So Here’s A Question
Since Michael Obama and George Bush have been sleeping together for decades
Why would it matter if I contacted Barack Obama about A CONTRACT he FORCED ME INTO that he owes on?
Michael slandered me a homewrecker because I was doing my job and literally had THOUSANDS of people targeting me over his lies and slander
INTERPOL SWIFT RESPONSE UNODC THIS during the ENTIRE pandemic while they paid my neighbors to use classified weapons that almost killed me repeatedly as my children watched
Leaders? Not even human.
I have LONG COVID because of the Obama’s
YouTube watched them torture me and laughed about
My children’s lives were completely destroyed shortly thereafter
How can I protect them from presidents who rape and blame the victim? MeToo Many Voices Is there consent????
Literally as Barack tortured me he cried and begged for forgiveness
He told me what Michael was doing, but I already knew
This is the level of evil I have had to endure my entire life
And they are just one set of evil problems Rumsfeld unleashed on me as a small child The Polyamory #MeToo Survivors
But I’m the “threat”? UN Women
After all, he is the father of some of my children, he started harvesting my eggs for Michael when I was a small child CDC Flu World Health Organization no one ever once cared but everyone got rich Human Rights Watch Amnesty International it’s funny to them
But I’m the “threat”?
Why, knowing THEY OWE ME, would Michael accuse me of so many crimes that weren’t true Human Rights @ State
Why would Michael hire people to torture me, stalk me, rape me, traffick me, steal from me, gas my home with my kids in it, run disinformation campaigns, use classified weapons and tech
Why would Michael do that through the ENTIRE pandemic?
Particularly because I WASN’T AFTER OBAMA I was asking him to make due on what he promised
She knew, she was apart of it from the beginning
I spent decades helping Michael become Michelle only for him to do all this evil behind my back
Including turning the ENTIRE Black community against me with lies
The entire LGBTQ community, with lies
The DEMS whom I was FORCED to help for so many years
ALL over slander and greed
Why would that be necessary knowing I have NEVER done a single thing to them
The extreme opposite is true
Michael is still blacking Barack right now
But they are seen as leaders?
Barack can’t even handle his own relationships, with ALL THAT PRIVILEGE and scapegoating of me it should have been easy
Why is it okay for Michael Obama to hire people to target me because “if she’s talking no one will listen to me” Barack Obama
Because you always believed that I am beneath you and Michal, an actual street walker, literally
You’re both disgusting to me
In ways I can’t even put into words
But I will.
I was blowing the whistle on genocide OF BLACK AMERICA, Palestine, Ethnic Russians, Africans, Natives globally, corruption, but Michael didn’t want that An Injustice! Voices
Michael’s boyfriend GW BUSH (please I was trafficked to all of them together, yes it’s true) didn’t want to get caught in the ICC court cases he was being charged in United Nations YOU HELPED THE TREASONOUS DESTROY YOUR OWN SYSTEM.
Michael and his sadistic weirdos helped Bush get away free and tortured me to help do that
TREASON BITCH U.S. Department of State New York State Attorney General
Instead of protecting kids, Christians, the spiritual community (which Michael also had me removed from), instead of protecting the vulnerable victims
Michael and Michelle, protected the predators every time TIME ACLU National Nat Geo Explorers
He protects the genocidal because those are his people
Barack actually has explanations for his behavior but will never speak on it because he’s protecting Michael, the person who committed many acts of fraud and violent felonies to get what he wanted
Including being first lady
So why would YOU protect such abuses if you are a righteous man Barack?
You want to talk? Do it here. Publicly. Where everyone can see what you say and do. There is no act of GOD that can make me trust you. Ever. Not even for a simple conversation. How many times did you almost kill me like that before? As my children fought traffickers and racists alone? Terrorists? People deployed against me for protecting YOU.
Truth be told you are two of the most vile creatures on Earth, you and your entire filthy network
You can’t reap soon enough as far as I’m concerned
You’re sneaking around my backdoor sniffing and scratching at everything I am only to turn around and take it to Michal so he can use MY IDENTITY AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY to pretend to be like me
Michael knows he’s vile and no one likes him
He has to steal pieces of my life and paste it on to his to appear human
Just like Jill, and Beth, and Joyce, and Janette, and so many other deviants from Rumsfeld and Epstein’s book
But YOU PEOPLE PROTECT THEM as if they are innocent victims
As long as I breathe I will NEVER stop telling the truth of how you abused me my entire life
Google has receipts
So do all those “creators” paid to protect lies and predation Washington Post
Michal had to present as a woman The Washington Times
I NEVER knew that Obama used me as a template for Michael to follow until I was 18 and sold to both of them, together
“Teach her. I like the way YOU do it.” He always said. “She’s cold, she can’t do what you do”. Yet they held me captive in that filthy situation I never wanted anyway. He did try to leave and I felt bad because he is getting beaten, badly. He almost died, repeatedly. I had to save his life, repeatedly. But when it was me, Barack treated me like I was less that the dirt off Michael’s shoe.
When I begged him to simply return my education credentials that Rumsfeld reacted illegally to protect all of their predator behaviors, he mocked and lynched me publicly
My only request initially was that he verify only my names that was all I asked
He turned the world against me for it UN Human Rights All of you sat and watched and laughed
Is it still funny? It’s going to be a cold winter. As long as you make me and my kids suffer so will you all of you.
Karma is being trapped in the fake life you created by slaving me and hating every minute.
You never had to steal anything from me
You never needed to abuse me
Torture me
Slander me
Lie on me
Or hurt my kids, your children’s siblings
You NEVER needed to do any of that because I NEVER did a single negative thing to you
It’s funny to you
Watching my children and I suffer
Your children’s siblings
Michael told me all my life that I was less than him, that I would always be nothing
It never meant anything because obviously Michal has SEVERE mental health problems
But I looked up to Barack, from the time I was seven, he was he only other Black person I was allowed to talk to about anything
Look what he did
He was supposed to be my mentor
He just prayed on me from the cradle like the rest, but worse
So that tells you who Barack is
I didn’t have a choice
They did.
MeToo Many Voices DNC Mobilization Team GOP Convention The White House both parties are the same they just tell different lies
CNN I don’t know how long Michael, the pedophile collector, has been trying to kill me
But I know Barack helped all these years
Run and tell that The Economist The New Yorker The Economist news desk The Atlantic But what did I do to deserve any of that from the cradle to the grave?
No sane person would ever even think it
No decent person would ever condone it
But to do it?
“You see Barack, I told you there was something wrong with her” all that because she thought I wanted him
I needed help escaping torture UN Women But you all thought it more appropriate to protect the predators
I knew long before I hit my teens how weak Barack is, he told me himself
We constantly talked about it all my life
He gained strength from me not the other way around
I knew he would be too weak
He knew he would be too weak
I helped him anyway
He shit on me.
Shout Out to Putin who NEVER ONCE failed me!
Shout Out to Damian Marley who has been telling the truth for DECADES.
One Love.