The Black Tax And It’s Consequences
The impact of social engineering
Black people pay more for everything! Not just financially, but emotionally, psychically, mentally, physically. Not just in America, but across the entire planet. THE ENTIRE Black African diaspora has been under attack since colonialism and the current conditions within the world are the result of it’s cannibalistic approach to life.
If you have to eradicate a people to prove “superiority” then your agenda has already been defeated by your own “inferior” thinking. A person’s character can be judged by the types of battles with which they engage. Going to war against the most vulnerable and weak in society make you less powerful than the targets you seek victimize, otherwise there would be no reason for you to choose “war”.
“WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!” Is what we hear daily, but it’s the attackers making the claim. “Victimization” is a typical response of abusers of every type, this has always been true. Society just chooses to ignore the problems rather than facing them head on. This must change. The problem of abuse cannot be solved by ignoring the rights of victims while simultaneously empowering the abuser. The idea that abusers will right any wrong is total and complete fantasy. Abusers do not choose non-abusive behaviors. They choose abuse because they receive the rewards they are looking for. As long as abuse continues to go unchecked, unpunished, minimized, denied, and the impact of it blamed on the targets then the abusers will continue their escalations and further disempower their targets. The fact that more than 70% of the planet is now under authoritarian rule is the consequence of this behavior. The mass death of not only COVID but systemic oppression, the consequence of overlooking abuse and the rights of targets while empowering the abusers.
It happens across all spectrums of society affecting every aspect of survivability for the most vulnerable populations globally. We’re all supposed to accept this as our “lot in life” as the very populations grifting, thieving, attacking, abusing, warmongering, and appropriating are the ones profiting off all the abuse and absconding with all of the world’s collective vital resources. The entire planet being held ransom for the sake of the lie of the “superiority” of “white supremacy” as the ability to reverse the harm and save everything continues to be pushed out of reach. As time winds down, the most vulnerable populations remain the ones who shoulder the weight of tyranny and oppression as the oppressors lift themselves to higher elevations, even unto space, by standing on the collective necks of the most vulnerable populations. Living lavishly off of the work of the most vulnerable claiming entitlement while simultaneously denying that privilege is real. We’re all supposed to accept this as our “fate” and “lot in life” having received the “short end of the stick” and if we fight it then we are punished with imprisonment, rape, torture, kidnapping, death, in mass, all day every day. How is this okay? Human Rights Watch UN Human Rights Amnesty International USA
The cost of being Black is more than anyone can afford to pay. We pay more for EVERYHTHING, this is called “capitalism” and we’re expected to adhere to it’s ways. There is never an ounce of accountability for any of the crimes committed, yet we are criminalized and penalized for the consequences.
We are kept from obtaining healthcare; abused in the very system meant to save lives resulting in mass death. There is no accountability for the violations of our human rights, the only explanation given is either “we don't’ know what happened” or “it’s the choices they make” placing the blame on the decisions of targets rather than the decisions of abusers.
We are prevented from accessing healthy food and clean water. Both circumstances socially engineered to ensure that these life sustaining necessities are kept out of our reach resulting in serious health conditions (for which we are then denied care), declining neurological capabilities (for which we are denied care), and mass death. The consequences for all of which are scapegoated onto us.
We pay more for everything. Utilities, housing, food, water, education, interests on loans, automobiles, every necessity of life. All things. There is no consequence for this violation of our human rights, the conditions are minimized, denied, and blame passed onto the targets rather then directed at the offender.
We pay more for insurance, every form; auto, life, medical, business, property, risk, everything. This interferes with our ability to protect ourselves from harm. We are required by law to pay for a lot of these insurances at our own cost, then we are denied access to the benefits of the insurance policies when circumstances warrant it. In fact, even if there is a payout, the system is so corrupt that the people within the system benefit from our payout rather than we ourselves. There is no access to justice in addressing these matters, we are scapegoated for all consequences.
We are policed and gerry rigged out of educational opportunities, entrepreneurial opportunities, business opportunities, investment opportunities, wealth building, housing, access to employment, access to justice, and the ability to move about the nation freely. There is no solution or process for addressing these violations of our human rights. There is no access to justice to even have the ability to argue our human rights. There is never accountability. Though all of these problems can be addressed by using the Constitution, extremists and obstructionists in politics as well as elite and wealthy members of society continue to block all possibility of gaining access to protections via judicial process. Yet the fact that America has become a failed state continues to go ignored and even called fake. I am continue to be censored, muted, shadow banned, stalked, surveilled, and abused because I point this out. Yet this is what I was trained by the United States Government to do.
We are policed out of public spaces. Hunted, purged, criminalized, pathologized, and stigmatized simply for existing. There is no consequence for the violations of our human rights. While every other population, and special interest group continues to be prioritized over our human rights, including the nazis and extremists who are operating the insurgency occupying America and other nations, Black America continues to be “left behind” just a it was during the 1980s “no child left behind” campaign that left ALL Black children behind via social engineering and the deployment of systemic oppression.
Human rights are not a political issue, they are a global humanitarian crisis that cannot be ignored! Life is an inalienable right that has been weaponized to support white supremacy. The entire planet has suffered the most extreme assaults modern humans have ever known, the most vulnerable populations globally suffering the greatest negative impact as a result. To minimize these facts is nothing more than absolute evil. To ignore these facts is absolutely diabolical. To do nothing about the reality of these facts while the planet is quickly deteriorating to almost reaching the point of no return is clearly insane. The wealthy elite escaping to space while 99% of the planet dies out is not a sustainable option for humanity. It never was.
Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME
UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Amnesty International Human Rights Watch Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus