Surviving Him
Human Trafficking
People underestimate how severe dehumanization is with sadists who traffick children. His words and actions nearly killed me again decades later after it began and he’s nowhere near. When the world turns a blind eye to evil such as this, there is no humanity to be found anywhere.
Until there is accountability there is no society, only filth, facade, and predation. His network lives on and leadership is willing to wage the most incideous forms of wars to hide and protect it’s deviants. Laughing along the way, preying. Controlling bodies and refusing to allow victims to have control over our own bodies. Claiming to be all powerful when you are nothing more then liars, thieves, predators, rapists, pedophiles, apologists, pretenders, sociopaths, sadists. Destroyers of all things sacred. Haters of melanin. Filth. If you hate Blackness so much, stop obsessing over it.