Survivor Rights
Everyone should be disturbed by the fact that sexual predators are more protected than their victims. Just look at arrest records and prosecution rates of sexual crimes, they are minuscule yet they happen at pandemic proportions.
In Virginia, pedophiles are able to talk openly on the internet about their behaviors toward children and there are laws that protect their right to do so. However, the laws that protect survivors from being censored for talking about what pedophiles have done to us are ignored.
Pedophilia is a condition that qualifies for Social Security Disability and they absolutely receive the income. Yet victims of pedophiles do not have the same rights and protections. Because we live in a rape culture, all of the harm done to victims is solely the responsibility of victims to manage. Even worst, resources for victims are minuscule and continuing to diminish as are rights that protect us from harm. Programs that serve survivors are few, overburdened, understaffed, and underfunded. Other programs that survivors qualify for are experiencing the same conditions and do not prioritize trauma-informed care or services.
Sexual predation in America is a pandemic that has been ignored as long as this nation has been the United States Of America. While advocates and activists work hard to protect the rights of victims, their numbers and financing do not match up to those of predators. America has no equality and it must stop claiming to. There are serious endemic problems that exist in America and everyday people like myself drown under the weight of the oppressive conditions without most legislators even batting an eyelash unless it affects their reputations, bank accounts, or backers. Now more than ever, America must step up to protect her people, all of us! #LeaveNoOneBehind #WhenAllAreAll #GenerationEquality