“The Answer Is Not To Defund”
The answer is to deliver accountability, implement oversight, transparency, education, prevention, and intervention but when we asked for that for DECADES you ignored!
The idea that state harassment and killing of Black people at the hands of law enforcement can be reduced to “training issues” is an insult to the intelligence, human rights, constitutional rights, and inalienable rights of Americans experiencing apartheid on our own home lands. What were police trained to do before? As someone who has worked with law enforcement my ENTIRE life I can tell you that they do what they are trained to do, protect whiteness, even if that means white fear.
Black Americans have called for police reform for so long we obviously needed more to get someone's attention since we continue to be executed with impunity at apocalyptic rates, at the hands obvious white supremacist extremism and a government hell bent on maintaining it’s “normalcy”. Nothing has worked for hundreds of years, calling for “defunding” was the least we could do.
President Joe Biden states: “The answer is not to defund the police,” …“It’s to give you the tools, the training, the funding to be partners, to be protectors.” What was going on before? What was the funding and training for? “Pain compliance”, is that the kind of training and partnership being referred to? To send more officers to Israel for the kind of training that was created by my handlers to use abroad against insurgencies, paramilitaries, and military personnel during war times? Now it’s used by oppressive states to attack their own citizens at home while claiming to be “protecting rights”. The rights of whom? If ALL humans have universal human rights, why do certain humans rights continue to go ignored? The training that IS NOT needed is teaching law enforcement how to suppress populations who are experiencing oppression! Nor does the nation need to send more officers to Quantico to learn how to use tradecraft to be applied with predictive policing and other forms of advanced Ai along side energy weapons, military and intel spycraft, and other forms of classified technology and weaponry that the American people doesn’t even know exists. All in order to target “special interest areas” for the sake of “training”, “experimentation”, gerry rigging, gentrification, or displacing targeted members of society.
If more emphasis were placed on pursuing insurgents, domestic terrorism, pedophiles, traffickers, child pornography, stalkers, rapists, batterers, serial killers, child abusers, kidnappers, and all manner of psychopathic criminal activity then the nation would already be a much safer place. Instead prisons are filled with people named Tyrone who have braids in their hair and look like they could be my kid, arrested on charges like marijuana, or failure to pay a fine. Worst still, people making false statements to police, or God forbid police making false arrests, and locking up targets of violence rather than the actual offender. It happened to me, it happened to my son, it happened to my nephew, it happens all the time to Black people every where. “Everyone I know has had a family member arrested” my daughter said, she’s 14 years old. Kids grow up watching their families hunted like prey, just as I did, then people wonder why we protest, riot, burn buildings. BECAUSE BLACK PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF LIVING IN A DENIED HOLOCAUST THAT CONTINUES TO BE REDUCED TO “Black on Black crime”.
I was arrested for defending myself, the perpetrator went free and I went to jail in a nightgown and no bra after having a knife pulled on me in my own home and told I would never see my child again. “She needs to learn a lesson. She needs to know that she can’t do this.” The officer said, to this day I don’t know what he meant. They sent 12 officers to arrest me and gave me a “rough ride” where slid around in the back of the wagon without being secured and with spinal nerve injuries. My back was on fire when I was taken out of the vehicle. When they asked if I was okay, I said yes. The last thing I wanted was to reveal that they had hurt me, or to have to spend even more time in jail waiting on a “doctor” to check me out. Some of the officers were so angry about me being arrested, “this is wrong” they kept saying. Some even complained, if it weren’t for them I probably would have had to stay longer but they made sure I got out. It’s true that officers can treat all humans like humans, those that can’t don't’ need to be in law enforcement. EVER! Is that the kind of training you are going to GIVE or FIX?
A full background investigation that includes a thorough psychological investigation needs to be given before hire and at least every 6 months to ensure that issues are being caught before they arise. When officers are charged themselves, in their personal life, with sexual and domestic violence crimes there needs to be civilian investigations with civilian oversight boards to ensure that officers are not policing themselves and given preferential treatment to the perpetrators rather than the protecting the rights of the victim. I have been assaulted by persons at various level of law enforcement repeatedly, it is impossible to gain protection, support, or access to justice. This keeps the toxicity alive in the policing environment further separating every one from their ability to protect themselves and their rights. The same should be true for EVERY member of the justice system. AMERICA LOST IT’S SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES BETWEN 1980 AND 2007, this needs to be corrected, everywhere.
Less than 1% of all cases of rape are ever pursued, the cases of child molestation pursued are just slightly higher. Kidnapping cases are just as bad, particularly where anyone Black is involved, in fact the cases are a fraction of a percentage. Even in the most severe cases of domestic violence, more often than not the victim is arrested either along with or instead of the batterer in an “it takes two” scenario. Child pornography is so prevalent that social media sites literally complain about reporting posts that are forced into your feed and show obvious cases, nudity and extreme violence and all. Yet nothing is done to the social media companies, the perverts posting, the abusers in the video, or the deviants viewing the videos. When and how is law enforcement going to address websites or organizations that promote rape, incest, pedophilia, violence against women, or violence against targeted groups on the basis of race, religion, spiritual belief, culture, color, political beliefs, disability, or any other violation of human rights?
What about human trafficking. The response in America is absolutely abysmal, from every conceivable direction. When cases are reported they are generally ignored unless the reported perpetrator is Black. If it’s a social media site you are told to find another website to you use if you don’t like it! When these cases are reported to law enforcement they are ignored at every level from local to federal. There is no excuse.
The cases of officers dying in domestic violence situations are tragic all the way around! For the officer, the officers family, the victims, the victim’s family, and the perpetrator’s family. Even for the perpetrator, America can do a better job at providing offender services! Restorative justice can and does work when given an appropriate amount of “funding”, staffing, and services to support well researched, best practice strategies that have been proven effective by the experts in the field. Often times the victim has been ignored so many times that the situation finally reaches an escalation point that eventually ends in death. I have worked either adjacent to or in victim services for many decades. I am a survivor, still trying to break free from the chains of sexual and domestic violence. Law enforcement has been nothing but dangerous to me and my children at every turn. Even participating in violating me in every way, who do you report such crimes to? Law enforcement? My chain of command didn’t care because they were abusive too. It’s like trying to report cases of discrimination to those who discriminate, what will ever be done without the protection of human rights? NOTHING, but that’s the intent isn’t it?
No matter what kind of targeted victim you are, if you are Black or of a marginalized population you are automatically either a suspect or flat out blamed for the abuse. “What did you do to make him angry. Just do what he says. There are two sides to every story. Just leave him. You need to stay. You need to just obey. You need to do what you are told. Keep your mouth shut. Don’t put up with it. You need to go. Find somewhere else to live. That’s a personal problem. Maybe one day you’ll learn to deal with your own problems. Nobody cares. You better comply. Shut your mouth. You better talk. You put yourself in that position. Liberals don’t matter. BLACKS DON’T MATTER. PLAY STUPID GAMES GET STUPID CONSEQUENCES. KILL THE KID, IF THE MOM IS HOT RAPE HER. I DON’T BELIVE YOU!” These are all things I have heard from law enforcement, even the outreach personnel who’s job it is to be “partners” in the community. How do you intend to fund and train your way through that? The experts in the field have the answers, but they have been ignored for longer than I have been alive.
If you’re going to “train” law enforcement, they need to be trained by specialists who can educate them on the dynamics involved in situations they notoriously get wrong with tragic results. Victim advocates should be on every domestic violence and sexual violence call, every time without fail. From the first encounter, until they no longer want or need services, or until enough safety is established and justice is found that full wrap around services have been able support the victims until they reach stabilization. If you’re so concerned about “fiscal responsibility” then use the funds responsibly, to help heal the harm rather than helping those who harm continue to do so.
Tax dollars should NEVER be used to pay for any wrong doing of any public servant. I can’t get COVID relief and am sometimes denied food, have no access to the healthcare I need, and can’t even get social security after serving this country my ENTIRE life yet tax dollars pay the salaries of abusers, to pay to cover up their abuse, to pay to protect them during judicial proceedings, and to even pay their victims. In what way is this “fiscal responsibility”? What kind of “value system” is this? Certainly not one rooted in family values, that should be one that protects families targeted by abusers, not pushes them for trying to escape abuse!
There are myriad solutions that would help victims get the support they need and address the “both sides” myth that so often permeates society, confusing not only law enforcement but also magistrates (who also need to be overhauled), and prosecutors ( who also need to be overhauled), as well as judges (who also need to be overhauled). That being said, if you are extremist, abusive, or deviant behaviors you should NEVER qualify for a position where the public trust is required, ever. There are many tools that can be used to measure fitness, the CIA literally the most advanced system for analyzing a human thoroughly and the person who designed it has been begging to allow it to be deployed publicly particularly in the law enforcement field. He offers training, there is no excuse! Don’t hire extremists and abusers, if they are present in the field remove them. If it become a problem get them our of the field and into supportive services, if they can’t change they need to go. It’s not a mystery, it simply needs to happen. Allowing anything to slip limits access to community resources, and support that survivors need to get safe, stable, and healed. Failure to provide these outcomes ensures further stigmatization as well as marginalizing of victims who are already vulnerable, guaranteeing that more harm will take place.
The same is true in cases of human rights and civil rights violations, particularly in locations that are notoriously problematic. Like towns where less than 10% of the population are Black but they constitute a large percentage of the arrests made, as well as deaths and abuses. Situations that begin with a minor traffic offense and end in death should NEVER EVER happen. If officers can’t perform better than that they are in the wrong field. Cases where a neighbor can call the police for “loud music” during a pandemic and someone ends up harassed, or losing their home, or goes to jail, or worst ends up dead. Often, particularly as it pertain to Black and Brown people, charges stem from school referrals, nuisance or loitering, unlawful gathering, marijuana charges, unpaid fines, driving on suspended license, operating without a license, spitting on the sidewalk, jay walking, or non-violent misdemeanor cases that do not involve crimes of moral turpitude, OR BEING PRESENT WHEN A CRIME TAKES PLACE. If you didn’t do it, weren't’ involved in it, why are you being arrested? Literally officers are allowed to harass anyone. I count count the number of times I have heard “if I come out I have to make an arrest and if someone is injured and you both are involved I have to take everyone”.
GET LAW ENFORCEMNT OUT OF SCHOOLS. In order to secure the SAFETY of the students, L.E. can be used to secure the building and staff in cases of extreme threat like school shootings, or ADULTS threatening staff. But L.E. should NOT be engaging with students or policing halls and classrooms.
When my son was in high school the assistant principle literally tried to get him charged for holding up his fist during the pledge of allegiance because the school resource officer was offended claiming “it was in his face” which it wasn’t. I saw the picture, he wasn’t even looking at the cop. It was his “Black Lives Matter” protest, which is his right. It’s also his right NOT to say the pledge of allegiance, given how his family has been treated by the government I can see why he feels this way. I no longer say it either, I may never again. That is also my right, as it is for students. Children are going to jail over things like, but people are worried about he word “defund” only when Black people say it because we are tired of experiencing apartheid on our own lands. To be clear, we ARE Native American, my ancestors were on this land always, long before a European landed on these shores yet even our history is illegal! United Nations Anti-Defamation League Amnesty International Human Rights Watch UNESCO UNICEF UN Human Rights UN Women The White House Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers
When you’re white, you can make up the rules and laws as you go. When you’re Black, you are subject to these extreme violations of human rights constantly with no consequence. What kind of “training” will fix this without actionable policy changes, oversight, and transparency? It’s not every law enforcement officer, but it’s way more than is sustainable for a healthy democracy that is not on the brink of destruction. It is a problem everywhere, across the entire nation, on a mass scale. Minimizing the seriousness, denying the seriousness, and blaming the oppressed will only escalate conditions. If you are incapable of understanding this then you are one of the extreme personalities that does not need a position of authority where public trust is required. Ruling with fear does not earn trust, hence the state of not only the planet, but the nation. The number of people beaten, killed, falsely arrested, imprisoned, or otherwise assaulted at the hands of law enforcement is literally at apocalyptic rates, just like the death rate of Black Americans! It’s a problem for everyone, but Black men, women and children by far experience the greatest amount of abuse and oppression than any other population. Saying “this needs to stop” is not enough!
Sometimes the law itself needs to be changed. Processes are inconsistent, language up for interpretation, supervision and oversight lacking, and transparency non existent. Many times, as happens in the state of Virginia often, laws exist for the specific purpose of targeting marginalized persons for racist reasons, political reasons, and most certainly for the purposes of gentrification and elevating certain classes over others. Rounding up as many marginalized people as possible to get them out of the way of whiteness has always been a priority here, property values depend on it. So does tourism and investment dollars. The problem is the system not the people reporting the injustices within the system! Prioritizing corporate interests over human life is just ignorant, every time, period. There is no excuse for it. The conditions in this nation prove it to be effective for one reason only, the profitably of systemic oppression, white supremacy, and the oppression of Black people on our own lands.
