Still Censored

Danielle Diew
4 min readNov 13, 2021


But Why?

Google #YouTube

All of my stats across ALL social media platforms are manipulated. I have been kicked off of two social media sites, one with no excuse at all with two different pages, the other for hate speech that I never used. Meanwhile hate crimes, human trafficking, extremism, terrorism, and insurgent activity are freely flowing across the internet. They do as they please.

It’s interesting because I was there when analytics were developed in a highly classified setting. Decades before they became known to mainstream society. My handlers ran the classified programs that developed and deployed them. People hate the fact that I know the truth, and tell it. But why would I keep these secrets to protect those who abuse humanity?

Analytics were created by White people, for White people to support White people. No Black people were involved in the process at all, at any point. Neither were any people of color. Neither was anyone who wasn’t on the far right. When you control the intel, clearances, programs, and funding you control who has access to everything. Before any of the technology used since the 1980s could be deployed into mainstream society, they had already been manipulated by extremism in classified settings. U.S. Department of State

THIS is what my handlers did, always, with everything. THIS is why the world is so abusive and completely out of balance. But I’m not supposed to talk about it because these abusers don’t want to be exposed for the sick people that they are. Progressive Caucus

That’s disgusting.

The people involved in creating analytics were given classified technology, tax dollars for funding, and the ability to build a massive industry worth trillions of dollars annually, and yet they openly exploit people, particularly marginalized populations. Black people being the most heavily targeted population suffering apocalyptic consequences. While most in BIG TECH may be completely unaware of the origins of modern technology in America, many at the executive level are not, particularly those with clearances or who have handlers. Certainly none of the persons who were there in the beginning stages of development, and certainly not the far right extremists exploiting the tech to support the insurgency that has all 3 branches of government hamstrung.

These companies use the public trust platforms, funded with U.S. tax dollars, and supported by classified intel to elevate ALL White people regardless of what they are promoting, communicating, or advocating while simultaneously suppressing marginalized populations. This is clearly discrimination and human rights violations. But when they occur during a coup, a pandemic, extreme economic hardship, and genocide then they are complicit with supporting a holocaust that has been sustained for longer than anyone is prepared to grasp.

These companies are never held accountable for any of their crimes, they have powerful backers just as my handlers did. Though some legislators have tried to hold these companies, their owners, and board members accountable they are blocked by cronies in government. Yet the U.S. is still denying that all 3 branches of government are in a stranglehold, though intel, experts, and even those in leadership have all announced this fact repeatedly. America is under extreme right occupation and conditions continue to worsen daily, particularly for Black people, as the insurgency continues to thrive supported by Silicon Valley UN Human Rights Elizabeth Warren

BIG TECH continues to claim daily that Ai is in no way racist, that Black people are complaining about fake oppression, and that they are diverse and pro democracy. All lies. The proof is in the pudding. The people who created base coding were nazis, actual nazis directly related to Operation Paperclip and other operations like it. The programs were also operated and supported by other extremists and far right activists, essentially almost every kind of fascist.

There were no healthy or normal people involved in these programs. They were all extreme deviants who participated in abuse of every imaginable kind. When it came time to bring these technologies into the mainstream, they simply hid the truth. But I’m not supposed to talk about it. Amnesty International USA

America is silencing the voices of Black Americans who are literally being ethnically cleansed while the world turns away. As I document these atrocities, I continue to be censored, muted, surveilled, gang stalked, cyber stalked, even physically stalked and members of my family and I attacked. We literally experience more consequences for telling the truth than any terrorist has for committing treason and/or sedition. Yet, instead of leadership in government helping to relieve the suffering from the extreme human rights violations that the most marginalized in society are suffering, most turn a blind eye daily. UN Human Rights But people wonder why my handler gave me the handles “Black Anne Frank” and “Pandora”.

I can’t even @ or # on multiple platforms, almost every social media site that I have tried to use censors, mutes, or shadow bans me heavily. Telling the truth in America is punished severely while lying, deceiving, abusing, and manipulating is rewarded with abundance, immunity, wealth, and freedom of movement.

There is no excuse for the way that America treats Black people as well as other marginalized populations. There is no excuse for the way that the world hides these facts and turns a blind eye. There is no excuse for abusing Black people for exposing the truth about the atrocities we experience at the hands of the wealthy and powerful elite 24/7/365. There is no excuse for our own country to allow it, as though we are not human.

No excuses. Human Rights Watch



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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