Superior Fantasy
Whole Picture Poetry
You cannot advance
While holding others down
Preventing any and everything
From growing
Such deviance requires time
It requires effort and energy
Resources and planning
Instead of that effort
Going to growth
It goes to evil extremes
Poisoning the whole situation
Infecting all within it’s reach
There is no advancement
In such entanglements
Only pain, trauma, suffering
Keeping you stuck
Low vibrational
Arrested developmentally
Trapping the whole host
Of bodies
Impacted by your evil deeds
Leaving all in a hole
But telling ALL you are
A blessed King
I loathe deceit and hypocrisy
Wiping out the truth of all things
Espousing the nonsense
That your delusion is the only reality
Rearranging everything for appearances
Trying to look like you are superior
But lies will never make it be
Those who are real
Always see through to reality
The chosen ones are chosen
Because of their integrity
These are the ones who
While down are calculating
They protect not only themselves
But ALL of humanity
Where once we were drained
Operating in our mission we are imbued
With the power of Divinity
Dedication to our mission means
Working harder than ever
So ALL can be set free
I’m not the type to remain
In filth, degradation, inequality
Where the knee of tyranny
Is obstructing my ability to breathe
I will outmaneuver you
Then come up swinging
I was raised on grappling and wrestling
It was my handlers favorite activity
Whatever he did I did
He never failed to teach me
I’ve been all over the world
Cages, on mats, underground, uniformed
Fatigues, desserts, whiteout conditions
Jungles, oceans, rivers, lakes
Below ground, in the air, in planes
On tanks
Gunner, rooster, lead, flank
Solo, 6 man, tactical, counter
Rescue, extraction
Bases with no names
Think of any scenario
I am certain I was trained
Old school
Where no one ever knows your name
But if you’re the best
You know the energy of everyone
Without ever lifting a finger
I’ve never failed a mission
Never lost a game
Never defeated in battle
Never failed to gain
Strategy is a process
You don’t force the ending
You analyze and deploy
Manifesting the intentions of your thinking
I’m not like a Westerner
In truth I have global thinking
But raised with an Eastern mindset
Trained in the most remote places
You can’t take me from me
Not even by extracting my DNA
I Am unique
There will never be another
I Am That I Am
That truth will always be
You can’t copy, co-opt, paste, or appropriate
I paid the price to be undefeated
I carry the blood of my ancestors genes
I activated this DNA
You look only at the surface
I swim in the deep
Even if it takes a lifetime
I NEVER stop fighting to be
No only for me
My progeny
My community
My country
The planet
But for the future hopes and dreams
Of every person who
Was tied down, boxed in, chained
So don’t think you know me
Or understand me
Or get me
Or even are aware of my
You’re just a fly in my net
So let’s not make this
Irritating unnecessarily
I have things to do
People to see
I’m not interested in juvenile games
I was never a child
Not even when I was in a child’s body
I wasn’t allowed such things
“You will be what I tell you to be”
Is how I was raised
I didn’t suffer torture for decades
To be pummeled into nothing
I spent 4.5 decades
In training
So get ready
The world is about to change
I Am She Who Causes To Be
So Let It Be
Red Gold Green
So It Is
I Am She