America has lead the world in state sanctioned attacks and oppression of marginalized populations, the apocalyptic conditions of this country prove this to not only be a devolution but harmful to the entire planet as many other nations have followed suit. The total collapse of the planet will eventually be the result of failing to address inequality and the militarization of law enforcement. It’s not smart, it’s sadistic. I should know, it was engineered by may sadistic handlers. Prisons literally make money from it, officers have quotas, NONE OF THIS SHOULD BE HAPPENING! If these aren't the changes you are talking about then you are just talking about funding more state sanctioned violence in support of ethnic cleansing, which will certainly lead to that civil war you claim we aren’t in or headed into. Why bother with pretense if that’s the case? Are you biding time?
Until law enforcement understands how to protect human rights, advocates need to be present in high risk areas so that the most vulnerable populations DO NOT continue to be slaughtered at apocalyptic rates. YOU CLAIM THE SOLUTION IS WHAT WE HAVE ASKED FOR DECADE AFTER DECADE, these are not new requests, you just ignored them every time. PUT THEM IN PLACE IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT REFORM! There are DROVES of experts out there ready, willing, and able to step in and address the needs at hand in a fair and humane manner. It is not so difficult and confusing that it can’t be solved, politicians make it that way, so do abusers and extremists. My handler believed that men should be able to prey, rape, molest, and kill at will. That’s why he engineered systems that would allow for it. I have been tortured all my life because of it. My children, and my family have all suffered because of it. These systems need to either be dismantled, defunded, or completely overhauled without exception. Put as much energy into reform as you do complaining about saying “defund”.
Domestic terrorism is the worst it has EVER been in the history of the United States. Get more Strike Force teams on the ground, people who are expertly trained to see past political rhetoric regardless of where it comes from. People who know what tradecraft is and how to spot it when being applied illegally on U.S. soil against civilians during peace times, as if we are at war. People who know how to, swear an oath to, and are willing to do the job they are paid tax dollars to do regardless of personal preference, belief systems, or bias. If America is NOT a failed state, is not in a civil war, is not headed into a civil war, or is a diverse democracy with equal opportunity then prove it! Hire the people who WANT reform, not those who want to move backward to a time when it was easier to violate human rights without consequence.
Hire the people who can deliver the results legally, swiftly, expertly, with the intel needed to secure prosecutions of the CORRECT perpetrators of the most dangerous crimes America has ever seen. Rather than harassing disabled women and her children struggling to escape abuse, harass the abusers instead! Rather than arresting children as “prostitutes” arrest the people trafficking and raping them instead! Arrest the deviants paying the traffickers to violate human lives in ways that are too “offensive” to be spoken of publicly because people find it too “triggering”, “painful” or “too negative”, but victims live it.
Media (including social media) pertaining to crime, arrests, victims of EVERY kind, as well as the accused and the convicted needs to be regulated. For decades America has been exposed to racist propaganda, extremist rhetoric, and dehumanization of targeted populations. People are reduced to “bodies”, tropes, talking points, and dog whistles become violent attacks. Not only should these actions be held to accountability but so should ALL those instigating them. Prioritizing white rage over human rights shouldn’t result in the storming of the Capital , but it did. Media should have universal standards (without violating constitutional rights) that protect human life, rights, and the constitution. It existed before, violated no rights, and protected the public. Allowing people and corporations to not only prey on the public but even deploy actual mind control and premilitary spycraft techniques SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. I CAN’T BELIVE THIS EVEN NEEDS TO BE SAID!
People’s lives should not become fodder for political attacks, online or in real life. When media (and social media) companies fail to take action to protect lives, or intentionally take actions that cause harm, there needs to be actionable consequences enforceable by law. We have lived decades of GIANTS stepping on the most vulnerable as though we are ants and no one cares to change a thing because those in the highest leadership positions profit from it. That being said, no one will respect or turst anyone or anything until there is a top down overhaul of the government itself, no more means no more!
“This needs to stop” is not enough, actions must be taken now. America needs tangibles like either getting rid of predictive policing, or adapting ethical standards that are applied to ensure that they are not harmful, biased or vulnerable to exploitation. Another good place to start is by stopping propaganda which became possible when FCC regulators came under attack along with all other aspects of oversight. Everyone knows who is responsible for deregulation and why, it’s time to reverse those harmful strategies once and for all. Educate the public on what you are doing as you do it. By the way, had education not been defunded, most of this wouldn’t be an issue. You can’t defund education and mental heal and NOT expect the results that have occurred. These outcomes were predicted, this is not a surprise to anyone. Black America is tired of the entire globe standing on our entire collectives to reach the heavens, literally. Even the two main men responsible for deregulation understood that deregulation was a ploy that could not be sustained.
