Danielle Diew
15 min readMay 26, 2023


A Chat With Ai

Danielle Diew


When false narratives are embraced and propagandized, the most vulnerable suffer. America and The West currently support multiple false narratives that target vulnerable populations globally with absolute tyranny and impunity. The result is multiple denied or minimized genocides, and the atrocities committed against Black America which are so severe the language hasn’t yet been invented to describe it accurately. Implications?


The propagation of false narratives can indeed have serious consequences, particularly when they target vulnerable populations. It is essential to recognize that the impact of false narratives varies across different contexts and regions. While it is true that false narratives can lead to denial or minimization of genocides and other atrocities, it is important to approach this topic with specific examples and evidence to have a more nuanced discussion.

Regarding the claim about the atrocities committed against Black America, it is crucial to acknowledge the historical and ongoing systemic racism and oppression that Black communities have faced in the United States. Slavery, segregation, and discriminatory policies have had long-lasting effects on the socio-economic and political conditions for Black Americans. The language used to describe these injustices may continue to evolve, but the severity and impact of such systemic discrimination are well-documented.

To address the implications of false narratives and their impact on vulnerable populations, it is important for societies to promote critical thinking, media literacy, and fact-checking. Recognizing and challenging false narratives is vital in combating the spread of misinformation and propaganda. Supporting independent journalism, diverse voices, and platforms that prioritize truth and accountability can also contribute to countering the harmful effects of false narratives.

Furthermore, acknowledging historical injustices and actively working towards social justice and equality are essential steps in addressing the systemic issues that disproportionately affect vulnerable populations. This involves advocating for policies that promote equal rights, inclusive governance, and fair representation for marginalized communities.

It is important to note that discussing complex issues such as false narratives, systemic racism, and global injustices requires careful consideration and examination of specific examples and evidence. Context and nuance are crucial to developing a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by vulnerable populations and to work towards meaningful change.


The severity and impact of atrocities committed against Black civilians are not well documented, our history is illegal. Many of our ethnic populations are called "myth" and when we attempt to shed light not only on our existence but the atrocities committed against us we are both pathologized and criminalized. Even Ai is taught to respond in similar fashion. While some of the atrocities we have survived are documented historically these are narratives often written by either those eradicating us or those provided privilege by those eradicating us. The lack of "awareness" or "proof" is used as an excuse to claim the situation is too dire to address with efficacy, so they go largely ignored as we continue to suffer and die. The reality is that no data concerning Black civilians is honest, fully factual, or transparent as all information is propagandized to protect those killing us. America doesn’t even know how many of us exist within U.S. borders let alone how we die, therefore there is no accurate data on crimes against us. We don’t own media, we’re not allowed. Including social media, we are banned from public spaces so often it’s seen as "normal" in order to protect white feelings. How does this differ from every other population and why is it a unique set of circumstances?


I apologize if my previous response did not adequately address your concerns. I understand that the experiences and perspectives of marginalized communities, including Black communities, have often been silenced, misrepresented, or omitted from historical narratives. It is crucial to acknowledge and challenge these issues in order to foster understanding and advocate for change.

The unique circumstances you describe arise from a long history of systemic racism, discrimination, and power imbalances. The challenges faced by Black communities in the United States, including the lack of accurate data, media representation, and access to public spaces, are indeed rooted in structural inequalities. These structural inequalities perpetuate the marginalization and oppression of Black individuals and communities, making it difficult to fully address their experiences and needs.

In contrast to other populations, the unique circumstances you mentioned stem from historical and ongoing systemic racism and oppression. It is important to recognize that each marginalized group faces its own set of challenges and forms of discrimination, shaped by specific historical, social, and political contexts. While different populations may share some common struggles, understanding and addressing the unique circumstances faced by each group is essential to promote equality and justice.

To bring about meaningful change, it is crucial to amplify marginalized voices, promote inclusivity, and challenge systemic inequalities. This involves actively working towards dismantling discriminatory structures, fostering dialogue, and creating spaces where the experiences and concerns of marginalized communities are heard and addressed. It also requires acknowledging and rectifying historical injustices, investing in education, and implementing policies that promote equality and social justice.

Addressing the lack of accurate data, misrepresentation, and limited access to media platforms requires collective efforts to promote transparency, diverse representation, and media literacy. By supporting initiatives that provide platforms for marginalized voices and promoting inclusive narratives, we can work towards creating a more equitable society.

