The Contract
He promised 50mil
upon completion
Twenty years
would be fulfillment
Actually served 46
but that’s neither here nor there
The terms of this contract
will be felt and heard everywhere
He promised
signed my name in blood
attacked, raped, berated
Whatever he felt would
destroy my confidence
He even tried to kill me
to ensure
they never felt a consequence
I live
I remain
Their agenda harmed in every way
yet I persisted
so my life I claim
I am owed what I was promised
regardless of what insurgents claim
Why would you believe them anyway
They are fighting for dark days
While I have always fought
to light the way
No for “all”
But for ALL
Together we are powerful
We are all flesh and blood
one and the same
Differences should be embraced
We should learn from each other
this entire planet
could be advanced
into Class I status
The ability to do so
has existed for decades
So why does the world placate
Honor my contract
let me be on my way
Pandora will continue
to rain on the “filthy hit parade”
My handlers did a lot wrong
One thing they didn’t screw up
My training
You know why
That was how THEY got paid!