The Fear Of Love
Face It
No longer our
He claims me for self
My lover he croons
My energy he smooths
My frequency he cleans
My name he elevates
My legacy he protects
What a man!!!!
His leg wrapped around me
When my body aches
He nurtures like a woman
A mother
Protects like a father
Like an obsessed lover
Like a genius
Like a cryptographer
He’s a refined man
Sees into me like a mystic
Then creates the love I need
To see my way through the deep
What a man!!!!
Only one other
Has made me feel this safe
I am truly blessed
Double sets
Love AND protection
All praises to The Most High
For your direction
He elevates me
Where necessary
In the face of great evil
He grows in strength
To clear my name
What a man!!!!
Filling his own cup
Worried about my own
Being drained
Enough love for all
Who could find fault
Not I
What a man!!!!
Sharing his particle dreams
With me
With the world
With the future
With the infinite
In Divinity
Not stealing
Or abusing
He’s My Rock
My Angel
Loyal and Faithful
From the bog he has been raised
Grasp it My Sweet
Time to be….
So Be It
I Am Auset