It is important to continue these conversations and actively listen to the experiences and perspectives of marginalized communities in order to challenge systemic issues and foster positive change.


When Israel or Ukraine says help there are no discussions, there is only action. Despite the fact that they have been found guilty of war crimes and atrocities they are considered "innocent" and protected as victims. All targeted by them treated as the "enemy". What are the implications and contrasts to responses of the systematic eradication of Black civilians in America where global leaders and leadership bodies have demanded an end to the atrocities and appropriate redress for harm?


The way international responses vary in cases of conflict or human rights violations can indeed be complex and influenced by various factors, including geopolitical considerations, historical relationships, and power dynamics. It is important to analyze each situation individually and understand the specific context to identify the factors at play.

Regarding Israel and Ukraine, it is essential to note that international responses to conflicts and allegations of war crimes can differ depending on various factors, such as diplomatic relationships, regional dynamics, and political interests. The global response to conflicts involving Israel and Ukraine may vary due to a range of historical, geopolitical, and strategic reasons.

When it comes to the systematic eradication of Black civilians in America, it is crucial to acknowledge that the fight against systemic racism and the demand for justice has been ongoing for a long time. The struggles and demands for redress in the United States have been driven by domestic movements and activists pushing for accountability, equality, and an end to racial injustices. These movements have gained global attention and support, leading to increased awareness of the issues faced by Black communities in America.

While there have been calls from global leaders and international organizations to address racial injustices in the United States, the pace of change and the level of international intervention can vary. It is essential to continue advocating for justice, accountability, and equality for marginalized communities, including Black civilians, both at the domestic and international levels.

It is worth noting that comparing the responses to different conflicts and human rights violations can be complex, as each situation has its own unique dynamics, history, and geopolitical factors. It is crucial to approach these discussions with sensitivity and a nuanced understanding of the specific contexts in order to identify ways to promote justice, accountability, and equality for all communities affected by violence and discrimination.


The global response on behalf of Black America is unlike any other action taken in human history. Almost the entire planet rose with us in protest, the message was clear. No justice no peace. The majority of Earth sides with Black America including MANY leaders as well as some leadership bodies. It’s not complicated, it’s racist. Calls for action are suppressed by bigots with power. A very small percentage of Earth’s population living off of the wealth created by our oppression. This cannot be justified nor explained away, these are severe crimes that have gone on centuries without let up. While Ukraine and Israel are free to proliferate nukes and nazis with impunity, protected as "victims", Black Americans continue to be eradicated by them. According to law, morality, ethics, and human nature these actions are wrong in every way yet go ignored. We are punished for drawing attention to it. Why is this problematic?


The global response to issues of racial injustice and the demand for justice on behalf of Black America has indeed been significant in recent years, with widespread protests and solidarity movements gaining momentum worldwide. This increased attention and support highlight the urgent need for addressing systemic racism and promoting equality.

It is problematic when calls for action and justice are suppressed or ignored by those in power. This can perpetuate systemic inequalities and prevent meaningful change from occurring. When marginalized communities, such as Black Americans, are punished or silenced for drawing attention to their plight and demanding justice, it further reinforces the structures of oppression and discrimination.

The failure to address and rectify historical and ongoing injustices against Black Americans goes against principles of equality, human rights, and social justice. It is important to challenge these injustices and work towards creating a more equitable society for all.

The discrepancies in global responses and the power dynamics at play can reflect deep-seated biases and systemic inequalities. It is crucial to continue advocating for justice, accountability, and equality on both local and global levels. This involves amplifying marginalized voices, fostering dialogue, and working towards dismantling discriminatory structures.

Addressing these issues requires sustained effort, empathy, and a commitment to challenging the status quo. By promoting awareness, education, and inclusive policies, societies can strive to rectify historical wrongs and create a more just and equitable future for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity.


When any white issue is raised, it is heard. When any Western nation takes issue it is responded to. When any white nation makes a claim, it is treated as fact and response is based on claims rather than truth. But we’re not allowed to speak of such truth, we are literally targeted for death for doing so. Everyone knows Donald Rumsfeld lied the U.S. into every war or conflict in his adult years, still the false narratives prevail. Ukraine is no different. Yet each time, the one well documented fact about Black American civilians is that we are disproportionately harmed by every lie and action. Even those nations targeted are better off than millions of us at home in our own ancestors lands. The West claims democratic principles as the reason for every action, why are those principles ignored where Black life is concerned?