When protective parents report child abuse, do not arrest them for “causing trouble” instead of focusing on the abusers and the abuse. The days of prioritizing abusers and punishing targeted victims for reporting human rights abuses must be over with, forever. Not only are the most vulnerable targeted for abuse and then the damage suffered ignored, but the “feelings’ and “fears” of the perpetrators continue to be prioritized over human rights. This shouldn’t even be a question, ALL HUMAN LIFE MATTERS, we all need to be protected equally, above property and corporations.
Put the abusers in jail rather than making excuses for them, blaming the children for making false reports, or accusing protective parents of being “crazy” for trying to get help for the children being abused. Train officers on child abuse, they need to sit through at least 40 hour of sexual and domestic violence intervention training (which includes child abuse), then another 40 hours of human trafficking intervention training. All officers all over the country need the same training, local statues are handled by law enforcement however victim rights advocates are the experts who trained to advocate for and protect victim advocates. Stop allowing the justice system to block victim rights and their access to advocacy. You have no problem defunding victims rights programs, but you have a problem defunding corrupt law enforcement agencies that protect the abusers and refuse to treat all persons equally? Activists, advocates, and residents crying defund IS NOT THE PROBLEM so stop minimizing, denying, and blaming as these are ALL hallmarks of the cycle of abuse.
Every aspect of the judicial system needs an overhaul, you can’t keep piecemealing and expecting “compliance” of the very lives who’s rights you deny, dehumanize, abuse, imprison and even slaughter at will with impunity. Solutions are everywhere, you continue to ignore them so again, stop pointing to the problem as a being the “defund” rally cry (which was taken from the GOP playbook) as an excuse to further abuse. No one responds to white people or the GOP that way, if there is equality and “race doesn’t” matter, then no one should be treating other populations that way for using the same strategies then correct? But that doesn't’ happen because it’s all a lie to protect white supremacy. You cannot keep ignoring the white elephant in the middle of the nation expecting targeted populations to ignore the violation of their humanity. Every day we keep hearing about how race obsessed the “left” and Black people are, rhetoric such as that is what creates, amplifies, and maintains the toxic racist system of hate that is systemic oppression. Black people do indeed have human rights and if America continues to trample on them then she cannot claim anything other than tyrannical dictatorship during the ethnic cleansing of a Black holocaust that went ignored for more than 500 years.
The Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance is the absolute best agency I have seen in 46 years that is highly qualified, capable, and I am certain ready willing and able to receive the funding needed to put together a national program (with “partners”) to deploy a training curriculum for both sexual and domestic violence intervention as well as human trafficking intervention and prevention. In fact, they already have expert training materials as well as staff who can provide the training. They are EXCELLENT at providing oversight (which should be managed by community third parties such as these types of NGO’s) and indeed they have advocated for such practices probably longer than I have been aware they existed. THERE ARE ALWAYS SOLUTIONS, VICTIM ADVOCATES HAVE BEEN PROMOTING THEM FOR LOGER THAN I HAVE LIVED. GOVERNMENT LEADERSHIP HAS REFUSED TO LISTEN! No more excuses, the American people want tangibles! That’s why we vote, not to embolden politicians to do whatever they please with human rights, tax dollars, classified tech, and government personnel. I have lived the hell that is that kind of reckless, runaway governance all my life. My children and I suffer every day, with VERY little support and all the blame because of it. We are demanding change now!
If you want to spend all those funds on training, do it correctly! Not training them on how to further oppress protestors trying to exercise their constitutional right to express outrage over state sanctioned killings. Yes, you need de-escalation training, but that’s not really the problem now is it? You need DEMILITARIZATION training! Considering the the threat level facing the country, I’m not advocating for reducing police activity, or funding in most circumstances. But I do advocate in defunding in cases of corrupt jurisdictions that refuse to comply with constitutional law, human rights, or the rule of law! If you can’t do the job you are paid to do, and more than 60% of the agency operates at that level, it needs to be defunded until they can produce better outcomes! THAT IS NOT UNREASONABLE, IT’S FISCAL RESPONSIBILITIY!
