by a group of people. All I would remember as I heard them screaming at him was “you’re killing her”. It's not like they cared, they just didn’t want to lose their lab rat. He was just interested in his own gratification and with me that always included torture. To him, trying to escape that was a betrayal.

When I was 8 years old he expected me to be a full-grown adult and he accepted nothing less. If I could “test” in an adult range in education and awareness on certain issues then that meant I was supposed to be treated like one. Those were the parameters of the program that he established. Not because he cared about harming me or arresting my development, but because it gave him a set of standards that he could work from. That was required for funding.

He took me to a location that was so isolated that I was so far from civilization, humanity, and the Black Community that I felt disconnected from life. Not dead, or numb, but separate from all life other than him. That’s exactly how he wanted it. He always took everything to the most severe extremes. I can’t believe I survived it all but he always used to say “God protects children and fools”. Meaning “you can survive more than you know. I know how far the human body can be pushed when you think you have reached your limit that is your body’s way of telling you that you can go further.” He never cared about boundaries or pain, it was his way or no way. “I understand human potential and I’m going to squeeze it out of you!” That’s what he told me as he was raping and torturing me. People have no idea exactly how sick he was, the world has only slightly scratched the surface. But I’m supposed to keep quiet and not tell the truth so that more lies can be upheld? Suffering the whole step of the way? Confounding.

I was on a base that was so heavily classified no one knows about it still. There were very few people there and the ones who were there were nazis. Actual nazis. Not the fake ones, the real ones. They loathed me. He wasn’t there all of the time, he came and went. He left me there with them sometimes for extended periods, obviously, I wasn’t treated well. They were running experiments on me the whole time. It was a base that measured and monitored signals of every, from any and every location. Every kind of signal, but particularly signals from space. “We want to measure a woman’s orgasm from space,” he said. But I wasn’t a woman. “YES YOU ARE AND I EXPECT YOU TO ACT LIKE IT!” He would get so indignant. “From space?” I asked, “that gives people too much information about me! How deep does the exploitation have to go! I don’t want to be that exposed”. Can you imagine? Can you put yourself in that position, mentally? I don’t know anyone else who has experienced this. I probably never will. Literally, racist men and women measuring your biorhythms and biochemistry and documenting it in the most vulnerable moments and you have no control over any of it? White men have been in control of my mind, body, and attempted to gain control of my soul my entire life. I have never had the ability to say no, to control what happened to me, or to have any input into what was happening. The experiments have gone on my entire life, but America pretends not to know who I am. You literally can recognize me by the frequency of my orgasm now just like you did for so many years before. Why the cover-up now???

People wonder why the Black community doesn’t trust the government, we have never been considered human and that is how we have always been treated. Yet every day we are engulfed in messaging that places the burden of these atrocities on our shoulders. “You bring suffering on yourself with your negativity” we are told. Who truly is operating in the negative???

To this day, we still have no protection from the very holocaust that continues to be denied yet everyone knows is happening. It’s gone on for hundreds of years. Not weeks, not months, not years, but hundreds of years. It’s so common that people still say it doesn’t exist and the delusion is far more appealing than reality. Cognitive dissonance continues to win the propaganda war because people are terrified of reality, and we suffer and die in mass because of it.

None of this could have ever happened to anyone else. He found the perfect, most vulnerable vessel he could find. Instead of providing support, he tore to shreds from top to bottom like an animal, but it’s my humanity that gets questioned, never his. My controller would not have been able to take a child from their parents, gain oversight and guardianship, and abuse them to extremes that are incomprehensible to most minds unless I were a poor Black, differently-abled child. He never stopped because he never had to. He made sure that when he died, there were plenty of people to pick up where he left off. Yet I’m supposed to accept this as my reality, my “lot in life”.

When he abused me so bad that it took me weeks to recover from almost dying, I begged to leave. Even some of the nazis felt sorry for me if you can believe that. They didn’t want me there, so they taught me how to escape. When I made it out of there and back home, he acted as if I had abandoned him. He didn’t just rape me, he recorded it constantly. He measured the frequencies with high-powered advanced technology, all paid for with U.S. tax dollars. “You will live forever” he always said. People have no idea that they are listening to me, he embedded my frequencies in music and mass-produced it. Music was his purview, he could do whatever he wanted. “I want our love to be memorialized forever,” he said. “Some of the most beautiful music ever made is about our love”. He always said, I obviously didn’t see things the same way.

He was obsessed with power, fantasies, and firsts. This wasn’t just his first, it was a first for all of humankind. But I’m supposed to act like it didn’t happen and die quietly, alone, penniless for the sake of sick pedophile fantasies and maintaining their lies. Do Black lives matter to America? So far, the resounding answer to this question is hell no.

Honoring my contract should be imperative, it’s the least you can do for financing my abuse. The White House as well as my enslavement UN Human Rights UN Women The people who approved his projects knew what he was doing the whole time. I deserved better, I deserve better, my family deserves better, we all do. He may be dead, but his minions aren’t.



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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