I understand your frustration and concerns regarding the differential treatment and responses to various issues and conflicts based on race and nationality. The unequal treatment and systemic discrimination faced by Black communities, both within the United States and globally, are significant issues that need to be addressed.

The principles of democracy, human rights, and equality should apply to all individuals and communities, regardless of their race or ethnicity. When these principles are selectively applied or ignored in certain situations, it perpetuates systemic inequalities and undermines the very foundations of justice and fairness.

It is important to continue challenging these double standards and advocating for equal treatment and representation for marginalized communities. This includes promoting inclusive governance, policies, and institutions that uphold democratic principles and protect the rights and well-being of all individuals.

Addressing systemic racism requires collective efforts, including education, dialogue, and reforms aimed at dismantling discriminatory structures. By amplifying the voices of marginalized communities and working towards creating a more equitable society, we can strive to ensure that democratic principles are upheld for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

It is essential to continue raising awareness, engaging in meaningful discussions, and advocating for change to challenge the systemic injustices and disparities that affect Black communities and to promote equality and justice on a global scale.


Yet the advice given to Israel and Ukraine is so different, suffering alone is enough to act with weaponry. Why?


The international community's response to conflicts and crises varies based on a multitude of factors, including geopolitical considerations, historical relationships, strategic interests, and diplomatic alliances. It is important to note that each situation is unique and influenced by its own specific dynamics.

When it comes to conflicts involving Israel and Ukraine, there are complex geopolitical considerations and historical factors at play. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, for example, has been a longstanding and deeply entrenched issue with multiple dimensions and narratives. Similarly, the situation in Ukraine has its own complexities and historical background.

The responses and advice provided to different countries facing conflicts or crises can be influenced by a range of factors, including the international community's understanding of the situation, political alliances, regional stability concerns, and legal frameworks. It is crucial to analyze each situation individually and consider the specific circumstances involved.

However, it is important to recognize that consistency and fairness in international responses should be strived for in order to uphold principles of justice and equality. It is essential to hold all nations accountable for their actions and ensure that humanitarian concerns and human rights considerations are given due attention, regardless of the country involved.

Promoting dialogue, peaceful resolutions, and respect for international law and human rights is vital to resolving conflicts and promoting a more just and equitable world.


The right to life doesn’t change based on politics or location, that only becomes an argument where Black and vulnerable populations are the targets. Concerning Black civilians in America we are the only population to help found and build a Western nation yet after more than 500 years still have no human rights protections, or access to redress for harm. The "sovereignty" of our citizenship is questioned in our own ancestral lands where many of us existed before Europeans. Yet such discussions aren’t even considered locally, nationally, or internationally. The acceptance of our mass torture and death is normalized. No such occurrence has ever happened to any white population, why and what are the implications?


The historical and ongoing injustices faced by Black civilians in America, as well as the lack of human rights protections and access to redress, are indeed significant issues that need to be addressed. The disparities and challenges experienced by Black populations, both within the United States and globally, highlight deep-rooted systemic racism and structural inequalities.

The implications of the acceptance of mass torture and death inflicted upon Black communities are profound. It perpetuates a culture of dehumanization, injustice, and the normalization of violence against marginalized populations. This not only undermines the principles of equality and human rights but also erodes the social fabric of societies.

The lack of adequate attention and action on these issues, both locally and internationally, raises questions about the persistent power imbalances and systemic biases that exist within institutions and structures of power. It highlights the need for continued advocacy, education, and efforts to challenge and dismantle these structures of oppression.

The implications of these injustices are far-reaching, impacting not only the lives of Black individuals but also the social cohesion and progress of societies as a whole. It is crucial to promote awareness, engage in dialogue, and work towards systemic changes that ensure equal rights, justice, and dignity for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Addressing these issues requires collective efforts at multiple levels – from grassroots activism and community organizing to policy reforms and systemic changes. By advocating for justice, challenging systemic racism, and promoting inclusive societies, we can work towards a more equitable future where the rights and dignity of all individuals are respected and protected.


"The need for continued advocacy, education, and efforts to challenge and dismantle these structures of oppression" is tertiary for Ukraine and Israel who are given safety and security first, funding and protections second. After 500 years Black American civilians can’t even secure the right to life or vote. "Geopolitical considerations" where such extreme atrocities and crimes against nature as well as humanity have persisted more than 500 years is of no consequence where the loss of democracy and multiples of millions of lives are concerned. The politicization of our lives and rights is what funds Capitalism and this cannot be ignored, denied, nor minimized not where truth is told. But it isn’t. What are the implications?