There are entire jurisdictions in this country that refuse to see Black people as human beings. Training will NEVER address that problem! What do you propose to do in those cases? How do you intend to protect ALL human life? The focus is ALWAYS on protecting whiteness, in every way. What about the rights of everyone else? Every other marginalized population has special protection, not only will it be more difficult to violate their human rights but it will also be easier for them to pursue justice when they are violated. That didn’t happen for Black America. How do you intend to address that? As long as you continue to refuse to recognize the human rights of Black people, the problems will continue to escalate, is that the plan? Joe Biden
You have promised NOT to drive America into a forever civil war, but you are positioning the nation to do just that. With the policy decisions you have made (or the lack thereof) you have ensured that White people, white supremacists, allies of white supremacy, and white passing populations (in order to maintain a white majority in America) continue to be protected while further marginalizing the Black population (whom you can’t even number at this point due to ethnic cleansing).
You have ensured that Black people and anyone supporting the protection of Black lives are free to continue to be targeted not only by law enforcement at every level but even by so called self proclaimed “vigilantes”, fake patriots, militias, paramilitary groups, extremists, and any person in general with a desire to hurt people. You have taken no steps to protect Black people, so with all your reform, without the protection of human rights by way of legislation you have guaranteed that Black people will be left behind, again, unlike EVERY other marginalized population. This didn’t start with COIVD or protests, it’s gone on as long as White people have been on this land. Yet police still have immunity, no oversight, no transparency, no accountability, leadership has taken no action to correct the problems, and there is no strategy in place to fix any of it! Much like the COVID response and the issues facing climate change. NO ONE voted for this!
Performative politics will not prevent violence of any kind, in fact the last 5 years have proven that it is the cause of escalations. The majority of Americans interested in effecting positive change do not care about your upcoming elections, your campaigns, your donors, your cronies, or how you look on a campaign trail. We care about tangibles. We care about having a better quality of life. If at any given point in the last 46 years a law enforcement officer (or anyone else in the justice system) had actually done their job on my behalf, just once, I would be living a different life entirely! Instead I have become totally, fully, and permanently disabled with zero income, no access to resources at all, constantly under attack daily, civil, human, and constitutional rights attacked with impunity 24/7/365 and no hope in sight of a single issue being resolved in my favor because NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE VIOLATION OF BLACK WOMEN AND CHILDREN’S RIGHTS LET ALONE A BLACK MAN’S! But were expected to comply with those who are eradicating us at will?
Until we see tangibles, America will continue to be a failed state under occupation of a far right extremist insurgency that has all 3 branches of government in a stranglehold. I had two of the most expert operative in U.S. history train me to look for conditions just like this to sound the alarm on them without let up until ACTUAL CHANGE takes place. Never in my life have I failed to do what I was ordered and swore an oath to do, I’m damn sure not going to stop now when Black lives are suffering ethnic cleansing and my own government refuses to do one thing about it!
ALL Black people were clearly aware that no one was going to remove funding from law enforcement unless it served another purpose, but taking a page from the GOP handbook and calling for “fiscal responsibility” had the desired impact we wanted. It got your attention didn't it? It exposed the lies, hypocrisy, malicious intent that is always hidden, and revealed the truth of the hamstring that is the current state of all 3 branches of the U.S. government. Say what you will, but we risk our lives daily to fight for the protections of human rights for ALL while we get treated like runaway slaves. Democracy would already be dead without our strength, we aren’t backing down now but we also won’t forget what has happened here. We will NEVER let anyone else forget it either, regardless of the censoring, muting, silencing, Ai scrubbing, and distractions.
When America is able to recognize Black Americans for who and what we truly are, an oppressed people on our own lands who can’t even legally talk about our own history in public let alone protect our lives, children, property, and culture (even though many of us ARE THE INDEGENOUS PEOPLE’S OF AMERICA) then America will be able to call itself a free, equal, functioning democracy! As it stands, we get killed in mass EVEN IN HEALTHARE! America is far from calling itself democratic, safe, stable, or even human. But you can’t even make voting rights happen, so no one is holding their breath!
By the way, when will I have my contract honored, or have my education credentials unredacted and returned to me, or my file underacted and returned, or my name cleared of the false accusations that forced me to suffer decades of stigma and black listing, or the ability to access the internet freely and equally, or the ability to earn income without my intellectual property being blocked, censored, muted, or stolen? But you can’t even make Social Security, SSI, or COVID relief happen for me. I still haven’t received a single penny and most of the time can’t even get any form of aid or public assistance though I am totally, permanently, and fully disabled from serving this country! I’m not holding my breath, I’m just going to keep blowing the whistle until Pandora’s Black Box is emptied, just like I was trained to do.
The full article detailing the Biden quote was found here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/06/midterms-joe-biden-violent-crime