Still Getting Hacked
11.25.21 Sill Not Considered Human The White House U.S. Department of State
Still can’t access any part of the internet that allows me to earn any kind of income
Still no Social Security, COVID relief, public assistance, or SNAP
Still no payment of my contract
Still have not had my credentials returned
Still can’t participate in life, let alone as an American Citizen
This has gone on my entire life, it did not begin with protests or COVID
But America says it’s not fascist? I have commtted no crime while those who continue to enslave me remain free, tax funded, and with extreme wealth made from exploting my entire family for hundreds of years. But I’m not allowed to call this a holocaust as my entire family and community is ethnically cleansed as the world plays “patriot games”. I was literally trained by the men who established the modern day global defense systems, to do exactly this. AND IT’S STILL BEING CALLED FAKE a I continue to be tortured daily! I can’t even access medical care. But this isn’t a holocaust? How many Black American Anecestors of Slaves are living in extremely impovrished conditions such as these? How many are victims of descrminiation, hate crimes, explotation, and abuse of athority? How many have been trafficked, raped, molested, or otherwise abused? How many family members have suffered the same. “I don’t know a Black girl who hasn’t experienced sexual trauma.” Daath Daliyah, my 14 year old daughter. But this isn’t extermination? UN Human Rights UN Women UNICEF Amnesty International Amnesty International USA TIME Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers
Congress has a mandate to protect life, this has NEVER happened for the Black Community since the Civil Rights Ammendments. Not only are our inalieable rights and human rights denied consistently daily, but so are our constituational and civil rights. Yet systemic oppression is still called fake. President Joe Biden has ignored the extremists attacks against our entire community but has also been negligent in the process of holding insurgents accountable as he negotiates with them during an active coup. THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DOES NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. So are Black Americans human, entitled to human rights or not? If we STILL are not considered human, why is this ignored? Human Rights Watch
I’ve never even had control over my own vagina, never a day in my life. But enslavement is a myth or “leftist” talking point? No, its what we are forced to endure daily because the world won’t let go of the lie of white supremacy. The world we live in today is the world that white supremacy made, it’s obviously in no way superior. Black people are tired of suffering and dying for this lie?
The “superior” genes would be the ones who survive everything, for hundreds upon hundreds of years. Not the ones “afraid” of the idea that they may not be superior. Your own arguments cave in on themselves because you are living a delusion and destryong the entire planet because of your failure to grasp a cognitive dissonance. Mass destrcution has never been superior, it has only ever been destructive.
A superior civilzation is one that can at least rank a Class I, white supremacy built a zero class civilization on the ashes of some of the most advanced civiliazations to have ever existed, anywhere. But Americans aren’t allowed to talk about this becasue much like claimate change, it doesn’t fit the false narrative of white supremacy.
We are tired of the lies and mass death! The world owes the future a better opportunity than just appocolyptic conditions for the the sake of the white male ego.
This post was censored as soon as I began typing it