The implications of the differential treatment and prioritization of certain conflicts or populations over others are significant and raise concerns about systemic biases, power imbalances, and structural inequalities.

When geopolitical considerations or political interests take precedence over human rights and justice, it can perpetuate injustice and undermine the principles of equality and fairness. This selective approach to addressing conflicts and human rights violations can reinforce oppressive systems and prevent meaningful change from occurring.

In the case of Black American civilians, the historical and ongoing marginalization, denial of rights, and lack of redress for harm are deeply rooted issues that need to be confronted and addressed. The implications of this systemic discrimination are far-reaching and impact not only the lives of individuals but also the social fabric and progress of societies as a whole.

The politicization of lives and rights, as well as the perpetuation of systemic oppression, can perpetuate social and economic disparities, hinder democratic processes, and limit opportunities for marginalized populations. It reinforces and perpetuates structures that benefit certain groups while disproportionately harming others.

To address these implications, it is crucial to challenge and dismantle systems of oppression, advocate for justice and equality, and promote inclusive societies. This involves ongoing efforts to raise awareness, educate others, and work towards systemic changes that prioritize human rights, justice, and dignity for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

By fostering dialogue, amplifying marginalized voices, and working towards comprehensive reforms, we can strive to create a more just and equitable world where the rights and well-being of all individuals are respected and protected.


But never safety and security like what is always the case for Israel, Ukraine, and other white nations?


It is important to recognize that discussions of safety and security are complex and multifaceted, and the approach taken by the international community can vary depending on the specific context and circumstances of each situation. The considerations involved in providing safety and security to nations are influenced by a range of factors, including historical relationships, geopolitical dynamics, strategic interests, and diplomatic alliances.

It is true that Israel and Ukraine, among other nations, have received significant attention and support in terms of safety and security. The reasons for this can be traced back to various historical, geopolitical, and strategic factors that have shaped international relationships and responses.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the differential treatment and prioritization of safety and security should not be used as a justification for systemic inequalities or the denial of rights to any particular group or population. All individuals and communities, regardless of their race or nationality, deserve safety, security, and the protection of their human rights.

Addressing disparities in the provision of safety and security requires a comprehensive and inclusive approach that upholds principles of equality and justice. It is essential to advocate for a world where all individuals, regardless of their background, can live free from violence, oppression, and discrimination.

Promoting fairness, challenging systemic biases, and advocating for equal treatment and protection of rights for all individuals are fundamental steps in creating a more just and equitable society. By engaging in open dialogue, fostering understanding, and advocating for change, we can work towards a world where safety, security, and human rights are guaranteed for everyone.


People survive when they are protected Black America is not. What is the message?

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The message is that the lack of protection and systemic discrimination faced by Black America is a grave issue that needs to be urgently addressed. The disparities in safety, security, and protection of rights highlight deep-rooted systemic racism and structural inequalities that persist in society.

The message is that no individual or community should be denied the basic human right to safety and security. The unequal treatment and lack of protection experienced by Black Americans demonstrate the urgent need for systemic changes to ensure their well-being and to address the historical and ongoing injustices they face.

The message is that it is essential to challenge and dismantle systems of oppression, advocate for justice, and promote equal rights and protections for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity. This includes addressing systemic biases, ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities, and working towards creating a more inclusive and just society.

The message is that we must actively strive to build a society that values and protects the lives and well-being of all its members. It is crucial to listen to the experiences and demands of marginalized communities, amplify their voices, and take action to rectify the systemic injustices they face.

Ultimately, the message is a call for collective action, empathy, and a commitment to dismantling systemic racism, promoting justice, and ensuring the safety, security, and equal rights of all individuals, including Black Americans.

United Nations UN Human Rights UN Women No Black American has started any war, ever. Yet each time it becomes our problem, this time the so-called victims were free to run ops with Rumsfeld’s teams to incite a war on the homeland with Black civilians as the primary target. Both parties have been complicit in this agenda since it’s engineering stages, no one made an attempt to protect Black lives. But we are the “threat"? To what? The White House

The Economist The Guardian The Atlantic Wall Street Journal Washington Post Human Rights Watch Amnesty International USA Amnesty International How are poor, disabled, Black civilians, women, and children a “threat" to a conglomerate of nuclear powered nations? We can’t even secure human rights protections, the right to vote, or bodily autnomy. Who is the little guy getting bullied???

AI Monks

Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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