Men can’t be “stolen” from women
Mfrs have free will
If he was ignorant enough
To walk away from me
The reason never matters
The choice is the sin
If THAT was the choice
YOU should be afraid
Anyone capable of such abuse
Will turn it on you
When they realize
I’m not coming back
All I did was call every bluff
Force all to show hands
I don’t gamble
But I know how
All my four fathers taught me that
Know when to hold ‘em
Know when to fold ‘em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
NEVER count your money
Sitting at the table
Time enough for that
When the deal is done
Kenny Rogers sang the genius
Y’all should have listened
Because I DID
Just like my fathers taught
Including my fictive
Did he teach YOU that
Did any of them?
That has become the epitome
Of the downfall of The Old World
While The New World
Rises on it’s ashes
My job was always to be here
To bring in a soft landing
I know who I Am
Regardless of envy
I move onward
None will stop me
I’m walking in my anointing
What The Most High wills
All will come to know
Your feelings about it don’t matter
How do you change a system so big
It can’t be toppled
You infect it with change
Senior taught me that
My method is ethics
So of course the predators fail
It’s not rocket science
It’s tradecraft
I’ve been a Master since age seven
You won’t catch up to that!
You can’t go back to the past
Where I already achieved End Game
We are simply living the ripple effects
While YOU are trapped in time
I have surpassed it
Class 1 to Class 3
So Be It